I am not sure as I cant read either! I found the information on this website:
Why New Specified Skills Visa 特定 技能(Tokusei ginou) is made
From April 2019, Japan will add a new type of resident status for foreigners called 「特定 技能」 (と く て い ぎ の う, temporary translation: special skills). With the new type of special skill visa (特定 技能), foreign workers will be officially allowed to work in industries that was not allowed (or allow very limited). the reception of foreign workers such as construction, shipbuilding, cleaning, ..
However, because this new visa has many similarities, it is different from the two types of visas for current trainees and engineers, so many people seem quite confused. In the following article, Job-tenashi would like to summarize briefly the characteristics of this visa before making a specific comparison with other visa types so that people have a more specific and general view of New Specified Skills Visa.
What is New Specified Skills Visa (Tokutei ginou) Visa?
To solve labor shortage is getting serious problem, in June 2018, the Japanese Government officially passed a new law allowing Japanese enterprises to receive foreign workers in the form of a new visa called Specified Skills Visa ( 特定 機能). Compared to the current work visa (技術 ・ 人文 知識 ・ 国際 業務), the scope of the business is allowed to be wider with the Specified skill Visa and the qualifications are much more flexible.
Visa 特定 技能 is divided into 2 categories: Specified skill Visa No. 1 (特定 機能 1 号) and Specified skill Visa No. 2 (特定 機能 2 号). The professions that are allowed to receive as well as the conditions for applying for and benefits of these two types of visas are also very different.
Special skill Visa type 1 (特定 技能 1 号) accepted Industries:
- ① Construction (建設 業)
- ② Shipbuilding and maritime industry (造船 ・ 舶 用 工業)
- Oto Car maintenance and repair industry (自動 車 整 備 業)
- ④ Aviation industry (航空 業)
- ⑤ Hotel industry (宿 泊 業)
- ⑥ Career-give Industry (介 護)
- ⑦ Cleaning buildings (ビ ル ク リ ー ニ ン グ)
- ⑧ Agriculture industry (農業)
- ⑨ Fishery industry (漁業)
- ⑩ Food and beverage manufacturing industry (飲食 料 品 製造業)
- Business Restaurant business (外 食 業)
- ⑫ Material processing industry (素 形 材 産業)
- ⑬ Industrial machinery (産業 機械 製造業)
- ⑭ Electric – electronic industry (電 気 電子 情報 関 連 産業)
- This visa is not allowed to pick up spouses, children, parents or siblings.
- In order to obtain for Specified skill Visa, you only need to meet two conditions below:
- Having Japanese language ability at normal conversation level, enough for living.
- Take the test of knowledge and experience prescribed
I also found this PDF file FROM THEIR MINISTRY WEBSITE for those interested: