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Joe Biden: "Name one innovative product from China"

Clearly they don't innovate enough, as compared to us. Even the united states is behind us. Chinese are not known for their technological sector, it is of inferior quality. The only country in asia that comes close to japanese would be the koreans.

China is not known for its innovation; it is known for their cheap labor. This is why most of Japanese manufacturing plants are in China. We outsource all unskilled labor there.
Your country isn't as technologically powerful as you seem to believe. Japan mainly focus on low-end to medium end tech like consumer tech and supply end tech. The high-end and advance like large aircraft, chip, supercomputer, you are nowhere to be found. In fact, we have surpass you in consumer electronics. Nobody buys a Sony anymore. The last step is overtaking you in automobile in a few decades as we are experiencing with energy efficient car due to our lead in renewable energy sector.
Clearly they don't innovate enough, as compared to us. Even the united states is behind us. Chinese are not known for their technological sector, it is of inferior quality. The only country in asia that comes close to japanese would be the koreans.

China is not known for its innovation; it is known for their cheap labor. This is why most of Japanese manufacturing plants are in China. We outsource all unskilled labor there.

It is true that Japan produces high quality products and China can learn from Japanese style management. But as I mentioned earlier, even Japan produced poor quality products in the aftermath of ww2 and had a history of copying. Once China achieves a higher per capita income, the demand for higher quality will naturally follow.

Your country isn't as technologically powerful as you seem to believe. Japan mainly focus on low-end to medium end tech like consumer tech and supply end tech. The high-end and advance like large aircraft, chip, supercomputer, you are nowhere to be found. In fact, we have surpass you in consumer electronics. Nobody buys a Sony anymore. The last step is overtaking you in automobile in a few decades as we are experiencing with energy efficient car due to our lead in renewable energy sector.

In japan, the last generation of baby boomers had a strong work ethic and 'can do attitude'. With their passing, the next generation are not as disciplined and spirited. They often lament of this.
In japan, the last generation of baby boomers had a strong work ethic and 'can do attitude'. With their passing, the next generation are not as disciplined and spirited. They often lament of this.
Complacency is a disease that young Japanese are experiencing because gaming and **** addicted. This is why our govt try to restrict gaming and ****. They are declining and are no longer innovative. They don't produce anything of value anymore in the commercial tech sector. For high-tech, forget it. Japan is not capable because it requires state-of-art management and manufacturing capability to work simultaneously together.
Is the DF-21D 'frontier' innovation ?

Is rocket propulsion, the modern day kind, not the medieval kind, a Chinese frontier innovation ? No.

Is inertial guidance a Chinese frontier innovation ? No.

Are electronic sensors, like radar, Chinese frontier innovation ? No.

In other words, if we dissect the DF-21D, not a single component came from China. So what if China made the warhead maneuverable ? Someone ALREADY done it. The American Pershing missile, for example.

What make you think the US cannot make our version of the DF-21D ? Is your mind that feeble that you think 'do not have' equals to 'cannot make' ?

The US do not have our version of the DF-21D because we are constrained by weapons treaties with the Soviet Union, of which Russia is the inheritor. But I do know for a fact that we have a demonstrator device long before the collapse of the Soviet empire. I do not expect you to believe me and I do not care if you do not. Unlike you who lied about your experience, I actually have relevant avionics experience, in and out of the military, to know people who worked on the programs (plural) and who educated me of the same.

The DF-21D is innovative only in the sense that Chinese engineers were creative, not ingenious, simply because all the components were already working in other countries.

What is the definition of "frontier innovation" ? give us reference.

Who said that Innovation is always mean that the invention cannot be made by other?

If you think that innovative product must contain components that is new and not work yet in other countries, then you have misconception about innovation.

You still bring your bad habit, I remember you like to drag your own terminology and concept.

As for DF21D, perhaps all component and subsystem in DF21D is nothing new, but the combination is the innovation that other country did not think off.
Dont you think its not going to be disruptive in medical world?

2013-07-10 11:12



Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University

China made biodegradable cardiovascular stents will enter clinical trials

Chinese Academy of Sciences, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, director of Cardiology Junbo Ge, a few days ago in Paris, France Euro-PCR Conference "Innovative stents and Platform" at the venue made a presentation entitled "The new generation is completely biodegradable stent platforms: Xinsorb bracket," the special report .

It is the Chinese self-developed fully biodegradable stents (Xinsorb) for the first time at the international conference announced. Currently, the holder has passed the approval of the Ethics Committee, will conduct clinical trials in Zhongshan Hospital.

According to reports, is completely biodegradable stent coronary intervention called "fourth revolution" is expected over the next decade will likely dominant coronary stent market. Currently, only a handful of multinational companies internationally to grasp the stent technology.

Following developed the world's first biodegradable stent coating after Junbo Ge team after three years of research, with the relevant enterprises, successfully developed a new generation of localization is completely biodegradable stents "Xinsorb". The bracket is constructed of polylactic acid polymer drug delivery platform, implanted in the body 2 to 3 years is completely degraded and absorbed.

Unlike conventional metal stents, the design philosophy is: after stent implantation in a period of time, the narrowed blood vessels to mechanical support, while the release of the drug to prevent restenosis after stent that is slowly degraded and completely organized absorption, vascular structures, and systolic and diastolic function fully restored to a natural state.

Xinsorb bracket preclinical animal research data showed that the supporting force and metal stents (Firebird2) similar. Quantitative analysis of coronary angiography and optical coherence tomography follow-up six months confirmed that its ability to suppress intimal proliferation and Firebird2 similar, and in endothelial and inflammatory reactions of metal stents with no significant difference. Participate in Euro-PCR meeting of international experts fully affirmed the stent preclinical findings, and China's homegrown completely biodegradable stents expressed great concern.

It is understood, Euro-PCR conferences in Europe and the world's most influential annual meeting interventional cardiology, cardiovascular intervention has championed innovative technology dissemination and promotion. Fully biodegradable stent clinical and basic research, is one of the hotspots this year's conference.

Junbo Ge said at the meeting, the localization is completely biodegradable stents will accelerate the development of cardiovascular medical devices, our pace of innovation.

Subsequently, the research team will continue to develop and optimize the design and performance of the stent, and will focus on "Cardiovascular stent system research", "structural heart disease, interventional techniques and equipment research," "renal sympathetic nerve ablation technology and equipment research "and other three directions involved in translational medical research, the formation of a core technology of high levels of cardiovascular medical products research and development capabilities, and strive to promote and push our own intellectual property research and development of new cardiovascular interventional devices.

google translation

Fine achievement - but don't you think this is "gradual" improvement on a product which already exists? I am not belittling the works of those who created this - if it helps saves lives, it is a great achievement.
What is the definition of "frontier innovation" ? give us reference.

Who said that Innovation is always mean that the invention cannot be made by other?

If you think that innovative product must contain components that is new and not work yet in other countries, then you have misconception about innovation.

You still bring your bad habit, I remember you like to drag your own terminology and concept.

As for DF21D, perhaps all component and subsystem in DF21D is nothing new, but the combination is the innovation that other country did not think off.
And you have the gall to try to tell us that you have higher education ? :lol:

Frontier innovation is an invention or a process that no one tried before. Not explored, but tried.

Henry Ford did not invent the automobile or even the manufacture of the automobile. But Ford's method of assembling automobiles (plural) was never done by anyone else before. So when it comes to the automobile, Ford and his cars fall under catch-up innovation, but his manufacturing process is frontier innovation.

There are no dictionary references that anyone can find but an understanding by those in science and technology.
untested, unproven ...propaganda claim
Even not tested, I do not see US dare to cross the line.
And you have the gall to try to tell us that you have higher education ? :lol:

Frontier innovation is an invention or a process that no one tried before. Not explored, but tried.

Henry Ford did not invent the automobile or even the manufacture of the automobile. But Ford's method of assembling automobiles (plural) was never done by anyone else before. So when it comes to the automobile, Ford and his cars fall under catch-up innovation, but his manufacturing process is frontier innovation.

There are no dictionary references that anyone can find but an understanding by those in science and technology.

and ford is suck expensive and breakable, still suck then indian nano which is garbage but cheap. riding a ford like riding tricycle, but riding nano from indian like ride on human pulling wagon. in vietnam term is "xich lo" or cyclo.
ps im not chinese or vietnamese ok, but i love to see chinese indian vietnam brawls on these forum. fight fight and bark.
His statement, in my honest opinion, is rather correct. Too much copying and not enough R & D.

At least we are the second dear non-Japanese false-flagger (2011 figures. Not sure what is the current status):

China has surpassed Japan as the second largest research and development (R&D) spender in the world, trailing only the United States, according to the World Intellectual Property Report 2011 released Monday by the United Nations World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO

Not to mention that half the cars on American roads are Japanese....including mine; vintage 1994 Toyota T100 pick up, still running like a stallion!
Same model and year but mine is silver & black. :smitten:

Your love of Japan is how the murderer falls in love with his victim. You murdered Japanese and keep raping their kids even to date.

Lenovo? LOL! That's cheap crap. Breaks easy.

Everyone thinks of Sony, Toshiba, or MAC.

Sony is selling off its laptop business because chronic losses there. And its earning is in the red.

I see your true colors are showing.

I suspect Nihonjin is a false flagger. I have not seen so much China-hating Japanese. He is too political for a Japanese.

Are you sure that you're not just a regular American? :no:

You don't sound much like a Japanese. Those guys hate America for nuking their civilian population centers, and due to their country being occupied by American soldiers.

Indeed. He must be one of the US-born rapists residing in Japan. Chinese members should consider his words with a truckload of salt.

He is on a mission to put more wedges between the two peoples.

No Japanese will ever elevate the US rapists while bashing China. They may be felt threatened by China, but in their subconscious, the US, the No. 1 murderer of the Japanese in history, is the true eternal enemy.

Japan still seeks a closure with the US

He's right. What was the last thing China has made something innovating in the last few decades? The internet? Car? Plane? Give us something.

We are appreciated to our adversaries to keep reminding us of our shortcomings. That keeps the nation agile. When we have adversaries like this, I think we do not need friends.

That said, I am greatly amused that much of this is being debated by Asians living in the West.

1. Chinese in China are living their lives and life in China is extremely fast, a normal consequence of speedy development. People do not mostly care about what some old US fart has to say about China. Defense forums mostly find audience in the West and in the undeveloped sore-holes like India and Vietland.

2. Chinese have their own discussion forums since not all feel the urge to write in English.
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Even not tested, I do not see US dare to cross the line.

what "you see" is again propaganda from you...if and when the need arises to extent that US needs to cross the line- US will cross the line. There is no such need at the moment.
And you have the gall to try to tell us that you have higher education ? :lol:

Frontier innovation is an invention or a process that no one tried before. Not explored, but tried.

Henry Ford did not invent the automobile or even the manufacture of the automobile. But Ford's method of assembling automobiles (plural) was never done by anyone else before. So when it comes to the automobile, Ford and his cars fall under catch-up innovation, but his manufacturing process is frontier innovation.

LOL. Another bad habit of you, nobody claim I have higher education, why you drag this? :lol:

Frontier innovation is your own terminology. Based on your explanation regarding your own terminology, it is clear that frontier innovation that you mean is not more than "mere innovation". Invention already mean something that no one tried before, so if you mean frontier innovation is something no one tried before, then frontier innovation (as your own terminology) is simply a mere innovation.

As for the DF21D, like I said - even if the subsystem may be not something new however the system as a whole is new which is why it is called innovation.

The latest DF-21D was said to be the world's first anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM). The DF-21 has also been developed into a space-capable anti-satellite/anti-missile weapon carrier.
DF-21 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are no dictionary references that anyone can find but an understanding by those in science and technology.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Are you in that?

No references mean your terminology is your own, other can show reference when they say terminology such as: "disruptive innovation". :laugh:
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LOL. Another bad habit of you, nobody claim I have higher education, why you drag this?
You did. First you claimed to have 'aviation experience' to shut down the Indians. Then when I challenged you on it, even with the most basic knowledge, you backtracked and said 'aviation studies', which to this day, we still do not have a clue on what is it. :lol:

Looky here...We know you are nothing but a suck-up to the Chinese here. Clearly what is an innovation and what type are over your understanding.
What does he mean by China? The current one only existed since 1949.
We found an innovation of Chinese, massacre with low and cheap tech, killing them with a hammer, one by one, without a bullet spent ( which is not too cheap in production during 60-70s ). For million of Cambodian, as Chinese advisers taught to Khmer Rouge they saved millions of bullets.

Let compare to Hitler ...
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