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Japan 'To Announce Disputed Island Purchase'

I think it is clear that this territory belongs to Japan if they buy it when china wants it they should buy it.But i think China thinks that they can get away with it when they say this island belonged to them 1000 years ago.

Do yourself a favor and actually research the history and subject so you don't embarrass yourself...

In fact I'll even save you the trouble, here.

I'll begin with some background information. The Diaoyudao/Diaoyutai were administered by Taiwan Province prior to its annexation by Japan. The Imperial Japanese government annexed the Ryukyu Kingdom in 1879 as part of Japan. In the next decade Japan conducted scientific and geographical surveys of the area and beyond. At the time Japan refused to incorporate the Diaoyudao/Diaoyutai into Okinawa prefecture, wary of drawing the suspicion of the Qing Empire to its activities and motives.

The history of the territorial dispute over the Diaoyu Islands/Diaoyutai began in earnest when Japan annexed Taiwan and its outlying islands under the Treaty of Shimonoseki in 1895 after defeating the Qing forces in the first Sino-Japanese War. The Diaoyudao/Diaoyutai were then incorporated into the Okinawa prefecture as part of the Ryukyu Islands. After Japan's surrender under the terms of the Potsdam declaration at the end of WWII, Japanese sovereignty was limited to the four major islands: Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, and Shikoku and limited minor islands. The Ryukyu Islands were to be administered by the United States which had taken control of them earlier in the war.

When the United States handed the Ryukyu Islands back to Japanese administration in 1971, it also turned the Diaoyudao/Diaoyutai over to Japan. China's position on the islands is that they are part of the Taiwan province, while Taiwan views the islands as part of its sovereign territory.
we are even more surprised that indiia has nothing related to the issue and is trying to be meddlesome! is that the huge india wants to join this fight too? they do so because indian people are jealous of china! indian wants to claim their sovereignty on these island? but anyway, we all know about their purpose of doing that.

The same reason U gets your pants wet with excitement when big chinese take your `side` on this forum... Son.
A trade war is the least important part of this whole situation. Some believe boycotting Japanese goods and relocating factories won't have great impacts on the Japanese economy. I really have doubt on this kind of perception because they are assuming China is depending more on these Japanese companies rather than Japan needs China as a trading partner. By breaking the status quo the Japanese right wing government is just stirring up angry emotions of the Chinese from around the world. This whole mess can result in military confrontation and when that happens we ain't gonna be worrying about trading. Oldman first of all these Chinese factory workers don't earn enough to buy Apple or other expensive Japanese products with that kind of salary. Secondly do you think that rich mainlanders and Chinese from around the world will continue to buy these products?

Look at my quote, I said some money based on wages not salary. You be surprised how desperate people will get their hands on such products. For example that Chinese kid who sold his organ to get an ipad. Enough said.
There are individuals that would go to the extreme for the overhyped gadgets. I've read those stories as well but how often do you see these news passing by? Even if there are a hundred crazy kids that would go this far their purchases means nothing to the Japanese economy. You really have to come with facts of how much money China and Japan would be losing if the Japanese factories were to be relocated and for Japan to lose China as a trading partner. Relying on news of some crazy kids selling organs for Apple products isn't too convincing.
The same reason U gets your pants wet with excitement when big chinese take your `side` on this forum... Son.

it is not the same, you lousy indian! we are not jealous and dont worry of any development of china like indian! so the reasons are not the same!
well chest-beating can only take you so far; i'm sure with time chinese leaders will come to realize peaceful existence and diplomatic compromises is the only way forward.

Let us buy AP than try to said that to comfort yourself with your statement LMAO.
You don't understand, the CCP leaders are trying to divert the angers and frustration of China's poor by staging an external crisis like this one.

You Korean seem to know everything about China...I'm wondering if you know about what the purpose of Lee Myung-bak to land on constested Island with Japan...one day Japan take it back by force, you guys will cry without tear...now you can enjoy the China-Japan showdown...we shall see who will have the last laugh.
Many Chinese will lose jobs. Jobs will be shifted to South East Asia. People who will earn money at least some, and they can become a market for Japan to invest in. Chinese with no jobs means no money to buy Japanese branded products.

Don't worry for Chinese people, their competitor will fill the vacuum and make room for Chinese compagnies also, as long as American are our customers to buy cheap product then everything will be fine.
Never, ever, ever play with fire.

Today is 9-18 in China. Peace to the millions of people who died brutally during one of the darkest chapters of Modern Chinese history.

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