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Japan 'To Announce Disputed Island Purchase'

I think the burder is on US, as it was the original administrator of the island, and it was through its hand that this island became under Japan.

Let me tell you how exactly this is going to be played out, after China strongly protests and demands, under the strong urge of US, Japanese government will downplay its claim to the island, and Chinese government and its people feel that they have saved face in this whole thing and forget about while the island is still under the adminstration of Okinawa.

I agree the culprit is usa. usa wants this mess to happen. it was under the Potsdam Declaration that Japan should own no more than the four largest islands: Honshū, Hokkaidō, Kyūshū and Shikoku, that it was having before WW2. usa gave the "administrative rights" of Diaoyu Islands to the Japanese but not the sovereignty rights.

There is no other method to take back the islands but by military means. Siberia is a different case because it is not forming part of the first island string of containment and also the islands have rich oil and fishery resources. So the urgency is not there in Siberia and we need Russia as much as Russia needs us.

Hilary did change her tone over the weekend on sideline of the APEC meeting in Vladivostok where she called for restraints of her two allies in the disputes. There's no doubt the US can influence Japan in the Diaoyu disputes, the question is whether it's in her interest for these two former enemies to become friends. I think she'll rein in Tokyo a bit but let the disputes continue indefinitely. LOL, the paternalistic days of the US are gone and now the only important thing for her is self interest- divide and rule.

Oops, General Timetravel is here!

the dbitch has been talking about the same rhetorics since Wangyandao conflicts with the Pinoys. She actually wishes for an outbreak of war between Japan and China or China with the other countries in SCS!
Hilary did change her tone over the weekend on sideline of the APEC meeting in Vladivostok where she called for restraints of her two allies in the disputes. There's no doubt the US can influence Japan in the Diaoyu disputes, the question is whether it's in her interest for these two former enemies to become friends. I think she'll rein in Tokyo a bit but let the disputes continue indefinitely. LOL, the paternalistic days of the US are gone and now the only important thing for her is self interest- divide and rule.

Oops, General Timetravel is here!

I ask you and other readers to read the post# 11 in the thread posted below:


It is neither in Japan's interests nor in US interests not to provoke China or force the Chinese govt to take military steps. For Japan, it will an opportunity to show a mirror to China and avenge for what China did to Japan in the past. It is not Japan's day because whatever Japan will say will be believed by the world just like what China said was believed by the world in the pre-1941 days. Now Japanese will tell China, "So, how does it feel now? Remember, you were stabbing us in those days because the wind was on your side? Well the wind is now on our side." The weapon system you used against us will now be used against you and the weapon system is US military machine.

For USA, it is high time to invade and occupy China because the more it will delay, the more China will be powerful to be contained. USA has huge amount of Chinese reserves, well, USA will simply freeze it, so will the US allies just like how USA froze all the Japanese assets in USA on July 25, 1941 followed by Britain and Netherlands. US will many so many things which will force China to take military steps. Pentagon will calculate how they could maneuver the Chinese into the position of firing the first shot without allowing too much danger to US.

On November 25 Henry L. Stimson, United States Secretary of War noted in his diary that he had discussed with US President Franklin D. Roosevelt the severe likelihood that Japan was about to launch a surprise attack, and that the question had been "how we should maneuver them [the Japanese] into the position of firing the first shot without allowing too much danger to ourselves." [Bruce Cumings, "Parallax Visions: Making Sense of American-East Asian Relations," Duke, 1999, p. 47]

On 26 November 1941 (Showa 16), the United States delivered a note to Japan from Secretary of State Cordell Hull (the so-called "Hull Note"), which Japan took to be a de-facto ultimatum.

Just like how after rejecting Japanese proposals on negotiations, the U.S. Secretary of State, Cordell Hull, submitted the American terms, which effectively represented the Roosevelt's administration increasing hard-line, and which came to be seen in Japan as an outright ultimatum on November 26, 1941, China's proposals for negotiation will simply be rejected this time. And a similar note like Hull Note (will it be Hillary Note this time?) will be delivered to China.

1. The Hull Note ultimatum to Japan called for Japanese troops' withdrawal from French Indochina. The Hillary Note ultimatum to China may call for withdrawal from Sansha, the newly established Chinese city in the South China sea.

2. The Hull Note ultimatum to Japan called for Japanese recognition of Chiang Kai Shek govt in China. The Hillary Note ultimatum to China may ask China to recognize Dalai Lama govt in Tibet.

3. The Hull Note ultimatum to Japan asked Japan to end all bilateral ties to Germany and Italy. The Hillary Note ultimatum to China may ask China to end all diplomatic bilateral ties to North Korea and Iran.

4. The Hull Note ultimatum to Japan called for stabilization of the yen-dollar exchange. The Hillary Note ultimatum to China may call for a stabilization of the yuan-dollar exchange.

5. The Hull Note ultimatum to Japan called for US being treated as the most favored nation by Japan. The Hillary Note ultimatum to China may calle for US being treated as the most favored nation by China.

6. The Hillary Note ultimatum may also ask China to buy oil only from US companies, allow US troops to be stationed in China just like Japan etc etc.

China will not accept these terms and war will begin.
I agree the culprit is usa. usa wants this mess to happen. it was under the Potsdam Declaration that Japan should own no more than the four largest islands: Honshū, Hokkaidō, Kyūshū and Shikoku, that it was having before WW2. usa gave the "administrative rights" of Diaoyu Islands to the Japanese but not the sovereignty rights.

There is no other method to take back the islands but by military means. Siberia is a different case because it is not forming part of the first island string of containment and also the islands have rich oil and fishery resources. So the urgency is not there in Siberia and we need Russia as much as Russia needs us.

the dbitch has been talking about the same rhetorics since Wangyandao conflicts with the Pinoys. She actually wishes for an outbreak of war between Japan and China or China with the other countries in SCS!
The reason I brought up Siberia is because what is gone is gone. China shouldn't use excuse such as historical claim to get something it wants, this is not how the real world works, and this only strengthen Japan's position as US did pass the administrative rights of the island to Japan in writing. So the only reasonable solution is how Japan took this island from Qing dynasty and how US took it from Japan. Also CCP has its hands in losing Island as well righht after the world war 2.
For USA, it is high time to invade and occupy China because the more it will delay, the more China will be powerful to be contained. USA has huge amount of Chinese reserves, well, USA will simply freeze it, so will the US allies just like how USA froze all the Japanese assets in USA on July 25, 1941 followed by Britain and Netherlands. US will many so many things which will force China to take military steps. Pentagon will calculate how they could maneuver the Chinese into the position of firing the first shot without allowing too much danger to US.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-...disputed-island-purchase-2.html#ixzz264x2rowb

You forget Chinese Intelligence network is quite strong too..And if Chinese govt. gets wind of even discussions of these plans, they will immediately withdraw their investments, causing a extreme deficit crisis in the US economy. In any case Chinese military is too strong for USA to be able to attack it, much less invade and occupy
Hilary did change her tone over the weekend on sideline of the APEC meeting in Vladivostok where she called for restraints of her two allies in the disputes. There's no doubt the US can influence Japan in the Diaoyu disputes, the question is whether it's in her interest for these two former enemies to become friends. I think she'll rein in Tokyo a bit but let the disputes continue indefinitely. LOL, the paternalistic days of the US are gone and now the only important thing for her is self interest- divide and rule.

Oops, General Timetravel is here!
What happened to the original timetravel? got banned?
You forget Chinese Intelligence network is quite strong too..And if Chinese govt. gets wind of even discussions of these plans, they will immediately withdraw their investments, causing a extreme deficit crisis in the US economy. In any case Chinese military is too strong for USA to be able to attack it, much less invade and occupy

Japan's military was stronger than Chinese military. Japan was the only Asian nation which had aircraft carriers in those days (China still don't have one) and was able to project long range military power, which Chinese still don't have and will never have.
The reason I brought up Siberia is because what is gone is gone. China shouldn't use excuse such as historical claim to get something it wants, this is not how the real world works, and this only strengthen Japan's position as US did pass the administrative rights of the island to Japan in writing. So the only reasonable solution is how Japan took this island from Qing dynasty and how US took it from Japan. Also CCP has its hands in losing Island as well righht after the world war 2.

All these gestures about diplomatic and civilian protests do not work against the Japanese. Japanese plays this hand for:
1. they need an impetus to save them from their political limbo, creating a sentiment that will support the government
2. they are losing all their respective islands' claims to Russia and South Korea
and the Japanese knows:
3. US wont interfere in a row between S Korea and Japan. They dont want to mess up with the Russians in an issue which they dont have anything in it. Also,
4. Diaoyu Islands are in active control by the Japanese. The US knows which side to take in the dispute between China and Japan and US will reap huge profit from an outbreak of war between the 2 countries

"Absolutely no concession" on Diaoyu Islands, says Chinese premier wen today
Can anyone tell which party Russians are supporting? Has China gained Russian support yet?

I have a strong feeling that Russia is backing Japanese position.
Can anyone tell which party Russians are supporting? Has China gained Russian support yet?

I have a strong feeling that Russia is backing Japanese position.
Russia has its own disputes with Japan, and is unlikely to support the Japanese position on this issue. However, they won't jump into the fray either. I see them being neutral on the issue.
Now we will see china play north korea card ,Nkorea will in near future will launch ICbm,Satelite and nuclear test.
if china don't take strong reaction then it will lose all its island claims ,its neighbor will take china for granted .:fie:
Now we will see china play north korea card ,Nkorea will in near future will launch ICbm,Satelite and nuclear test.
if china don't take strong reaction then it will lose all its island claims ,its neighbor will take china for granted .:fie:
We're not in control of North Korea. As a matter of fact, they are quite guarded against us. They will pull their brat move when it suits them.
A daring move by Japan. The relationship is getting critical if Japan continues with their plan. Now is also the time to see how supportive Taiwan really is.
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