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Joe Biden: "Name one innovative product from China"

hes full of sh#t


Japan # 1
But you said China doesnt innovate, just copy and imitate.

Clearly they don't innovate enough, as compared to us. Even the united states is behind us. Chinese are not known for their technological sector, it is of inferior quality. The only country in asia that comes close to japanese would be the koreans.

China is not known for its innovation; it is known for their cheap labor. This is why most of Japanese manufacturing plants are in China. We outsource all unskilled labor there.
Clearly they don't innovate enough, as compared to us. Even the united states is behind us. Chinese are not known for their technological sector, it is of inferior quality. The only country in asia that comes close to japanese would be the koreans.

Saying US is behind Japan in term of innovation is indicating your ignorance.

In what measurement/parameter that u use for such a judgement?

Even Japan doesnt innovate enough compared to US judging from the patents application and granted.

Dont only refer to WIPO data, WIPO data only shows each country application to WIPO office.

China is not known for its innovation; it is known for their cheap labor. This is why most of Japanese manufacturing plants are in China. We outsource all unskilled labor there.

Not known could mean ignorance as well.
Chine is very much known as manufacturing center doesnt mean that she doesn innovate. Indeed china has just start innovating that many people who has old mindset is not aware about china rise in innovation.

You do need some research to find out whether China is innovative or not.
I have shown you many example of chinese modern innovation above.

And do some research to find out that China is applying more patents than Japan and USA.
I would say it is their design - rather its simplicity. I remember Creative and a company called Archos had MP3 players in the market before the iPod hit the market. They were moderately successful - but it was the iPod with its brilliant design which changed the market of music.


Anyway, since I like Braun design, I like Apple design as well, regardless wether they have copied or not.
if Joe Biden surf this Thread he'd hide forever or next time he lands into China for noodles someone is going to put him into Noodle Machine.
It's a matter of time, don't worry. When China's labor force become expensive, when those heavy industry is out, China will automatically switch to innovation based economy, this is the regular pattern. Of course we need to put great effort to achieve this, but it is true, the current economy situation won't allow China to use cheap labor and heavily polluted but with lee innovation companies any more.

When innovation becomes the main drive of China economy, we will start to respect patents and scientists, we will stop copy.
Clearly they don't innovate enough, as compared to us. Even the united states is behind us. Chinese are not known for their technological sector, it is of inferior quality. The only country in asia that comes close to japanese would be the koreans.

China is not known for its innovation; it is known for their cheap labor. This is why most of Japanese manufacturing plants are in China. We outsource all unskilled labor there.

If you think China is only known for her cheap labor and do not innovate enough compared to Japan because you think Japan is number 1 in producing patents leaving US and China, and Korea the only asian country after Japan, then its time for you to see the real fact that Japan is well behind China - even US is behind China. :

Necessity is the mother of invention.

When there is a need, all human would innovate, and you can bet your life that China would too.

But to innovate for innovate sake, China need to have much higher GDP and wealth per capital.
As per "innovation definition":

Innovation is about finding a new way of doing something. Innovation can be viewed as the application of better solutions that meet new requirements.

Anti-ship ballistic missile: The anti-ship ballistic missile is a quasiballistic missile designed to hit a warship at sea. The Chinese military developed the "world's first anti-ship ballistic missile system". The United States Naval Institute in 2009 stated that such a missile would be large enough to destroy an aircraft carrier in one hit and that there was "currently ... no defense against it" if it worked as theorized
List of Chinese inventions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why can you recognize NAND memory of Toshiba as innovation but unable to recognize ASBM as one of the innovation too?
Is the DF-21D 'frontier' innovation ?

Is rocket propulsion, the modern day kind, not the medieval kind, a Chinese frontier innovation ? No.

Is inertial guidance a Chinese frontier innovation ? No.

Are electronic sensors, like radar, Chinese frontier innovation ? No.

In other words, if we dissect the DF-21D, not a single component came from China. So what if China made the warhead maneuverable ? Someone ALREADY done it. The American Pershing missile, for example.

What make you think the US cannot make our version of the DF-21D ? Is your mind that feeble that you think 'do not have' equals to 'cannot make' ?

The US do not have our version of the DF-21D because we are constrained by weapons treaties with the Soviet Union, of which Russia is the inheritor. But I do know for a fact that we have a demonstrator device long before the collapse of the Soviet empire. I do not expect you to believe me and I do not care if you do not. Unlike you who lied about your experience, I actually have relevant avionics experience, in and out of the military, to know people who worked on the programs (plural) and who educated me of the same.

The DF-21D is innovative only in the sense that Chinese engineers were creative, not ingenious, simply because all the components were already working in other countries.
Ammm........... actually he is right in his own way but the fact that China has such a humongous economy now , that its government can concentrate on R&D and innovation . Innovation is a problem for China yes , but in the near future with the potential that China has it wont be much of a headache .
There are phases to go through for every developing economy. Every ascending economy copies until they have reached the forefront, from which innovation is then required. Our new Japanese friend here seems to have forgotten their own copy and paste period starting in the Meiji restoration. Then again, even before then, they copied extensively from Chinese.

Innovation will come, just not in the current decade or next. China needs to reach the front first otherwise its just reinventing the wheel.
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