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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 4]

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This new type of air-to-ground PGM was first revealed during a visit of the academicians of Chinese Academy of Engineering to a PLAAF test & training base in June 2012, when the missile was seen carried by the JH-7A #815 prototype. KD-X appears relatively small in size with 4 small forward control fins and 4 large tail stabilizing fins. The exact type of head seeker is unknown, but speculations have ranged from semi-active laser guided to IIR to GPS/INS. The middle section appears to be a 250kg bomb unit and the tail section could carry a small solid rocket motor. Overall KD-X appears similar to French AASM bomb kits. Like AASM, an increased number of KD-X could be carried by JH-7A strike aircraft due to its relatively small size and light weight.

- Last Updated 6/18/12

coming soon at a theatre near you!

This new type of air-to-ground PGM was first revealed during a visit of the academicians of Chinese Academy of Engineering to a PLAAF test & training base in June 2012, when the missile was seen carried by the JH-7A #815 prototype. KD-X appears relatively small in size with 4 small forward control fins and 4 large tail stabilizing fins. The exact type of head seeker is unknown, but speculations have ranged from semi-active laser guided to IIR to GPS/INS. The middle section appears to be a 250kg bomb unit and the tail section could carry a small solid rocket motor. Overall KD-X appears similar to French AASM bomb kits. Like AASM, an increased number of KD-X could be carried by JH-7A strike aircraft due to its relatively small size and light weight.

- Last Updated 6/18/12

coming soon at a theatre near you!

Opsss! I was thinking to going at theater... Lolz:laugh:
if-17 need at least 2 additional pylons under wing or under intakes for weapon/pods to be effective swing role fighter. Initially it was discussed by former chief but nothing so far. Not sure if this an option in block 2. Ideally you want 2 bvr plus 2 wvr weapons all the time plus tanks and enough pylons to carry decent load at a range.
As it is repeatedly said that jf17 is for more defence purposes but in practical it has been used and cofigured for ground attack on people with no air defence so are we on right track
I think our priority should be specific and specialist for one field( we must not make it jack of all trade and master of none)
1. Main purpose should be air defence and as many bvr missiles as possible(specialist of air to air fight, missiles, systems etc)
2. Anti ship and anti submarine operation
3. Last should be ground attack
I had discussed it with a pilot from the service (2008 and I was briefed on jf 17)his answer was std config is 2 wvr and 2 bvr plus 1 centerline drop tank, remaing 2 pylons for a-t-g weapons, this leaves no room for jammer pod plus ldp so it will depend on buddy or ground base lasing, at the time they did mention 2 new pylons under intake were being looked into

Almost every aspect of air war, defence, interedictoin, CAS, COIN, ground attack, sea attack etc, is ateam effort. If their are 4 jets in a team, not all of them require every kind of pod / equipment, one benefit of network centerick warfare.While all of them should have sufficient fuel and wepon load, target acquisiotn, EW and jamming could be done by any one of them for the benefit of all.
if-17 need at least 2 additional pylons under wing or under intakes for weapon/pods to be effective swing role fighter. Initially it was discussed by former chief but nothing so far. Not sure if this an option in block 2. Ideally you want 2 bvr plus 2 wvr weapons all the time plus tanks and enough pylons to carry decent load at a range.

The problem was unavailability of wiring in the inner most pylon and appropriate clearance after fitting of an adapter.
Apparently that problems has been addressed to a degree.
Although whether weapon flight testing has been carried out or not is a different thing.
Guys Everything will be done. PAC is already working on Hardpoints for PODS like Targeting . under the intake
why is that in 70-80 percent pics on net we see 09-112 in those pics and never any other JF-17 with different serial number
The figure of 70-80% is exaggerated, there are many pictures of other units too. The source, 'PAF Wallpapers' must have access to only this unit (by pilot or visitor pictures).
Wah Bhai Jaan, as if Oscar, Nabil-05, Pshamim saab tid bits were so weak that only PAF media team took notice of your wild posts only (btw when you have shared any super duper insider news of JF-17?)
Are you trying to insult me? I said I might have attracted them, by sharing the information on this thread AND by letting others (not only members) know about it. If they turn to their senior asking if the news is true, they would ask for source (who told him about it) and hence visit this thread.

And I used to share the news of weapon integration and 3rd Squadron basically. You have always been picky on me, no idea why.
The figure of 70-80% is exaggerated, there are many pictures of other units too. The source, 'PAF Wallpapers' must have access to only this unit (by pilot or visitor pictures).

Are you trying to insult me? I said I might have attracted them, by sharing the information on this thread AND by letting others (not only members) know about it. If they turn to their senior asking if the news is true, they would ask for source (who told him about it) and hence visit this thread.

And I used to share the news of weapon integration and 3rd Squadron basically. You have always been picky on me, no idea why.

Dont take it negatively, he only mentioned that there have been other members that have been posting their share of inside info on this forum before you arrived and you must not take credit by pointing yourself as the probable source of attraction.
A batch of 16 JF-17 (11 new units, 5 old) were sent to PAF Base Masroor on 5 April. They were supposed to be introduced in No. 7 Squadron.

Now those units are called back and will rise at No. 15 Squadron at Kamra. Next batch (Block II) will be placed at No. 4 Squadron at PAF base Shahbaz, Jacobabad. The fifth squadron of JF-17 and second squadron of Block II is either for PAF base Masroor or PAF base Smungli.
A batch of 16 JF-17 (11 new units, 5 old) were sent to PAF Base Masroor on 5 April. They were supposed to be introduced in No. 7 Squadron.

Now those units are called back and will rise at No. 15 Squadron at Kamra. Next batch (Block II) will be placed at No. 4 Squadron at PAF base Shahbaz, Jacobabad. The fifth squadron of JF-17 and second squadron of Block II is either for PAF base Masroor or PAF base Smungli.

well great news how many JF-17 are operational now?or build
about 50..they say 38 are operational

real questions are how many are we going to build 250 or 150?

and will the navy get independent numbers or not?

and will a stealthy type(NOT a STEALTH) or an totally improved version be built or not?

how many exports will we get if any?
It would be better to have 100 of each blocks with their 30 dual seat in each blocks like with composite, FLIR & IRST pod and RD-93B on Block-Is In flight refueling probe.
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