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Jordan Pilot Burned Alive By ISIS

My prayers for a brave man and his family and the Jordanian people.

I'm dismayed at the fact that there seems to be no determined effort either by the Western powers or by other countries in the region to carry out sustained effort to eliminate this menace. All we hear of is ad-hoc strike missions.
Sadly it seems everyone is thinking , it's not their problem.

United States
United Kingdom[1][2]
Iraqi Kurdistan (In Iraq, and in Kobanî, Syria)[6]
Only intervening in Iraq:
(trainers on ground)[14][15]
(exploratory, logistic support and trainers on ground)[16][17][18]
New Zealand
(trainers on ground)[22][23]
(trainers on ground)[24]
(trainers on ground)[25]
Turkey (trainers on ground)[26]

Military intervention against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Not everyone is ignoring the problem though of course last week they were all, christian crusaders murdering innocent muslims, this week we arent doing enough.
Condolences to the pilot's family and Jordan.
RIP, brave soldier of Jordan.
disgusting RIP
Rest in peace soldier
Normally when a plane bombs a place people die of burning as well

I am just saying EVIL comes in all forms and shapes
If syrian leadership was honest,incorruptible, took care of it's own people, do you think Arab spring would have begun in syria ?
The "Arab Spring" was created to destroy the Arab world... It started out with removing western puppets in order to manipulate Arabs that this is about democracy, lol but western puppets got replaced by another western puppets that's the joke... Syrians were living in peace, and all the demands of the protesters were fulfilled, but the west went with plan B bloodshed and chaos... Now the whole region is burning...
It's time

Yada Yada Hi Dharmasya

Glanirva Bhavathi Bharatha,

Abhyuthanam Adharmaysya

Tadatmanam Srijami Aham'.

Praritranaya Sadhunam

Vinashaya Cha Dushkritam


Sambhavami Yuge-Yuge."

Please come and save this world bhagwan Kalki
Crucify the ISIS prisoners and then Burn them alive. Make sure you tape it and then send copies of it to all ISIS held territories.
I really don’t know what to say this is just so shocking. RIP Moaz al-Kasasbeh
ISIS are no real fighters.
No one leaves their comrades in captives.
But even after being threaten they abandoned them and went ahead.

Such a sick group.
I want them to die a slow, slow and painful death.
Jordan executes two Iraqi militants in response to pilot's death

AMMAN (Reuters) - Jordan has executed by hanging a jailed Iraqi woman militant whose release had been demanded by the Islamic State group that burnt a captured Jordanian pilot to death, a security source said on Wednesday.

Responding to the killing of the pilot, whose death was announced on Tuesday, the Jordanian authorities also executed another senior al Qaeda prisoner sentenced to death for plots to wage attacks against the pro-Western kingdom in the last decade.

Sajida al-Rishawi, the Iraqi woman militant, was sentenced to death for her role in a 2005 suicide bomb attack that killed 60 people. Ziyad Karboli, an Iraqi al Qaeda operative, who was convicted in 2008 for killing a Jordanian, was also executed at dawn, the source said.

Jordan executes two Iraqi militants in response to pilot's death - Yahoo News

I wish all ISIS prisoners in Jordan be executed, and the video should be posted!!
February 3, 2015

Daesh burnt Jordan pilot alive a month ago, Amman says
US, UAE condemn barbaric act; woman sought by terror group to be executed

Daesh terrorists released a video on Tuesday purporting to show a captive Jordanian pilot being burnt alive, and Jordanian state television said he was murdered a month ago.

The pilot, Muath Al Kasaesbeh, was captured by Daesh (formerly Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) terrorists after his plane crashed over Syria while on a bombing mission against the group in December. Jordanian state TV said Al Kasaesbeh had been killed on January 3.

Jordan on Tuesday night vowed ‘‘earth-shattering’’ response to the pilot’s murder and a security official said the female would-be bomber Sajida Al Rishawi sought by the terrorist group will be executed on Wednesday.

Earlier, the head of the Jordanian armed forces broke the news of the pilot’s killing to his family. The Jordanian military also vowed to avenge the death of the pilot. “The blood of the martyr will not have been shed in vain and... vengeance will be proportional to this catastrophe that has struck all Jordanians,” said army spokesman General Mamduh Al Amiri.

US President Barack Obama said the video, if real, would redouble the determination of a US-led alliance to degrade and destroy Daesh. He said it would be another sign of the “viciousness and barbarity” of the militants. “Whatever ideology they’re operating off of, it’s bankrupt,” Obama said.

The UAE condemned the barbaric and hideous crime. Shaikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, UAE Foreign Minister, said: “This heinous crime represents a brutal escalation by Daesh terrorist group and revealed its evil goals.” In the video, the burned man wore orange clothes similar to those worn by other foreign Daesh captives who have been killed since a US-led coalition started bombing the militants. In the video, Al Kasaesbeh is interviewed, describing the mission he was due to carry out before his jet crashed. The video also showed footage of the aftermath of air strikes, with people trying to remove civilians from debris.

Lt. Muath Al Kaseasbeh, 26, fell into the hands of the militants in December when his Jordanian F-16 crashed near Raqqa, Syria, the de facto capital of the group's self-styled caliphate. He was the first pilot from the US-led coalition battling the group to be captured.

At a tribal meeting place where the pilot's relatives have waited for weeks for word on his fate, chants against Jordan's King Abdullah II erupted and some family members wept. An uncle shouted in Arabic: "I received a phone call from the chief of staff saying God bless his soul." The pilot's father, Safi, was surrounded by family members.

Jordanian government spokesman Mohammad Al Momani could not be reached for comment.

The Daesh extremist group, which controls around a third of Syria and neighboring Iraq, has issued a series of grisly videos showing the killing of captives, including two American journalists, an American aid worker and two British aid workers. Tuesday's was the first to show a captive being burned alive.

Daesh burnt Jordan pilot alive a month ago, Amman says | GulfNews.com
the goal from all the execution videos IS did is to get boots on the ground.. and sooner or later there will be boots on the ground. there is some now soldiers now actually
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