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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 5]

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they both might be of south african origin, but they're not the same


Oh please please please this fitting looks disgusting !!! don't they have aesthetic sense :(
Oh please please please this fitting looks disgusting !!! don't they have aesthetic sense :(
The guy next to Raheel is disgusting with his fake hairs and high heels... :)

This was not the final version. It was done for ground testing. Did you see one flying with this boom? Let us rest it for some time.
The guy next to Raheel is disgusting with his fake hairs and high heels... :)

This was not the final version. It was done for ground testing. Did you see one flying with this boom? Let us rest it for some time.

No Munir bhai he seems to be a prototype as well :rofl: :omghaha:.

Its a relief to hear that its just ground testing version :crazy_pilot:.
Seriously, at least concept wise the JFT DAS is like SPECTRA.
blk 2 will have better ew, more similar to spectra, and no its not chinese. even blk 1 ecm is not entirely chineseg. ALR-400 rwr is most advanced rwr in any fighter in this region with LPI capability.
blk 2 will have better ew, more similar to spectra, and no its not chinese. even blk 1 ecm is not entirely chineseg. ALR-400 rwr is most advanced rwr in any fighter in this region with LPI capability.

Would love it to have an active array jammer like SPECTRA.
Sancho has a point. Plus he is not talking about LCA. I hope that JF-17 Block-3 has an additional hard point per wing, and another under fuselage for a pod, for a total of 3 hard points.

Thanks for noticing! :enjoy:

in a2g I would question the utility of JF-17 carrying BVR missiles. Sure it would be nice to have JF-17 carry a pair of BVRs, but two factors would negate the need: 1. An a2g mission package would likely entail a pair of escorting warplanes in a2a config. 2. In case of low-level ingress BVRs would have little utility

First of all, it doesn't have to be BVR missiles, but the ability to carry 2 more missiles in general, to increase the self defence capability!
Secondly, a low level approach will not limit the radar from detecting an enemy at BVR range. And there is a difference between having fighters in an "area" in air superiority role, that also provide top cover for strike fighters or bombers and the need of dedicated escort fighters, because the strike fighters are simply too limited in capability.
The top cover (by F16s maybe) would also be available if JF 17 could carry more AAMs, but the dedicated escorts won't be necessary anymore. And I am not denying that this might be enough for PAF, that's why I asked earlier for the AAM requirements, I am only showing the weakpoint the limitation to 7 hardpoints only. The Mirage 2000 upgrade was one example, the Mig 29 upgrades added more hardpoints too, the coming Gripen upgrade to E standard also will give more hardpoints AND the reduction of external fuel to add more AAM's and so on.

Then be happy that it is a worthless aircraft---no reason for concern for the iaf----.

Too sad to see even senior members not being able to distinguish between discussions on fighters and looking beyond my country of origin and automatically have to make a blame game out of it or to imply that I have such intentions.

A poster that says these kind of things seriously needs to reconsider the idea whether he is suited to be called a think tank/analyst...

I don't care if people call me suited for TTA or not, that's for others to judge, but please tell me what you mean with "these kind of things"? I was accused to harp on something, which I clearly didn't, I ONLY discussed the advantages and disadvantages of fighters with a certain number of hardpoints, while it was you that brought up IAF and specific fighters, only because I was talking about the JF 17. I don't want to make a judgement on what does it tell about you, but my reply to your earlier post is more than detailed to make you understand what I am talking about and that it's not just a personal opinion on JF 17 at all.
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Too sad to see even senior members not being able to distinguish between discussions on fighters and looking beyond my country of origin and automatically have to make a blame game out of it or to imply that I have such intentions..


You don't have a discussion----what you have is sheer *********---you comments have reached the stage of total ******* arguments. You analysis is **** poor and pathetic---you have suddenly developed a fetish for 9 hard points as to 7 hard points.

This wasteful argument is one on the same level as that between .308 to 5.56.

What I think you are trying to get to is the strategy behind 7 hard points and how they will be used. You want to know the secret---you light a flame---start a fire and let the opponent spit out the important information in anger---nice try.

Two missiles if needed are more than enough----. The pilot on strike mission is already drained out---he is in no position for an air to air after his primary mission is completed---he adrenaline is finished---all he has is escape on his mind---. He will be a sitting duck if he got involved in an air to air. You have to keep the human factor in mind.
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