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Justice Done Stop Crying

I think I understand what you are saying but we have to take into account that since it is indeed the parliment which is to implement article 6, then it is the job of the parliment to interpret it. Knowing how our politicians are, how can we assume that they will not pervert it to use it against Gilani when he will bring down the whole parliment with him. What difference would it have made mentioning it in the court when the court cannot overule something in the constitution?(correct me if I'm wrong)

Sir the court cannot decide about these matters until someone files a petition in the court or the question was arisen during the hearing of Former Prime Minister. But nobody filed a petition on that so they court could not give a categorical verdict on that.

The CJ encouraged to rise this matter in the court but Aitzaz Ahsan replied by saying he is not allowed by his client to discuss about President's immunity and will not touch this matter in the court.
One leader, one abuser!
100 leaders , 100 abusers?

No agreement on any iSssue, except courption?
Is that what you want?
Things are changing, in opposite directions, democrcy is going to failed again, better we stop every thing & let SC, run the country, defend the countryn let our forces go to another country, because they are bad enough?
Let's hang them all ? Once & forever!

Mate why should anyone abuse Pakistan??
Sir the court cannot decide about these matters until someone files a petition in the court or the question was arisen during the hearing of Former Prime Minister. But nobody filed a petition on that so they court could not give a categorical verdict on that.

The CJ encouraged to rise this matter in the court but Aitzaz Ahsan replied by saying he is not allowed by his client to discuss about President's immunity and will not touch this matter in the court.

What you are saying makes sense but I still feel it was pointless mentioning it in the court. Since it is not thier job to interpret/implement Article 6, any gaurantee the SC give him of his safety is redundant.
What you are saying makes sense but I still feel it was pointless mentioning it in the court. Since it is not thier job to interpret/implement Article 6, any gaurantee the SC give him of his safety is redundant.

It is the duty of the defendant to bring to court any mitigation he or she may have. If they do not especially when it is clear they knew about it and played to the gallery of public opinion they can then not rely on it as some sort of reason or defense for their action. Duress is a defense in court so he should have mentioned it. Believe you me if there was any merit in this it would have been brought up. I believe that all Gillani & Co are doing is to try muddy the waters to our people which is not difficult when we have so many that are illiterate.

btw Interpretation of the constitution is the SC job not the NA
What you are saying makes sense but I still feel it was pointless mentioning it in the court. Since it is not thier job to interpret/implement Article 6, any gaurantee the SC give him of his safety is redundant.

Sir the final judgements is always made by the Supreme Court. Even in UK there were some MP's disqualifed for one reason or another and later restored by the Crown Court. The parliament could not interfere in the decisions of Crown Courts of UK
Sir I don't see any hope before the next election... whomsoever the Prime Minister is... he'll only play under the hands of the allies. This is no longer a strong Government who has the support of the public or allies. The allies are just using them for personal benefits and before the elections I don't see any difference whichever the Prime Minister they chose. The only requirement to choose the new PM is to ensure that he will not write the letter to the Swiss Authorities... not the competence to hold the office
Agreed there is no hope, PPP ... Uhmm! No ,but President zardari always came up with strong plans and achieve his all goals, its an another debate that wat he had done in the favour of Pakistan, but he've always put his personnal ambitions on the top of Party+allience agenda. As we know that PPP has 120+ seats + Allience seats their isn't any hope of selection of PML N's candidate he claims that he will write letter If he's elected as P.M . Qamar-uz-zaman Qaira is bit cautious from SC ,but he is only seems to be a legal candidate from his party. and as far Moulana diesal concerned , He's just a puppet.
First the CJ Iftikhar charudry should apologize from the nation that he accepted/helped dictator in 1998/99.
Mistake Happens but he should not feel shame to accept his biggest mistake.
2nd, the main point, Supreme court should not ruin the government.
Supreme court and government is separate entity.
It is President who takes the decision.
There are some extreme religious player in lawyer community. If one of them becomes CJ, Their one decision can ruin the country and in the hands of Taliban. This is the critical point to Rule the Taliban minority than the 18 million elected representative. I.e Their version of sharia law
First the CJ Iftikhar charudry should apologize from the nation that he accepted/helped dictator in 1998/99.

Let me remind you of a little history:

When PNA last came to power they went for legislation in great secrecy and abuse of Parliamentary procedure. Constitutional amendments to nullify the 8th Amendment and the 14th Amendment to prevent defectors did not even figure on the Order of the Day or go to any Parliamentary committee for discussion. Subsequently, the removal of Chief Justice of Pakistan was ensured through sheer thuggery by mobbing the Supreme Court of Pakistan with a view to tame the judiciary.

Those who stormed the SC were freed and garlanded by the the govt, no action was taken against the tor Nawaz Sharif for instigating and bussing the mob which attacks in full public view the highest judicial forum in the land.

This present SC has done much more than most to protect the integrity and independence of the Institution he heads.

It was a popular decision and the right decision at the time to support the threat to our constitution from a potential dictator Nawaz Sharif

2nd, the main point, Supreme court should not ruin the government.
Supreme court and government is separate entity.
It is President who takes the decision.

They have not ruined the govt. If following the law is ruining the govt let the govt be ruined

There are some extreme religious player in lawyer community. If one of them becomes CJ, Their one decision can ruin the country and in the hands of Taliban. This is the critical point to Rule the Taliban minority than the 18 million elected representative. I.e Their version of sharia law

There is a procedure in place to rein the SC if it proves necessary.

It would appear that some of you guys need to get used to the rule of law this is how it works. Corrupt people suffer. Get over it
of course the institutions mustnt clash but thus far i think SC is doing the right thing

please try those who mis-use and mis-appropriate PUBLIC FUNDS; smuggle in controlled substances and engage in other acts that go against our national interests

this should have been done earlier
The most useless pm in history of pakistan who served only one person mr zardare
During his tenure he did not improve
1. Education level
2. No economy improvement
3. No security, no peace
4. No jobs
5. No foreign investments
6. Worse corruption
7. Increase poverty
8. Not good health policy, no significant hospitals
9. Make country failed state
10. Much devaluation of currency
11. Zardari tax on phones and everywhere
And too much more, it only gives pain and hurt too
The most useless pm in history of pakistan who served only one person mr zardare
During his tenure he did not improve
1. Education level
2. No economy improvement
3. No security, no peace
4. No jobs
5. No foreign investments
6. Worse corruption
7. Increase poverty
8. Not good health policy, no significant hospitals
9. Make country failed state
10. Much devaluation of currency
11. Zardari tax on phones and everywhere
And too much more, it only gives pain and hurt too

Yet when we get rid of him some are Pakistani are crying. can you imagine if we ever got someone honest lol
The most useless pm in history of pakistan who served only one person mr zardare
During his tenure he did not improve
Improve? All these things worsened.

1. Education level
Phd scholarships almost removed, HEC dissolved degrees not issued for a long time.

2. No economy improvement

Rupee value dropped by half, Foreign debt trippled, government nearly defaulting

3. No security, no peace

There was a time when only Indians were a security problem, then terrorists now even American and Afghans inko peet peet ke chalay jaatay hain

Yet when we get rid of him some are Pakistani are crying. can you imagine if we ever got someone honest lol

He wasn't removed because of this, for this entire PPP has to be removed. He was removed for breaking the law and the constitution does not allow convicts to serve as member of parliament till 5 years of their release.

For this, PPP will be removed through the elections.
Improve? All these things worsened.
For this, PPP will be removed through the elections.

For all the deterioration you have correctly listed, please do not be too surprised if PPP still gets re-elected in spite of that.
aint that the bitter focking truth

but i'd still like to at least hope not.....never bad to "hope"

in that sense, Zardari profited the most off his over-confident wife's demise......all she had to do was keep her head inside the bomb-proof car, that's all.

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