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Justice Done Stop Crying

our country dont have much time left for this, constitutional rights & dam hard justice on papers!
destruction is comming, we have to save the country!
we dont need to learn from american great constitutional history, its time to cover the face & attack the base!
i belive, in hanging all the traitors including , our judges!
they have made the situation worst, yes eveything was bad , but they could have delayed it, for 2 more dam months!
now we have admistrative crisiss, after all ills from which our nation is suffering through.
Give us peace, ECONOMIC stability, energy staybility.
THTS enough for us, judgment against gillani, or anyone else is not going to solve anything for the poor in pakistan, infact, SOMEONE will come worse thn him.
thn what?
we dont need to waste so much money & our emotions anymore!
musharaf would be remember as a good man, but its the end of the begaining of the democrcy & croupt (traitrious) justice of pakistan.
They're is a law that Gilani was going on about, if he sent the letter to swiss banks it would mean treason against the president and he could get a death penalty.

Gillani chose to be loyal towards Zardari rather than the constitution. He saved Zardari rather than abiding by the SC that is the highest Court in Pakistan.

I know of no law that would consider writing that letter as treason. It would be irrational and unjust for SC to try him for treason if he was following their instruction

The SC is right if its justice.

But why deliver justice against a civil pm only?? why not against military dictators??

I agree with you that the SC should be consistent in applying rule of law to all citizens

our country dont have much time left for this, constitutional rights & dam hard justice on papers!
destruction is comming, we have to save the country!
we dont need to learn from american great constitutional history, its time to cover the face & attack the base!
i belive, in hanging all the traitors including , our judges!
they have made the situation worst, yes eveything was bad , but they could have delayed it, for 2 more dam months!
now we have admistrative crisiss, after all ills from which our nation is suffering through.
Give us peace, ECONOMIC stability, energy staybility.
THTS enough for us, judgment against gillani, or anyone else is not going to solve anything for the poor in pakistan, infact, SOMEONE will come worse thn him.
thn what?
we dont need to waste so much money & our emotions anymore!
musharaf would be remember as a good man, but its the end of the begaining of the democrcy & croupt (traitrious) justice of pakistan.

My friend I am as frustrated as you are with what is happening to our country and I have been honest with you in that I would prefer Mush any day rather than PPP or PNA. Having said we must accept that as a method of governance democracy and the rule of law is better where their are constraints to the possible concentration of power in one persons hands which may lead to abuse of that very same thing
Gillani chose to be loyal towards Zardari rather than the constitution. He saved Zardari rather than abiding by the SC that is the highest Court in Pakistan.
With the possibility of being put to death, would you blame him? It is the SC which was being unreasonable knowing this and instead of dismissing the parliment altogether when the NRO was rendered unconstitutional, wasted time on a one point agenda.

I know of no law that would consider writing that letter as treason. It would be irrational and unjust for SC to try him for treason if he was following their instruction

The Supreme Court will not try him, it is the parliment.

Prefer contempt charges over violating Constitution: Gilani – The Express Tribune
BAHAWALPUR: As the issue for writing a letter to Swiss authorities gains momentum, Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani said on Thursday that he would rather be incarcerated for contempt of court than be handed a death penalty for violating Article 6 of the Constitution.

6. High treason.
[4A][(1) Any person who abrogates or subverts or suspends or holds in abeyance, or attempts or conspires to abrogate or subvert or suspend or hold in abeyance, the Constitution by use of force or show of force or by any other unconstitutional means shall be guilty of high treason.]
(2) Any person aiding or abetting [4B][or collaborating] the acts mentioned in clause (1) shall likewise be guilty of high treason.
[4C][(2A) An act of high treason mentioned in clause (1) or clause (2) shall not be validated by any court including the Supreme Court and a High Court.]
(3) [5] [Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] shall by law provide for the punishment of persons found guilty of high treason.
Gillani chose to be loyal towards Zardari rather than the constitution. He saved Zardari rather than abiding by the SC that is the highest Court in Pakistan.

I know of no law that would consider writing that letter as treason. It would be irrational and unjust for SC to try him for treason if he was following their instruction

I agree with you that the SC should be consistent in applying rule of law to all citizens

My friend I am as frustrated as you are with what is happening to our country and I have been honest with you in that I would prefer Mush any day rather than PPP or PNA. Having said we must accept that as a method of governance democracy and the rule of law is better where their are constraints to the possible concentration of power in one persons hands which may lead to abuse of that very same thing

One leader, one abuser!
100 leaders , 100 abusers?
No agreement on any iSssue, except courption?
Is that what you want?
Things are changing, in opposite directions, democrcy is going to failed again, better we stop every thing & let SC, run the country, defend the countryn let our forces go to another country, because they are bad enough?
Let's hang them all ? Once & forever!
The SC is right if its justice.

But why deliver justice against a civil pm only?? why not against military dictators??
Cuz the same P.M let that military dictator go, awarding him gaurd of Honour , and gone against SC just for hiding President's corruption. Gillani was nothing but just a pawn of president.
With the possibility of being put to death, would you blame him? It is the SC which was being unreasonable knowing this and instead of dismissing the parliment altogether when the NRO was rendered unconstitutional, wasted time on a one point agenda.

The Supreme Court will not try him, it is the parliment.

Prefer contempt charges over violating Constitution: Gilani – The Express Tribune
BAHAWALPUR: As the issue for writing a letter to Swiss authorities gains momentum, Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani said on Thursday that he would rather be incarcerated for contempt of court than be handed a death penalty for violating Article 6 of the Constitution.

6. High treason.
[4A][(1) Any person who abrogates or subverts or suspends or holds in abeyance, or attempts or conspires to abrogate or subvert or suspend or hold in abeyance, the Constitution by use of force or show of force or by any other unconstitutional means shall be guilty of high treason.]
(2) Any person aiding or abetting [4B][or collaborating] the acts mentioned in clause (1) shall likewise be guilty of high treason.
[4C][(2A) An act of high treason mentioned in clause (1) or clause (2) shall not be validated by any court including the Supreme Court and a High Court.]
(3) [5] [Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] shall by law provide for the punishment of persons found guilty of high treason.

We are not qualified as Judges no doubt the SC which is the body entrusted with the interpretation of the Constitution were aware of this argument and did not find any merit in it. So unless you are suggesting impropriety on part of the justices which so far you have not this mitigation does not stand
With the possibility of being put to death, would you blame him? It is the SC which was being unreasonable knowing this and instead of dismissing the parliment altogether when the NRO was rendered unconstitutional, wasted time on a one point agenda.

The Supreme Court will not try him, it is the parliment.

Prefer contempt charges over violating Constitution: Gilani – The Express Tribune
BAHAWALPUR: As the issue for writing a letter to Swiss authorities gains momentum, Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani said on Thursday that he would rather be incarcerated for contempt of court than be handed a death penalty for violating Article 6 of the Constitution.

6. High treason.
[4A][(1) Any person who abrogates or subverts or suspends or holds in abeyance, or attempts or conspires to abrogate or subvert or suspend or hold in abeyance, the Constitution by use of force or show of force or by any other unconstitutional means shall be guilty of high treason.]
(2) Any person aiding or abetting [4B][or collaborating] the acts mentioned in clause (1) shall likewise be guilty of high treason.
[4C][(2A) An act of high treason mentioned in clause (1) or clause (2) shall not be validated by any court including the Supreme Court and a High Court.]
(3) [5] [Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] shall by law provide for the punishment of persons found guilty of high treason.

Sir these are the political gimmicks by the PPP government. The judges kept on asking him to raise the question about President's immunity or the matter of high treason to eliminate any doubt in his mind. But he did not touch those matters in the court and only gave statements in the TV channels. The statements recorded in the TV channels were different to the statements given in the courts and the judges were bound to decide about the matter only based upon the statements given in the court. So this matter of high treason was just a politically motivated propaganda otherwise he would have asked the court to give a categorical judgement on President's immunity or if the Article 6 will ever be applied in his case but he didn't raise those questions in the court as he wanted to become sayasi-shaheed.
One leader, one abuser!
100 leaders , 100 abusers?
No agreement on any iSssue, except courption?
Is that what you want?
Things are changing, in opposite directions, democrcy is going to failed again, better we stop every thing & let SC, run the country, defend the countryn let our forces go to another country, because they are bad enough?
Let's hang them all ? Once & forever!

I am tempted about hanging all the corrupt ones. But then you know that I am with anything that cures Pakistan.

Now let me give you reasons which shows you why I am supportive of the SC decision

An article emailed to me by Manzoor Ahmad Yousafzai:

Disqualification of Mr. Gilani is a new hope for the litigants in the Courts

The disqualification Judgment of a sitting Prime Minister has given surety to the litigants in the Courts that they would succeed in their respective cases if their stance is according to the law irrespective of the intentions of the opposite party or influence.

The leniency of the Supreme Court with the Prime Minister had been undermining the whole system of administration of justice. The Supreme Court had come to know the real intentions of the people in the Government through various sources. Any more delay in the removal of the Prime Minister might have given cogency to the doubts of the people.

The high-graded and low-graded officers of various departments were getting bad inspiration from the tussle in shape of overlooking the Judgments of the Supreme Court. The people were expecting the Supreme Court to bring the fruits of the years’ long litigation. The nation has come to know the real intentions of the PPP.

In my opinion, the allies are destroying their image by letting cooperation to the PPP. Even it has been observed that most of the real and committed PPP workers were not in favour of this attitude of the PPP leaders.

The disqualification Judgment has now set the wrong mentality of the Governmental Officers in the right direction whose primary job is to obey the Judgments of the Supreme Court without looking behind them. The defiance of the Prime Minister had emboldened to play with the Judgments of the Supreme Court and to trample the rights of the aggrieved persons.

It is my personal experience that the high-graded have never accepted the Judgments of the Supreme Court for real implementation. Even the Law Department of the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has not played its effective role in this regard. It is the job of the Law Department to apprise the Administrative Departments about the Judgments of the Supreme Court on all the issues in the Civil Servants Act, 1974 or any other law for deciding similar cases in light of the rulings of the Supreme Court but it has been observed that the administrative departments have not been properly guided which have created numerous problems of the aggrieved Civil Servants.

The administrative officers in the majority of the cases face humiliation in the Courts and then are frequently reprimanded for the non-implementation of the Judgments. The administrative officers have carved out a strategy that when they face failure in the Court and the Judgment goes against them, they issue simply a letter to the subordinate officers for the implementation on the rest of the Government Servants but in reality only those persons get the benefit who have contested the case while others are left without relief. The best example is the non-extension of the fruits of the Judgments of Supreme Court which have been done in the year 2007-08 but so far all the Cadres of teachers have not got the benefit. The Finance Department of the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has issued various letters regarding the Advance Increments to the Administrative Departments but when they are contacted, they say that clear instructions are still awaited and thus defer the matter which is aggravating the agony of the other teachers and other Government Servants.

Personally as an aggrieved person I have cases in the Peshawar High Court and in the Service Tribunal KPK. No one can imagine the limits of my happiness on the removal of the Prime Minister because his removal has invigorated my confidence in the “Rule of Law”. As a student of law and Political Science and an aggrieved person I was not in the mood of any concession with the Prime Minister. Now I am hundred percent sure that the Judges who were two hundreds percent satisfied of my arguments in the cases and to whom I quoted the Judgments of the Supreme Court would be able to implement their Judgments to my satisfaction.

It is the general mentality of every criminal that whenever he is stopped or held guilt, he shall become your enemy. It is really a difficult job and that is why it has been highly valued by our religion and Holy Quraan. Finally, Almighty Allah would decide who is on the right or who is on the wrong.

I give good news to all those Government Servants and others through this email that their rights shall be protected and if they still feel any grievance then they can blindly trust the Courts for the redressal of their grievance.

Manzoor Ahmad Yousafzai

Thursday, June 21, 2012
I am surprised this morning that some of you have regretted the decision by the SC to remove the PM.

For those that are bleating I think you need reminding of a few things.

1. Parliament is supreme and the power has been bestowed on it by the people that is what gives parliament the right and legitimacy to govern.

2. Parliament can change the constitution you simply need two thirds of both houses (NA and Senate) to agree.

3. Currently we have a constitution that provides for a separation of powers.

4. Parliament is there to make laws

5. Supreme Courts job is to interpret Laws and make judgements.

If as some of you bleating that the Judiciary have gone beyond their remit prove it? Show us the evidence. Not just I got a feeling bollocks.

You want a criminal as a PM vote in elections. Command a majority in Parliament pass the law.

If you want to rein in and change the status of the judiciary go do it. If there is support in the country for that people will vote for it. In any event the constitution provides procedure for that. That is what democracy is about.

My personal opinion is that I think we need SC to keep making the judgements and getting rid of crooks.

You want to cry and bleat come on here take this as an invitation to discuss your problems. I personally will put you on the right track and provide effective corrective therapy for you.

Its not their fault man, Zardari ne pooray Pakistan ko woh banaya hua hai, its not a big stretch for him to get all his closet/former jiyalay to feel some misplaced sympathies for him.
oh I remember CJ's remarks to Aitzaz Ahsan ke "andar ki baat batao" and if he wishes to speak about President's immunity but Aitzaz replied by saying, he does not want to discuss about President's immunity as he no permission from his client and you can ignore about Gilani's statements given in the TV channels as he is a political leader too :rofl:

Something like that....
Guys this will send a message to all the crooks Pakistan is not the personal property of these crooks to do what they want. As such we must celebrate and support its implementation
@Zaki Now which candidate is bit better then other as P.M. I guess Mehtab Abbasi is a better option? ANP as usual announced their full support to president as wat a most loyal slave do. They are pretending to be more loyal to Zardari as compared to PPP?
Sir these are the political gimmicks by the PPP government. The judges kept on asking him to raise the question about President's immunity or the matter of high treason to eliminate any doubt in his mind. But he did not touch those matters in the court and only gave statements in the TV channels. The statements recorded in the TV channels were different to the statements given in the courts and the judges were bound to decide about the matter only based upon the statements given in the court. So this matter of high treason was just a politically motivated propaganda otherwise he would have asked the court to give a categorical judgement on President's immunity or if the Article 6 will ever be applied in his case but he didn't raise those questions in the court as he wanted to become sayasi-shaheed.

I think I understand what you are saying but we have to take into account that since it is indeed the parliment which is to implement article 6, then it is the job of the parliment to interpret it. Knowing how our politicians are, how can we assume that they will not pervert it to use it against Gilani when he will bring down the whole parliment with him. What difference would it have made mentioning it in the court when the court cannot overule something in the constitution?(correct me if I'm wrong)
@Zaki Now which candidate is bit better then other as P.M. I guess Mehtab Abbasi is a better option? ANP as usual announced their full support to president as wat a most loyal slave do. They are pretending to be more loyal to Zardari as compared to PPP?

Sir I don't see any hope before the next election... whomsoever the Prime Minister is... he'll only play under the hands of the allies. This is no longer a strong Government who has the support of the public or allies. The allies are just using them for personal benefits and before the elections I don't see any difference whichever the Prime Minister they chose. The only requirement to choose the new PM is to ensure that he will not write the letter to the Swiss Authorities... not the competence to hold the office
We are not qualified as Judges no doubt the SC which is the body entrusted with the interpretation of the Constitution were aware of this argument and did not find any merit in it. So unless you are suggesting impropriety on part of the justices which so far you have not this mitigation does not stand

However in this case it is the job of the parliment not the SC to implement and interpret article 6. Although the SC may overlook it as a small issue, would the parliment??? That is what we have to understand.

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