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JF-17 Thunder Block 2 Will be Ready till June 2014


May 28, 2011
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Pakistan launched on Wednesday production of an improved version of JF-17 Thunder fighter aircraft.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif performed the inauguration of the manufacturing of Block 2 of JF-17 at Pakistan Aeronautical Complex in the town of Kamra.


Block 2 jets come with air-to-air refuelling capability, improved avionics, enhanced load carrying capacity, better weapon carriage and enhanced data link and electronic warfare capabilities.

The aircraft costs around $20-25 million apiece, compared to Block 1 which costs about $15m.

The Kamra production facility has been reconfigured for the production of the new version.

Production of Block 2 is expected to continue till 2016 after which manufacture of Block 3 is planned which may have new engine and different weaponry.

The aircraft jointly produced by Pakistan and China in 2003 was inducted into the Pakistan Air Force in 2007.

JF-17 is a cost-effective aircraft with multi-role capability. It participated in Dubai air shows and some 11 countries have expressed interest in purchasing it.

Speaking at the rollout ceremony of the 50th JF-17 Thunder fighter aircraft at the Kamra complex, Prime Minister Sharif said production of JF-17 Thunder aircraft was a milestone towards self-reliance in the sector of defence production.

He said JF-17 was a symbol of growing Pak-China friendship, which he recalled had resulted in a number of other collaborative projects, including Gwadar Port‚ Chashma Nuclear Power Project and Karakoram Highway.

Mr Sharif said the government was committed to strengthening country’s strong defence.

He said a defence strategy was being prepared which envisaged upgradation of defence equipment and logistics.

Chief of Air Staff Air Chief Marshal Tahir Rafique Butt and the PAC chairman Air Marshal Sohail Gul khan said on the occasion that the signing of a sales and marketing agreement with China Aero-Technology Import Export Corporation was another major achievement.

APP adds: “The new technology and modern expertise have transformed our defence into a great force … We want that our defence forces should be ever ready for any contingency,” the prime minister said.

He expressed satisfaction that the country’s military leadership was fully cognizant of the changing environment and was following an agreed and well-integrated approach.

“For this reason, we want to ensure that our forces are alert, active and fully equipped with necessary professional skills.”

Mr Sharif said the day marked a glorious milestone in the history of the country’s aviation industry as well as in the national quest for development and progress.

He congratulated the Chief of Air Staff and his team on successful completion of in-country production of the first batch of 50 JF-17 aircraft.

He said proud accomplishments marked the history of Pakistan Air Force showing bravado, commitment and courage. The skill and passion of ‘flying falcons’ to conquer the skies assured that the country’s aerial frontiers were safe and secure, he said.

Later during his interaction with newsmen, the prime minister said Pakistan desired peaceful relations with neighbouring countries, particularly India and Afghanistan.

“Pakistan’s intentions towards its neighbours are positive and it expects similar reciprocity from them.”

He welcomed the upcoming meeting of directors general military operations of Pakistan and India on Dec 24.

He said Pakistan and China were effectively translating their friendly and brotherly relations into development projects for mutual benefit of their people.

He mentioned the Pakistan-China Economic Corridor project, which would link Gwadar to China through Khunjrab Pass and said that economic zones would be set up along the corridor.

The project would have far-reaching impact on the future of both countries, he added.

Mr Sharif said cheap labour in Pakistan would also contribute to smooth materialisation of projects with China.

In reply to a question about the difficult procedure of PM’s Youth Loan Scheme, he said the conditions for getting loan would be reviewed and necessary amendments would be made accordingly.
راڈارپر نظر نہیں آئیگا، اضافی ہتھیار لے جا سکے گا، یہ طیارہ بڑی اہمیت کا حامل ہوگا: جنرل راحیل

لاہور + اسلام آباد (خبر نگار + سٹاف ر پورٹر) پاکستان ایروناٹیکل کمپلیکس نے مقامی طور پر تیار کردہ پچاسواں جے ایف 17 تھنڈر طیارہ پاکستان ائےرفورس کے حوالے کےا۔ اس یادگار موقع پر جے ایف 17 بلاک II کی تےاری کا منصوبہ بھی پےش کےا گےا۔ وزیراعظم محمد نوازشرےف تقریب کے مہمان خصوصی تھے۔ تقریب میں وزرا اور متعلقہ وزارتوں کے سیکرٹری، پاکستان مےں چےن کے سفےر کے ساتھ ساتھ چےن کی اےوی ایشن انڈسٹری کے اعلیٰ عہدےدار چیئرمین جوائنٹ چےفس آف سٹاف کمےٹی اور مسلح افواج کے سربراہ بھی شریک ہوئے۔ وزیراعظم نے JF-17 کے بلاک II کے اضافی پچاس طےاروں کی مشترکہ پروگرام کی ےادداشت پر دستخط بھی کئے۔ اس ےادداشت مےں چائنہ اےرو ٹےکنالوجی امپورٹ اےنڈ اےکسپورٹ (CATIC) کے ساتھ مشترکہ خرےداری اور مارکےٹنگ کا معاہدہ بھی شامل ہے۔ قبل ازیں پاکستان ائیروناٹیکل کمپلیکس بورڈ کامرہ کے چیئرمین، ائیر مارشل سہیل گل خان نے JF-17 مشترکہ پراجیکٹ کی چیدہ چیدہ خصوصیات پر روشنی ڈالی۔ جے ایف 17 تھنڈر انتہائی انچلی پرواز کر کے دشمن کے راڈار میں آنے سے بچ سکتا ہے، ایک انجن کا حامل یہ لڑاکا طیارہ ہر قسم کے موسم میں پرواز کر سکتا ہے۔ اسے فضا سے فضا اور فضا سے زمین پر مار کرنے والے میزائلوں سے لیس کیا جا سکتا ہے۔ وزیراعظم محمد نوازشریف نے جے ایف 17 تھنڈر طیاروں کی رول آ¶ٹ تقریب کے اختتام پر طیارے میں بیٹھ کر طیارے کا معائنہ کیا۔ چیف آف ایئر سٹاف ایئر چیف مارشل طاہر رفیق بٹ نے انہیں طیارے سے متعلق بریفنگ دی۔ اسلام آباد سے سٹاف رپورٹر کے مطابق چیف آف آرمی سٹاف جنرل راحیل شریف نے کہا ہے کہ پچاسویں جے ایف 17 تھنڈر طیارہ کے رول آوٹ ہونے اور جے ایف 17 تھنڈر بلاک ٹو کی تیاری کا افتتاح بہت اہمیت کا حامل ہے۔ ایروناٹیکل کمپلیکس کامرہ میں تقریب کے بعد سیکرٹری دفاع کے ساتھ گفتگو کرتے ہوئے انہوں نے کہا کہ یہ تقریب بہت کامیاب رہی۔ اے ایف پی کے مطابق پاکستان نیا لڑاکا طیارہ تیار کرے گا جو اپ گریڈ ایویانکس اور ویپن سسٹم سے لیس ہو گا۔ چیف پرایجکٹ ڈائریکٹر ایئر وائس مارشل جاوید احمد نے بتایا کہ بلاک II جے ایف 17 اگلے سال جون تک تیار ہو جئاے گا۔ اس میں فضا سے فضا میں ایندھن بھرنے کے نظام اضافی ہتھیار لے جانے اور کچھ آپریشنل صلاحیتیں بہتر بنائی جائیں گی اس وقت 16 سے 25 طیارے سالانہ بنائے جانے کی صلاحیت موجود ہے۔

جنرل راحیل

JF-17 Thunder Block 2 Will be Ready till June 2014 | PAKISTAN DEFENCE NEWS BLOG | Pakarmedforces.com
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Sweet. This is great news. Cant wait to see BL 2 fly.

Thunder has already conducted Aerial Refueling Tests with Ilyushin Il-78 MIDAS aerial refueling tanker
no like f 16, then f 20, f 35 etc?
F-16 is F-16 not F-18
F-16 has many versions from block 15/40/50/52 & 60.
Name depends upon airframe and study of aircraft.
you have to work from start on everything to create other aircraft just up gradation don't trends in changing name in aviation industry…:cool:
F-16 is F-16 not F-18
F-16 has many versions from block 15/40/50/52 & 60.
Name depends upon airframe and study of aircraft.
you have to work from start on everything to create other aircraft just up gradation don't trends in changing name in aviation industry…:cool:
then can we name block 3 JF 18? cuz it will maybe have two engines?
i mean, we should change the name, no?
LOL Man NO nO No No
And JF 17 Thunder Is much much better than JF 18 in the terms of Name well in Personally i like it even more than F22 Raptor:man_in_love:

then can we name block 3 JF 18? cuz it will maybe have two engines?
Bro Its an Fighter Jet not a Cake that we are Baking at Home its not that simple to fit Two engines on current jf 17 frame we will have to start from Scratch in Order to make it for Dual Engines And we can not name Block 3 Jf8 okay lets suppose when we will have Jf18 twhich would be an entire new aircraft and then we will upgrade it first upgraded aircraft from standard one whould be block 1 then block two its like that:suicide2::suicide2::suicide::suicide:
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