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Japanese activists land on the Senkakus amid Chinese protests and threats

Nope, Japan has no advantage in the military industry complex.

For example, their Atago DDG is just an Arleigh Burke DDG with the watered-down version of Aegis. They rely on US for the Aegis radar/launching systems/ship propulsion.

While China's Type 052C is 100% indigenous, only the first two ships have the Ukrainian ship propulsion, but after China has solved the problems of its indigenous ship propulsion, now Type 052C is being built as quick as the hot cake, also we just start to build the more advanced Type 052D.

The Type 052C/D DDGs can easily outnumber the Kongo/Atago DDGs in sheer number, the only advantage of the Atago DDG is having more units of the VLS, while this is absolutely useless when you have an inferior PESA radar compared to the superior AESA radar of the Type 052C/D, which can have much greater flexibility to track down more flying targets.

Japanese Soryu class submarine

Oyashio Class Submarine

Hyuga class carrier

C-2 Cargo Transport

Akizuki class destroyer

Type 10 main battle tank

Never underestimate Japan's ability to produce their own weaponry. And if they want to buy or integrate foreign systems in their own at least its superior. After all Japan has the ability to shoot down ballistic missiles currently with their watered down destroyers as you call them.
Did you bother reading my post #75? I just finished saying all Japanese submarines are inferior diesel electrics with no nuclear submarines in the Japanese fleet.


Japan is clearly inferior to China in military technologies

Not true. Japan can't build its own jet engine. They licensed it from the United States.

Also, Japan begged the U.S. to buy the F-22. The U.S. said "no."

In contrast, China is testing two J-20 Mighty Dragon stealth fighter prototypes. China has been building its own indigenous WS-10A jet engines since 2005. China is miles ahead of Japan in military technology.

As ChineseTiger1986 has mentioned, Japan can't build its own Aegis system. Only China has a comparable Type 052C Lanzhou/Aegis class system.

Also, all Japanese submarines are diesel-electric. China has Type 093 Shang-class nuclear attack submarines (SSNs) and Type 094 Jin-class nuclear ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs). China is light years ahead of Japan in nuclear submarine technology.

One final thing, Japan is bankrupt with debt-to-GDP at 200% (see second citation below). They have to think long and hard before deciding whether they can afford to build a patrol boat. It might bust the Japanese budget.

Reference: JMSDF Submarines


BBC News - Japan PM Naoto Kan warns of 'collapse' under debt pile

by Roland Buerk
Jun 11, 2010 – Japan's economy is at "risk of collapse" under its huge debt mountain, the ... Government debt: 200% of GDP; Government deficit: 8% of GDP ..."
Did you bother reading my post #75? I just finished saying all Japanese submarines are inferior diesel electrics with no nuclear submarines in the Japanese fleet.


Japan is clearly inferior to China in military technologies

Not true. Japan can't build its own jet engine. They licensed it from the United States.

Also, Japan begged the U.S. to buy the F-22. The U.S. said "no."

In contrast, China is testing two J-20 Mighty Dragon stealth fighter prototypes. China has been building its own indigenous WS-10A jet engines since 2005. China is miles ahead of Japan in military technology.

As ChineseTiger1986 has mentioned, Japan can't build its own Aegis system. Only China has a comparable Type 052C Lanzhou/Aegis class system.

Also, all Japanese submarines are diesel-electric. China has Type 093 Shang-class nuclear attack submarines (SSNs) and Type 094 Jin-class nuclear ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs). China is light years ahead of Japan in nuclear submarine technology.

One final thing, Japan is bankrupt with debt-to-GDP at 200% (see second citation below). They have to think long and hard before deciding whether they can afford to build a patrol boat. It might bust the Japanese budget.

Reference: JMSDF Submarines


BBC News - Japan PM Naoto Kan warns of 'collapse' under debt pile

by Roland Buerk
Jun 11, 2010 – Japan's economy is at "risk of collapse" under its huge debt mountain, the ... Government debt: 200% of GDP; Government deficit: 8% of GDP ..."

Well lets see it took me some time to respond to someone's else post with pics and my reply so no I didn't read yours. And all it says is diesel/electric subs. How exactly do you know Japanese submarines are inferior if you have yet to sail in one or help build it?

Japanese don't need nuclear boats when its close to home and practically next door to China.

Also, all Japanese submarines are diesel-electric. China has Type 093 Shang-class nuclear attack submarines (SSNs) and Type 094 Jin-class nuclear ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs). China is light years ahead of Japan in nuclear submarine technology.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-...chinese-protests-threats-6.html#ixzz24QV7ggoO
Never underestimate Japan's ability to produce their own weaponry. And if they want to buy or integrate foreign systems in their own at least its superior. After all Japan has the ability to shoot down ballistic missiles currently with their watered down destroyers as you call them.

lol, even US doesn't have the reliable anti-missile defence system, what you can convince me to buy your claim that Japan can intercept our ballistic missiles?

Japan's missile defence system is part of the US missile defence system, without US, they have to restart everything from null.

Don't worry, if one day US leaves the Asia-Pacific region, we will make them to become our tamable puppy just like thousand years ago. :coffee:
lol, even US doesn't have the reliable anti-missile defence system, what you can convince me to buy your claim that Japan can intercept our ballistic missiles?

Japan's missile defence system is part of the US missile defence system, without US, they have to restart everything from zero.

Don't worry, if one day US leaves the Asia-Pacific region, we will make them to become our tamable puppy just like thousand years ago. :coffee:

If it ain't so reliable why you guys complaining so much about it?:meeting: Japan has already tested it and succeeded but you didn't know about it otherwise your post would have mentioned it. And the U.S. is not stopping the program and Japan has learned much from the program. They don't need to start from zero. We pretty much ain't leaving Asia. And I don't remember China ever conquering Japan. The Mongols were close but the divine wind aka Kamikaze prevented that.
Well lets see it took me some time to respond to someone's else post with pics and my reply so no I didn't read yours. And all it says is diesel/electric subs. How exactly do you know Japanese submarines are inferior if you have yet to sail in one or help build it?

Japanese don't need nuclear boats when its close to home and practically next door to China.

Stealth: SSN > AIP > Diesel Electric

No, you don't understand.

Japanese diesel electrics can only stay underwater for a few days before having to surface to recharge its batteries, which makes it vulnerable to detection and being sunk.

Most of the Japanese submarines lack advanced Chinese AIP technology to stay underwater for two weeks. The relatively new Japanese Soryu-class AIP submarine relies on Swedish-built Stirling engines. In contrast, China builds its own AIP submarine engines.

Japan lacks the even more advanced Chinese nuclear submarine technology to stay underwater for three months, which is the ultimate in submarine stealth.

Let me find my post to explain these concepts to you.


Type 041 Yuan-class attack submarine (SSK) has air-independent propulsion (AIP)


Yuan-class SSKs represent the new generation of PLA Navy conventional attack submarines. With AIP technology, a Type 041 Yuan SSK can stay underwater for two to three weeks at a time.

A Song-class diesel-electric submarine can stay underwater for only a few days without recharging its batteries. In contrast, a Yuan-class diesel-electric submarine with AIP can stay underwater for about two to three weeks.

This means the Type 041 Yuan-class submarine is much more stealthy. It avoids detection by lengthening the time between surfacing (when it's most vulnerable to a P-8 Poseidon sub-hunter) to recharge its batteries.

Indigenous Weapons Development in China’s Military Modernization

"Yuan Class submarine

2006 First Yuan-class submarine estimated to have entered service.
2007 Second and third Yuan-class submarine launched.
2008 Fourth Yuan-class submarine launched.
2009 Second and third Yuan-class submarines enter service. U.S. intelligence reports that Yuan submarines may have air-independent propulsion (AIP) capability.
2010 Fourth Yuan-class submarine enters service, the fourth of which is a potential redesign of previous versions and incorporates Kilo-class features and AIP technology.
2010 China State Shipbuilding Corporation displays AIP technology.
2011 Fifth Yuan submarine delivered, conducting sea trials in Shanghai.
2011 Projected date for serial production.

As of the 2009 DoD report, China had over 60 submarines in service. Series production of the Yuan-class submarine is expected, and some analysts predict that 'twenty of the class will be built.'”

[Note: Thank you to EastWind for the picture.]



Chinese Type 093 Shang-class Nuclear Attack Submarine (SSN) can stay underwater for months at a time.
The Type 093 and Type 094 are just the decade old mature technology for China, but they are not as inferior as the anti-China western propaganda claims to be.

The Type 093 is comparable to the late variant of the Los Angeles class SSN, while the Type 094 is comparable to the British Vanguard and French Triomphant SSBNs.

For now, we want to focus on the more advanced Type 095 SSN and Type 096 SSBN, but in an emergency situation, they can be mass produced along with the Type 052C/D DDGs. So our PLAN can easily number up a large nuclear sub fleet with a huge units of Type 093/094 and an elite units of Type 095/096.
I really find it silly to argue about naval equipment in the affair section, please consider below facts:

1, the last time we fought a naval war against japan, we had the superior fleet, but guess what? we got defeated.

2, It's almost funny to me that US has no political memory at all, they were never attacked by anyone they considered a threat, cold war never gone hot. Hitler was greeted in US with flowers before world war 2, pearl or 9/11. the most militarily prepared nation in the world just never see it coming. Expect "Friends with Benefits 2" staring US and Japan.

3, Of course Japan is not scared since they have so much first hand experience with radiation.

4, India, the home of the great Gandhi, once refused the fight the British, now refuse to sit down and talk about a border dispute.
I really find it silly to argue about naval equipment in the affair section, please consider below facts:

1, the last time we fought a naval war against japan, we had the superior fleet, but guess what? we got defeated.

2, It's almost funny to me that US has no political memory at all, they were never attacked by anyone they considered a threat, cold war never gone hot. Hitler was greeted in US with flowers before world war 2, pearl or 9/11. the most militarily prepared nation in the world just never see it coming. Expect "Friends with Benefits 2" staring US and Japan.

3, Of course Japan is not scared since they have so much first hand experience with radiation.

4, India, the home of the great Gandhi, once refused the fight the British, now refuse to sit down and talk about a border dispute.

You are just another brainwashed dodo, stop comparing that weak Qing Dynasty with PRC.

The Qing Dynasty was just a giant farmland relying on the production of porcelain and tea with no industry.

The events of late 19th century and WWII were the last chances for Japan having its bite on China, today's Japan is just a castrated dog if without the support from US.
You are just another brainwashed dodo, stop comparing that weak Qing Dynasty with PRC.

The Qing Dynasty was just a giant farmland relying on the production of porcelain and tea with no industry.

The events of late 19th century and WWII were the last chances for Japan having its bite on China, today's Japan is a just a castrated dog if without the support of US.

I agree. SicSheep is an idiot.

David beat Goliath and this means David will always beat Goliath. No, you SicSheep idiot. It means David beat Goliath once and Goliath will never underestimate or lose to David again.
I agree. SicSheep is an idiot.

David beat Goliath and this means David will always beat Goliath. No, you SicSheep idiot. It means David beat Goliath once and Goliath will never underestimate or lose to David again.

I really hate some ignorant newbies like him poping up from nowhere, it really ruins my mood, if he is false flagger, then i would probably feel much better.
You are right, China is #1 in R&D now Japanese and US economy are just based on cheap labor. seriously, who's brainwashed?

Japan is just a dog yes, but rather a dog put on a leash by the US and now being let off.

If your national pride comes from nukes and carriers you don't belong in China, since she has the most of either. Chinese has always been proud even at her weakest moments and has always prevailed as history has shown.

Superior hardware doesn't guarantee victory, what matters are tactics and determination. Which China has an upper hand.

Sorry if I hurt your feelings, consider me a false flagger if that makes you feel better.
You are right, China is #1 in R&D now Japanese and US economy are just based on cheap labor. seriously, who's brainwashed?

Japan is just a dog yes, but rather a dog put on a leash by the US and now being let off.

If your national pride comes from nukes and carriers you don't belong in China, since she has the most of either. Chinese has always been proud even at her weakest moments and has always prevailed as history has shown.

Superior hardware doesn't guarantee victory, what matters are tactics and determination. Which China has an upper hand.

Sorry if I hurt your feelings, consider me a false flagger if that makes you feel better.

You are an idiot and a troll, neither i and Martian will bother to waste more time with you.

This forum is for the sane Chinese members, people like you don't belong here.
lol, even US doesn't have the reliable anti-missile defence system, what you can convince me to buy your claim that Japan can intercept our ballistic missiles?

Japan's missile defence system is part of the US missile defence system, without US, they have to restart everything from null.

Don't worry, if one day US leaves the Asia-Pacific region, we will make them to become our tamable puppy just like thousand years ago. :coffee:
1000 years ago? China never had any control over Japan.
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