Of course not! My basic premises are that Erdogan must be "brought down" because he works against democratic values and may, by knowingly setting up a violent incident with Israel, have committed treason to the state.
You are encouraging the Turks to rebel and bring down a popularly elected leader on the basis that erdogan is dishonest and a liar -
Strictly speaking, it isn't necessary for an elected leader to be honest and truthful but to act as the representative of his electorate.
You state that Turks have a responsibility to hold him to account yet you wriggle out when confronted with collective failure of the US polity to prevent Bush from initiating an illigal war based on a lie.
The characterization of the War Against Saddam as "illegal" is a matter of dispute and mistakenly interpreting the evidence - which is what everybody did - is not the same thing as a deliberate lie. So we're talking apples and oranges here.
Your litmus test for democracy and the Turks right to it is based on its impact on Israel.
You're mixing up cause and effect. A democracy that is poisoned by unjustifiable bigotry and lies almost always picks on the Jews as a convenient hatred. The hate can serve as a blinder to a leader's deeds or - more commonly, as seen in Pakistan and Bangladesh - as the basis for denying people their jobs, office, civil rights, or even their life.
You are intellectually dishonest peddling Zionist propaganda and your arguments have been thoroughly deconstructed.
Walk me through this "deconstruction" you claim.