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Japanese activists land on the Senkakus amid Chinese protests and threats

Japanese Soryu class submarine

Oyashio Class Submarine

Eh nice toys, these submarines!
Could we have some pls? Does Japan export to any friendly country today?
If it ain't so reliable why you guys complaining so much about it?:meeting: Japan has already tested it and succeeded but you didn't know about it otherwise your post would have mentioned it. And the U.S. is not stopping the program and Japan has learned much from the program. They don't need to start from zero. We pretty much ain't leaving Asia. And I don't remember China ever conquering Japan. The Mongols were close but the divine wind aka Kamikaze prevented that.

I think you are confusing us with Russia, you can keep ditching more money on your missile defence system, it is none of our business.
You are right, China is #1 in R&D now Japanese and US economy are just based on cheap labor. seriously, who's brainwashed?

Japan is just a dog yes, but rather a dog put on a leash by the US and now being let off.

If your national pride comes from nukes and carriers you don't belong in China, since she has the most of either. Chinese has always been proud even at her weakest moments and has always prevailed as history has shown.
Superior hardware doesn't guarantee victory, what matters are tactics and determination. Which China has an upper hand.

Sorry if I hurt your feelings, consider me a false flagger if that makes you feel better.

Maybe i was too rude with you in my previous posts.

If you believe that the determination is more important than the equipment, then i do agree with you.

And many of our young men in PLA are willing to put their life on the line to defend our sovereignty, but we have to develop our own military technology as well, since we cannot let them to fight our enemy with the Taliban weapons.

The Taliban fighters are perhaps 100 times braver than any US soldier, yet the military technology gap still costs them so many casualty.

China is still 2 decades behind USA, but she is willing to defend sovereignty, but to defend our sovereignty is not that easy, both recklessness and cowardice would cost us dearly.
Maybe i was too rude with you in my previous posts.

If you believe that the determination is more important than the equipment, then i do agree with you.

And many of our young men in PLA are willing to put their life on the line to defend our sovereignty, but we have to develop our own military technology as well, since we cannot let them to fight our enemy with the Taliban weapons.

The Taliban fighters are perhaps 100 times braver than any US soldier, yet the military technology gap still costs them so many casualty.

China is still 2 decades behind USA, but she is willing to defend sovereignty, but to defend our sovereignty is not that easy, both recklessness and cowardice would cost us dearly.

No, you were not too rude. I can smell a false flagger from a mile away as well as you can.

The guy reeks of a false flagger or Tibetan. In any case, the guy is clearly anti-Chinese.
Stealth: SSN > AIP > Diesel Electric

No, you don't understand.

Japanese diesel electrics can only stay underwater for a few days before having to surface to recharge its batteries, which makes it vulnerable to detection and being sunk.

Most of the Japanese submarines lack advanced Chinese AIP technology to stay underwater for two weeks. The relatively new Japanese Soryu-class AIP submarine relies on Swedish-built Stirling engines. In contrast, China builds its own AIP submarine engines.

Japan lacks the even more advanced Chinese nuclear submarine technology to stay underwater for three months, which is the ultimate in submarine stealth.

Let me find my post to explain these concepts to you.


Type 041 Yuan-class attack submarine (SSK) has air-independent propulsion (AIP)


Yuan-class SSKs represent the new generation of PLA Navy conventional attack submarines. With AIP technology, a Type 041 Yuan SSK can stay underwater for two to three weeks at a time.

A Song-class diesel-electric submarine can stay underwater for only a few days without recharging its batteries. In contrast, a Yuan-class diesel-electric submarine with AIP can stay underwater for about two to three weeks.

This means the Type 041 Yuan-class submarine is much more stealthy. It avoids detection by lengthening the time between surfacing (when it's most vulnerable to a P-8 Poseidon sub-hunter) to recharge its batteries.

Indigenous Weapons Development in China’s Military Modernization

"Yuan Class submarine

2006 First Yuan-class submarine estimated to have entered service.
2007 Second and third Yuan-class submarine launched.
2008 Fourth Yuan-class submarine launched.
2009 Second and third Yuan-class submarines enter service. U.S. intelligence reports that Yuan submarines may have air-independent propulsion (AIP) capability.
2010 Fourth Yuan-class submarine enters service, the fourth of which is a potential redesign of previous versions and incorporates Kilo-class features and AIP technology.
2010 China State Shipbuilding Corporation displays AIP technology.
2011 Fifth Yuan submarine delivered, conducting sea trials in Shanghai.
2011 Projected date for serial production.

As of the 2009 DoD report, China had over 60 submarines in service. Series production of the Yuan-class submarine is expected, and some analysts predict that 'twenty of the class will be built.'”

[Note: Thank you to EastWind for the picture.]



Chinese Type 093 Shang-class Nuclear Attack Submarine (SSN) can stay underwater for months at a time.

It doesn't matter that the Japanese has depended on other countries for technologies to improve its military capabilities. I can easily point out China's military also has imported foreign components into its own systems.

As tensions between China and Japan increases as well as factoring North Korea, Japan is developing more indigenous weaponry and platforms.

We beat them in a naval warfare back in 663AD, since then they started to worship and to study our culture.

Thats not saying you invaded and had total control of Japan.
Maybe i was too rude with you in my previous posts.

If you believe that the determination is more important than the equipment, then i do agree with you.

And many of our young men in PLA are willing to put their life on the line to defend our sovereignty, but we have to develop our own military technology as well, since we cannot let them to fight our enemy with the Taliban weapons.

The Taliban fighters are perhaps 100 times braver than any US soldier, yet the military technology gap still costs them so many casualty.

China is still 2 decades behind USA, but she is willing to defend sovereignty, but to defend our sovereignty is not that easy, both recklessness and cowardice would cost us dearly.

Lol "the brave soldiers of the emperor are worth 100 decadent Americans"...yeah, Chiins are brave and love their country...every one else are cowards who hate theirs. They have fighting spirit...no one else does...funny..were was all this last time the japs came? You grew it all recent like? Doesn't bother me...in fact We should encourage the Chinese to tell their soldiers that the enemy will run when they fire their cheap rifles...will increase the shock when they discover that they shoot back.
Lol "the brave soldiers of the emperor are worth 100 decadent Americans"...yeah, Chiins are brave and love their country...every one else are cowards who hate theirs. They have fighting spirit...no one else does...funny..were was all this last time the japs came? You grew it all recent like? Doesn't bother me...in fact We should encourage the Chinese to tell their soldiers that the enemy will run when they fire their cheap rifles...will increase the shock when they discover that they shoot back.

The Taliban fighters are fighting against a civilization which is 20 decades more advanced than themselves.

If the US soldiers can fight against a civilization which is 20 decades more advanced without any surrender, then you guys can call yourselves the bravest of all.
It doesn't matter that the Japanese has depended on other countries for technologies to improve its military capabilities. I can easily point out China's military also has imported foreign components into its own systems.

As tensions between China and Japan increases as well as factoring North Korea, Japan is developing more indigenous weaponry and platforms.

Ten weapon systems highlight vast Chinese technology superiority over Japan

I accept your offer.

Name the ALLEGED foreign components for the following Chinese high-technology military weapons:

1. J-20 Mighty Dragon stealth fighter (don't say engine, one of them is domestic WS-10 variant)
2. J-10B Vigorous Dragon
3. WS-10A engine
4. DF-21D Anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM)
5. Type 093 Shang nuclear attack submarine (SSN)
6. Type 094 Jin nuclear ballistic missile submarine (SSBN)
7. Type 041 Yuan-class AIP submarine
8. DF-31A MIRVed road-mobile ICBM
9. WZ-10 attack helicopter (don't say software, that is an unproven allegation)
10. PL-12/SD-10 AMRAAM 100km air-to-air missile

I await your reply.


Japan is vastly inferior to China in military technology, because the Japanese can't build a stealth fighter. They have to beg the U.S. to buy the non-supercruising F-35. How pathetic.

Similarly, the Japanese F-2 fighter and its jet engine are licensed from the U.S.

China has innovated and built an indigenously-designed ASBM. Show me a comparable indigenous Japanese military innovation.

China builds its own compact nuclear reactors for submarines. Japanese possess no such technology.

China builds its own submarine AIP engines. Japanese buys or licenses their AIP technology from Sweden.

Japanese have no ICBMs, mobile or otherwise.

Japanese buy American Apache attack helicopters. Japan looks like a richer India. Japan buys American military technology, but it produces very little military weapons on its own. Where is a domestic Japanese attack helicopter? Oh wait, it doesn't exist.

Pathetic Japanese buy American AIM-120C missiles. Japan can't build their own 100km AMRAAM.

The above examples illustrate China's clear military technology superiority against the weak Japanese. Anyone who claims the opposite is an idiot.
Ten weapon systems highlight vast Chinese technology superiority over Japan

I accept your offer.

Name the ALLEGED foreign components for the following Chinese high-technology military weapons:

1. J-20 Mighty Dragon stealth fighter (don't say engine, one of them is domestic WS-10 variant)
2. J-10B Vigorous Dragon
3. WS-10A engine
4. DF-21D Anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM)
5. Type 093 Shang nuclear attack submarine (SSN)
6. Type 094 Jin nuclear ballistic missile submarine (SSBN)
7. Type 041 Yuan-class AIP submarine
8. DF-31A MIRVed road-mobile ICBM
9. WZ-10 attack helicopter (don't say software, that is an unproven allegation)
10. PL-12/SD-10 AMRAAM 100km air-to-air missile

I await your reply.


Japan is vastly inferior to China in military technology, because the Japanese can't build a stealth fighter. They have to beg the U.S. to buy the non-supercruising F-35. How pathetic.

Similarly, the Japanese F-2 fighter and its jet engine are licensed from the U.S.

China has innovated and built an indigenously-designed ASBM. Show me a comparable indigenous Japanese military innovation.

China builds its own compact nuclear reactors for submarines. Japanese possess no such technology.

China builds its own submarine AIP engines. Japanese buys or licenses their AIP technology from Sweden.

Japanese have no ICBMs, mobile or otherwise.

Japanese buy American Apache attack helicopters. Japan looks like a richer India. Japan buys American military technology, but it produces very little military weapons on its own. Where is a domestic Japanese attack helicopter? Oh wait, it doesn't exist.

Pathetic Japanese buy American AIM-120C missiles. Japan can't build their own 100km AMRAAM.

The above examples illustrate China's clear military technology superiority against the weak Japanese. Anyone who claims the opposite is an idiot.

The new Type 052D is out, there are 3 of them already, since the tension in Diaoyu Island, we have to speed up our navy development.

You can go to check the thread.
Anyone who claims the opposite is an idiot.

By your logic everyone in the General Staff Department is either a idiot or Tibetan, LOL?

It doesn't matter if Japanese diesel electric subs surfaced every hour, China has no ASW patrol planes to spot them.

You forgot PLA liberated China with nationalist bullets? How much guns did were made in Israel in 1948?

we imported Buddhism, We imported Communism , We imported tanks, jets, destroyers, cars. We even imported Opium at gun point. but we never imported a queen.

in 5 to 8 years, we will have

2-3 carriers in service,

stealth planes that renders Japan Missile/air defense useless

A fleet of ASW planes

JL-2 equipped boomers

and list goes on and on. ... and what's funny is there is not a thing they can do about it, except to drag us into a war.

They want a war tomorrow so they have a better chance at winning, but all these provocation is only gonna have us better prepared. North Korea threats with retaliation every time the south has a exercise, but we are not them, the last time people thought we were bluffing they were wrong, and they paid the price.

"China’s leaders characterize the initial two decades of the 21st century as a ―strategic window of opportunity.‖ They assess that during this period, both domestic and international conditions will be conducive to expanding China’s ―comprehensive national power"

But if we had to go to war today, sure we are outgunned, we will admit that and adept our tactics to it, Just like we were in Korea, you see my point? after all I am just glad you are not in charge. seriously.
here we go, its only one line but its from a very very credible source.

Daily Press Briefing - August 16, 2012

I'll point it out since its very far down.

QUESTION: The Senkaku Islands – Secretary Clinton has previously said that it falls within Article 5 of the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty. Does the State Department continue with that opinion?

MS. NULAND: Our position on all of that has not changed.

Okay. Anything else?
Lol "the brave soldiers of the emperor are worth 100 decadent Americans"...yeah, Chiins are brave and love their country...every one else are cowards who hate theirs. They have fighting spirit...no one else does...funny..were was all this last time the japs came? You grew it all recent like? Doesn't bother me...in fact We should encourage the Chinese to tell their soldiers that the enemy will run when they fire their cheap rifles...will increase the shock when they discover that they shoot back.

hahaha, you made me laugh so hard.

if a war is to happen between US and China, the first thing US will teach their troops is how to say " I surrender" in Chinese, so much for your American value?

Let me tell you a true story, when I was a kid, I was on board a US carrier. I was checking out F-14s when a Mexican came up to me and said "this China?"

I was shocked and didn't understand and said "no?"

He then said "This American!!!, Be an American, Be strong!!!" he goes all flexing arms....

It's Sad, really.

An ideology, Wealth, and a strong army, since of course, it can't be based on a 300 years history or a race.

one of which doesn't exist anymore, and China is playing catch up on the other 2, just wait till they take that one last bit of pride from you, and then we will see how brave you fight?
By your logic everyone in the General Staff Department is either a idiot or Tibetan, LOL?

It doesn't matter if Japanese diesel electric subs surfaced every hour, China has no ASW patrol planes to spot them.

You forgot PLA liberated China with nationalist bullets? How much guns did were made in Israel in 1948?

we imported Buddhism, We imported Communism , We imported tanks, jets, destroyers, cars. We even imported Opium at gun point. but we never imported a queen.

in 5 to 8 years, we will have

2-3 carriers in service,

stealth planes that renders Japan Missile/air defense useless

A fleet of ASW planes

JL-2 equipped boomers

and list goes on and on. ... and what's funny is there is not a thing they can do about it, except to drag us into a war.

They want a war tomorrow so they have a better chance at winning, but all these provocation is only gonna have us better prepared. North Korea threats with retaliation every time the south has a exercise, but we are not them, the last time people thought we were bluffing they were wrong, and they paid the price.

"China’s leaders characterize the initial two decades of the 21st century as a ―strategic window of opportunity.‖ They assess that during this period, both domestic and international conditions will be conducive to expanding China’s ―comprehensive national power"

But if we had to go to war today, sure we are outgunned, we will admit that and adept our tactics to it, Just like we were in Korea, you see my point? after all I am just glad you are not in charge. seriously.

Chinese Y-8F-600 sub hunter

Your claim is technically true, but very misleading.

China is currently testing its Y-8F-600 sub hunter prototype. Those Japanese diesel electric submarines will become vulnerable in a few years to Chinese Y-8F-600 sub hunters on patrol.

Also, Japanese diesel electric submarines are vulnerable to surface radar on Chinese ships. Surface radar can detect the periscope from a submarine when it is above the water.


"The Chinese People’s Liberation Army has a new maritime patrol plane apparently optimized for finding and destroying submarines."
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