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I just stated a fact. Like some people are white, some black some brown. That's the beauty of this worl. Just like you accepted the fact that MQM is behind policemen killings.

There is nothing wrong with calling Altaf as Kaalia .. I don't know why people have a problem with this. People refer to Obama as Black president of USA too..
I think Saulat Mirza was arrested, not murdered, but this guy is famous for murdering hundreds of Mohajirs directly or indirectly. Rehman Dakait was executed when he became too big for his boots and until that point he was under superb PPP protection, same as Najeeb in 1989-90, this is history of PPP. Clearly this police officer is a hired gun in uniform.

For the bold part, you may consider them thugs and punish them too. I will be at your side supporting you but only if you punish those first who committed all the hate crimes against Mohajirs....the ones who started it all from 1964. When you take in to account the 50 year old history of Karachi and Mohajirs, your view might be very different then what it is today....but only if you are fair in nature. If you also read up on history you will note that Sindhi's do not fight, they are not famous for fighting, rather they need Sindhi Baloch to wage their wars.

---------- Post added at 01:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:38 PM ----------

I don't judge people on their skin colour or looks.

saulat mirzabelonged to MQM! how can he hurt mqm people? and if he did and this chaudry aslam guy arrested him then how is chaudry aslam a thug?? isn't he a saint that rescued karachi from saulat mirza type gangsters???

& as for "mohajir" again i am sorry but more than 60 years have passed and no one is a mohajir in pakistan! except maybe afghanis!

as for hate crimes against "mohajirs" well i know one thing and that is till the rise of MQM karachi was roshniyoun ka shehaair and was most peaceful city in the country! and finally you yourself admitted MQM killed 196 police officers of the 200 that carried out operation against thugs in MQM! so mqm took revenge from police for killig criminals!! hence MQM supports criminals and is a criminal party!

learn to respect heroes of PAKISTAN like CHAUDRY ASLAM rather than hating them and having khunnas against them just because he is not urdu speaking!!! think pakistan not just your party(MQM)!
I just stated a fact. Like some people are white, some black some brown. That's the beauty of this worl. Just like you accepted the fact that MQM is behind policemen killings.

I am offended when I am called a Mohajir by a non-Mohajir, I am also offended when called a **** or Indian by non-Pakistani's and so on. It's not the fact that we refer to, when we call people kaalia or gora etc., it's the manner in which we use it at times that is offending.

Why do you want to engage in useless, waste of time discussions and arguments?

---------- Post added at 01:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:00 PM ----------

There is nothing wrong with calling Altaf as Kaalia .. I don't know why people have a problem with this. People refer to Obama as Black president of USA too..

Please read my post above. And nobody really calls him the black president, referral is entirely something else, the politically correct term is 'African American'. Despite that it's the manner in which certain terms are used that offends others because that's precisely what they are meant to do.
saulat mirzabelonged to MQM! how can he hurt mqm people? and if he did and this chaudry aslam guy arrested him then how is chaudry aslam a thug?? isn't he a saint that rescued karachi from saulat mirza type gangsters???!

My first line was about Saulat Mirza, but beyond the first comma the rest of the para was referring to Chaudhary Aslam.

& as for "mohajir" again i am sorry but more than 60 years have passed and no one is a mohajir in pakistan! except maybe afghanis!

Let's be realistic here huh. We will always be Mohajirs.

as for hate crimes against "mohajirs" well i know one thing and that is till the rise of MQM karachi was roshniyoun ka shehaair and was most peaceful city in the country! and finally you yourself admitted MQM killed 196 police officers of the 200 that carried out operation against thugs in MQM! so mqm took revenge from police for killig criminals!! hence MQM supports criminals and is a criminal party!

All you earn with repeated posts like this is my anger and hate against all your kind!

I keep saying that these 200 policemen were involved in extrajudicial murder of thousands of Mohajirs and you keep calling those martyrs 'thugs'! This is precisely why we can never live in peace because you kill us and then call us thugs. We don't appreciate being murdered.

By the way, a 'Criminal' is technically anyone who breaks the law, including those in uniform! Sometimes we all need vigilante justice.

learn to respect heroes of PAKISTAN like CHAUDRY ASLAM rather than hating them and having khunnas against them just because he is not urdu speaking!!! think pakistan not just your party(MQM)!

Lol.....**** MQM!! But only if you give me something better.

Just take 1 example of Ch. Aslam, this guy executes a man in front of witnesses and later the victim is labelled Barohi (Aashiq or Mashooq or something like that), a well known dacoit. Ofcourse Ch. Aslam was rewarded for heroism and the execution is called an encounter b/w dacoits and police. Ironically......Barohi was in jail this whole time!! That's Aslam for you and that's the legal system.
My first line was about Saulat Mirza, but beyond the first comma the rest of the para was referring to Chaudhary Aslam.

Let's be realistic here huh. We will always be Mohajirs.

All you earn with repeated posts like this is my anger and hate against all your kind!

I keep saying that these 200 policemen were involved in extrajudicial murder of thousands of Mohajirs and you keep calling those martyrs 'thugs'! This is precisely why we can never live in peace because you kill us and then call us thugs. We don't appreciate being murdered.

By the way, a 'Criminal' is technically anyone who breaks the law, including those in uniform! Sometimes we all need vigilante justice.

Lol.....**** MQM!! But only if you give me something better.

Just take 1 example of Ch. Aslam, this guy executes a man in front of witnesses and later the victim is labelled Barohi (Aashiq or Mashooq or something like that), a well known dacoit. Ofcourse Ch. Aslam was rewarded for heroism and the execution is called an encounter b/w dacoits and police. Ironically......Barohi was in jail this whole time!! That's Aslam for you and that's the legal system.

ok so you consider yourself a muhajir? well then YOU can leave pakistan just you! not any other urdu speaking person because i know for a fact they love pakistan and they are more pakistani than any other! BUT YOU on the other hand consider yourself to be a muhajir then you can go live with altaf bhai.

as for your anger good i don't care because if my stating of facts angers you then so be it. as for 200 policemen they did an operation against mqm criminal elements and YOU CONFESSED that 196 of them are dead then it clearly states that MQM has target killers killing men in uniform! and there are confessions as well now from target killers of MQM plus torture cells found in yusuf plaza!

and finally a JIT report! so you can deny everything but MQM is was and will be a terrorist party just like nazis!

& if you have something against the legal system of paksitan then why is MQM going to CJ and saying we will support the investigation into target killings of karachi?

if the judgement comes in MQM favour then it is accepted if not then it will be called "establishment ki saazish"
What is your point here?

Simple words -> Our agencies cannot be trusted. They have proven time and again that they follow their own agendas and they are so strong that nobody can openly challenge them. As the saying goes "Might is Right".

Yes, this is off topic and again you do not provide any evidence to counter my arguments. I assume that while sitting in your lounge in Australia you have first hand knowledge of these allegations against Rangers and all MQM innocence is drooling. As always no evidence is given. My suggestion to you is to challenge the gossip that makes you reach such wild conclusions..

Also - you mentioned reading history but you don't seem to know what is the purpose of Rangers .. below is the verbatim quote from Pak Army's website about rangers:

"The lexical meaning of the word ‘Ranger’ is “Keeper of a Park”. Pakistan Rangers (Sindh) is a Force devoted to the protection and upkeep of the World’s most beautiful park of Pakistan.

Pakistan Rangers (Sindh), the custodian of Mehran Valley, are not only safeguarding 912 kilometres border with India in the Province of Sindhbut also keeping a close watch on the activities of anti-state elements round the clock; be it the metropolitan city or vast stretches of arid desert."

The above are just some points to consider on the law and order situation we faced in the past few months. Think about it.

While I have spent numerous years abroad, I am currently in Pakistan. Have been here for the past 2+ years, in Karachi.

Sometimes we have to think out of the box, about things suddenly spiraling out of hand as soon as Rangers contract was to be reviewed, well we have to put 2 and 2 together. Can you deny the businesses that Rangers are involved in? Can you deny the magnitude of income here compared to rough and hard labor at the border? Can you deny that it is in the interest of the Rangers to maintain a presence in this city, financially? Think long, think hard and try and think out of the box.

If you watched the video - if you heard about his training by RAW in India . then isn't this treason enough?

No.Unless he was involved in anti Pakistan activities, he has not committed any treason. We go all over the world for training and education, is any of that treason? Even militarily, our troops are trained all over the world and trainers from all over the world come to Pakistan to train our military.....is that treason? And did you watch the part of the video where he tells you that MQM was never involved in anti state activities, neither does it want partition of Pakistan?

Now you are contradicting yourself. First line you say I did not provide a single SHRED of evidence then you continue to say that i posted a confessions. My question to you is, being a muslim , a human being and son of your father - put a hand on your heart and say that this confession and the list of criminal cases that were 'forgiven' via NRO is not evidence for you?

Let me tell you how the law is supposed to work. A crime happens, the police (and other investigating agencies) investigate the crime (depending on jurisdiction which again depends upon the crime), usually the trails lead to a criminal who is arrested (after a warrant is acquired for his/her arrest). The alleged criminal is presented to court who may or may not give him/her into remand. Now please let me tell you how a remand works, a remand is an extension of period provided to the crime investigation agencies to gather evidence and witnesses against the accused (remand does not allow torture of any kind). The alleged criminal and the gathered evidences/witnesses are produced in the court which then decides on the verdict which can be guilty (with sentence) or not guilty.

Now tell me, is that how it happens in Karachi?

This is why I keep bringing the oath that MQM'ers have to take - this is the evidence that such oaths exist .. otherwise no sane person would deny this. and Saulat Mirza has been convicted by courts and awaiting death sentence. .. But then you have accepted that MQM'ers murder blatantly in cold blood to 'protect' karachi and Pakistan .. wow !! so , please tell me how murders of Hakeem Saeed, Tariq Azeem, Wali Babar and May 12 victims protected Karachi .. I am sure you have taken this oath .. .

Murderers of Hakeem Saeed, Tariq Azeem, Wali Babar etc. and all innocent victims of May 12, 1964, 1969, 1974, 1983, 1991-1999, 2008-2011 etc. should be hanged in public after fair trails to ensure no innocent is punished either by the courts or by these criminals, ever again.

And you provided evidence of the oath? Where, I recall no evidence, no references with links, nothing that could be cross checked. Please do so now.

For things that I have provided your video evidence you think its not sufficient .. a persons video confession isn't enough .. for oaths I have quoted you news paper cuttings .. now you are requesting video .. when I will give you video for oaths .. you will say they are fake ..

Have we not always argues on murders? What evidence have you provided? That of some guy who confesses that he trained in India.....but is there a confession to his alleged murders and victims? Where are all the dirty details? Where are the courts? Where's the verdict?

In return you have only harped and tried unsuccessfully to question your way out of this discussion.

So, to make things easier for you - I ask you:

1. Would you only find the Oath to be wrong assuming my evidence is good enough for you? Or will you condemn the MQM top brass for taking such an oath?
2. Are you admitting that MQM have murdered people? Its good if you have agreed on this.
3. When was the last time you set foot in Pakistan? and how long were you in Pakistan? Pls be honest.
4. Do you have any business in Pakistan? Any investment / immediate family?
5. Do you provide regular funds to MQM?
6. Do you not find it wrong that MQM's Altaf is a British National leading a Pakistani party?

No harping - just simple answers will be good

1. Yes, I would call them retards if the oaths were a reality
2. No, MQM has not murdered any 'people'. MQM murdered only mass murderers and criminals (beasts is actually the right word) who were carrying out ethnic cleansing by raping and murdering indiscriminately.
3. I am in Pakistan.
4. My whole family is in Karachi, we have no business but all our stake is in the well being of this city and this country.
5. I have never provided anything to MQM except words and moral support on and off the net.
6. I, too, am a foreign national yet I choose to continue to live in Pakistan because this is my home so no, I do not find it wrong. However, I do not support AH's way of speech but I support the meaning of his words.

---------- Post added at 02:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:26 PM ----------

ok so you consider yourself a muhajir? well then YOU can leave pakistan just you! not any other urdu speaking person because i know for a fact they love pakistan and they are more pakistani than any other! BUT YOU on the other hand consider yourself to be a muhajir then you can go live with altaf bhai.

as for your anger good i don't care because if my stating of facts angers you then so be it. as for 200 policemen they did an operation against mqm criminal elements and YOU CONFESSED that 196 of them are dead then it clearly states that MQM has target killers killing men in uniform! and there are confessions as well now from target killers of MQM plus torture cells found in yusuf plaza!

and finally a JIT report! so you can deny everything but MQM is was and will be a terrorist party just like nazis!

& if you have something against the legal system of paksitan then why is MQM going to CJ and saying we will support the investigation into target killings of karachi?

if the judgement comes in MQM favour then it is accepted if not then it will be called "establishment ki saazish"

Explanations de de ke to thak gaya bhai mei, so in other words....ukhaar le jo ukhaarna hai!
I am offended when I am called a Mohajir by a non-Mohajir, I am also offended when called a **** or Indian by non-Pakistani's and so on. It's not the fact that we refer to, when we call people kaalia or gora etc., it's the manner in which we use it at times that is offending.

Why do you want to engage in useless, waste of time discussions and arguments?

---------- Post added at 01:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:00 PM ----------

Please read my post above. And nobody really calls him the black president, referral is entirely something else, the politically correct term is 'African American'. Despite that it's the manner in which certain terms are used that offends others because that's precisely what they are meant to do.

Dude .. read below and tell me whether a major newspaper is referring to him as Black president or African American ..

Barack Obama to be America's first black president | World news | guardian.co.uk

I thought you are well read .. ?
Bhai maverick lol just ignore these Urdu speaking haters. You know in the end we are still the most successful group in Pakistan. And haters are our motivators.
Bhai maverick lol just ignore these Urdu speaking haters. You know in the end we are still the most successful group in Pakistan. And haters are our motivators.

Do you understand English? I hope so. Let me repeat .. we don't hate urdu speakers .. we hate MQM... I hope this is clear..
Do you understand English? I hope so. Let me repeat .. we don't hate urdu speakers .. we hate MQM... I hope this is clear..

Stfu I know very well who you hate and why you hate them. People like you use MQM as a front to hate on Urdu Speakers. Don't act stupid in front of me.
1. Yes, I would call them retards if the oaths were a reality
2. No, MQM has not murdered any 'people'. MQM murdered only mass murderers and criminals (beasts is actually the right word) who were carrying out ethnic cleansing by raping and murdering indiscriminately.
3. I am in Pakistan.
4. My whole family is in Karachi, we have no business but all our stake is in the well being of this city and this country.
5. I have never provided anything to MQM except words and moral support on and off the net.
6. I, too, am a foreign national yet I choose to continue to live in Pakistan because this is my home so no, I do not find it wrong. However, I do not support AH's way of speech but I support the meaning of his words.

1. Good
2. So, are you saying that anyone MQM murdered were not human beings? Wow .. strong statement that. Can you provide categorical evidence of this? I really want to see who was murdered by whom. Enough of wild generalized allegations lets have some details and evidence?
3. Its good that you are in Pakistan - are u in karachi?
5. The reason for your moral support being what? These are butchers . have you seen the HRCP's report about 12th May?
6. What a contradiction man... you say you are a FOREIGN NATIONAL YET you are a Pakistani?? How can one be a foreign national yet a Pakistani?? So you have sworn allegiance to another country yet you are a patriot Pakistani? wonder how that works? A bit hypocritical isn't it? Amazing!!

You support meaning of AH's words .. ok ... so you agree with his statement in India about Partition? Also, that he threatened a Pakistani journalist? Also, that he held Quran and was singing songs and dancing? Also, that he lied a numerous times on oath in his 9/9 press conference?

I am still awaiting the ISI report that you referenced ?
Did I not explain how a term gets offending by tone of one's expression whether written or verbal? Please try and understand my previous post carefully.

Fact is .. that a major newspaper is referring him as a Black president. Translation of Black in urdu is kaalaa ... unless you have a different meaning please enlighten me.

So, to call Altaf Kaalia .. is calling him as Blacky ...

Obama can be referred to as a Black but not Altaf .. its unfair to Altaf I 'd say.
Fact is .. that a major newspaper is referring him as a Black president. Translation of Black in urdu is kaalaa ... unless you have a different meaning please enlighten me.

So, to call Altaf Kaalia .. is calling him as Blacky ...

Obama can be referred to as a Black but not Altaf .. its unfair to Altaf I 'd say.

Stfu I know very well who you hate and why you hate them. People like you use MQM as a front to hate on Urdu Speakers. Don't act stupid in front of me.

haha .. typical response from mqm fanboy when you have no arguments.

This is why my pre-emptive question was whether you understand English or not? It seems you don't.

Your nick says Karachiite but maybe there is a karachi in Toronto too? When was the last time you were in Karachi?

Let us talk on issues and if you are man enough then don't get emotional and using curses doesn't help your cause at all. I repeat I hate MQM as they are butchers and evil. I have no hatred against Urdu speakers. You are welcome to disprove my arguments by presenting arguments that prove so. Otherwise - zip it.
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