Opposition has captured MANPADS and ATGW from the SAA. 2011 was the last year when it really was still the FSA with major groups defecting and joining them, they were optimistic back then. That changed, barely any FSA flags to be seen, that group has collapsed and turned into other groups claiming to be Islamic. It has been turned completely sectarian while at first they were trying to keep that from happening, it was turned sectarian by states including the GCC which thought this would be in their benefit.
Now more people are returning back to the SAA, after all the usual defector to the FSA has no real problems with an SAA fighter, both fight for the same country. Only the extremists Nusra & ISIS + some others will never switch sides, that leaves a part of the other opposition groups.
Do you really believe they will defeat the SAA with the shattered decreasing unpopular opposition groups, in 2011 you should have supported them 1000% more then thing might have been different. Now it's a lost cause.