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Jamaat removed "Allah and Rasul" from party charter to save registration

Awami maloon tring so hard to ban Jamaat but Jamaat outplayed Awami mallu.
lol double face jamatis and their like minded supporters. Ek hi laat me aukat me aa gaye. ;)
Wait I got an interesting thing about THE JAMAAT-E- ISLAMI HIND

Article 1: The name of this Jamaat shall be “THE JAMAAT-E- ISLAMI HIND”, and this constitution shall be called “THE CONSTITUTION OF THE JAMAAT-E-ISLAMI HIND”.

Date of enforcement
Article 2: This constitution shall come into force on the First of Ramadan-ul- Mubarak, 1375 AH, corresponding to the thirteenth of April 1956 AD.

Article 3: The basic creed of the Jamaat-e-Islami Hind is “La Ilaha Illallahu Muhammadur Rasulullah”, i.e. the Divine Being is solely Allah, there being no god except Him, and that Muhammad (Allah’s blessings and peace be on him!) is Allah’s messenger.

Explanation: The meaning of the first part of this creed — i.e., the exalted Allah being the only God and no one else being a god — is that the very same Allah is the Rightful Deity and Law — giving Sovereign of all human beings Who is the Creator, the Sustainer, the Controller, the Lord of us all and of the entire universe as well as the Sovereign and the Author of all the creations. He alone is deserving of worship and He alone is the Rightful One to Whom obedience and allegiance are due, and no one in any of these capacities is His associate.

Knowing and acknowledging this reality it becomes imperative that man –

should not regard anyone except Allah as his patron, fulfiller of desires, provider of needs, remover of difficulties, redresser of grievances. protector and helper, for, in reality no one else has power at all in his own right;

should not reckon anyone except Allah as benefactor or injurer, nor fear any one, nor stand in awe of anyone, nor put his trust in anyone, nor pin his hopes on anyone, for the master of all authority is, in reality Allah alone;

should not worship any one except Allah, nor offer oblations to anyone, nor bow (in reverence) before any one; in a word, should not deal with anyone in the manner in which polytheists have been acting towards their gods, for Allah alone deserves to be worshipped;

should not supplicate anyone for except Allah, nor seek refuge in anyone, nor invoke anyone for assistance, nor even consider anyone so powerful and meddlesome in Divine dispensation that Divine decree could be averted through his intercession, for, in the Kingdom of God all are really helpless subjects, be they angels, Prophets or saints;

should not recognize anyone except Allah as lord of the Dominions and Supreme Authority, nor acknowledge anyone competent to command and forbid on his own authority, nor own anyone as being in his own right a permanent and absolute law-giver and law-maker; and should refuse to acknowledge as valid all those allegiances which are not subservient to the allegiance of the One Allah and His Law, for Allah is the only legitimate Lord of His domain and the only lawful Sovereign of His creation. To none, excepting Him, accrues the right to lordship and sovereignty.

Jamaat e Islami Hind | Constitution

Comment: Seems like Jamati Islami Hind in India is not facing as much threat in India like in BD! Where is democracy in BD?
Jamtis should move to India the land where they were born. ;)
lol, cant believe they will give up so easily without a fight. No mass movement, bandh, hartal, strike ?
Eorl ⚔;3668431 said:
Wait I got an interesting thing about THE JAMAAT-E- ISLAMI HIND

Comment: Seems like Jamati Islami Hind in India is not facing as much threat in India like in BD! Where is democracy in BD?

The Jamaat-e-Islami Hind is indeed given leeway in India. The primary reason for which is that they've never tried to unsettle or disrupt the secular character of the nation. Which is a welcome respite considering the host of entities which have been trying to do just that..trying to push the country towards one religious extreme (read Hindutwa) or the other (read Islamic caliphate in South Asia). Every organisation or party has its rotten apples but over all the Indian Jamaat has been surprisingly secular at least when they've engaged in political dealings. Guess they figured out early that being secular doesn't mean that you have to declaim your God and bow down, it simply means to hold on to your beliefs but leave room for the beliefs of other people just as they leave room for yours. Besides, despite their markedly dogmatic and absolutist charter they are well aware that to bring it into practice would be impossible in India thanks to our constitution. Even parties such as the BJP which has a RSS element involved have to dither from being openly religious in their stands often and if they decided to convert old Indian scriptures into the be all and end all criteria in the forming of the governing laws of our nation (where ALL laws and legalities are derived from some Hindu scripture parallel to the idea of Sharia in Islam), they'd be in for a rude surprise.
lol, cant believe they will give up so easily without a fight. No mass movement, bandh, hartal, strike ?

There were series of consultation between Jamaat and EC for the last 6 years since 2006. There were quite a few revision including changing of name from "Jamat-E-Islami Bangladesh" to "Bangladesh Jamat-E-Islami". It was done in a good democratic manner.
Jamaat drops ‘rule of Allah’ from charter
→ M Syfullah

daily sun | First Page | Jamaat drops ‘rule of Allah’ from charter

Bangladesh Jamaat-e Islami has brought massive changes in its charter to make it consistent with the constitution forsaking the goal of establishing the ‘rule of Allah’ as shown by the Prophet.

In reply to the Election Commission’s notice to modify its charter in compliance withthe constitution, the party also changed many provisions and dropped many others of the charter.

The party also included the provision in the section 69 of the charter that 33 percent female members would be ensured in committees of the party at all levels by 2020.

Jamaat rubbed out the words “No supreme lawmaker other than Allah would be accepted. The allegiance which is not meant for Allah will be denied” from the section 2 (5) of its party constitution.

The party’s goal of making efforts to establish the rules given by Allah and showed by Rashul (SM) has been excluded from section-3 of the charter.

Sub-sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the section-3 have also been dropped.

The dropped sub-section (1) said: the attempt would be taken to protect the country’s sovereignty and any external and internal attacks imbued with Islamic principles and national unity.

The dropped sub-section (2) said: Pubic welfare will be initiated by making citizens with good character and responsibility and creating a country based on equitable rights and exploitation-free.

The dropped sub-section (3) said: Absolute fait in almightily Allah, democracy, and economic and social justice will be maintained. Human rights and freedom of people irrespective of religions, races and castes would be ensured. Rights to food, clothes, shelter, education, healthcare, property and lives will be protected.

The dropped sub-section (4) said: To build up a friendly relation with other countries and establish the World Muslim brotherhood will be objective.

The above subsections have been replaced by following ones; the objective of the party is to establish the just and equitable social system through the country’s democratic values and to achieve satisfaction of Allah.

The words “Call for eradication of the repression, exploitation, corruption and injustice from the society establishing rules of Islam by collective efforts” were replaced by “Eradication of the repression, exploitation, corruption and injustice from the society establishing rules of justice through democratic process by collective effort” in the section-5 (3).

Jamaat, also brought chances in the eight sections in the line of the constitution and the representation of the people order (RPO) and submitted the copy of the party’s reformed charter to the election commission on Sunday.

In addition, the party changed the section-6 (4) and the section-18 (4) as well as dropped the section-7 (1, 2 and 3) and the section-11 (2).

On November 4, the EC sent a letter to the party’s secretary general asking to reform its party charter in the line of the constitution and RPO by December 5.

Besides, the commission sent the letter to seven other parties – Jatiya Party, Islami Oikya Jote, Jamiyate Ulamaye Islam, Bikalpadhara Bangladesh, Gano Forum, Gano Front and Bangladesh Khelafat Andolan the same day to change their respective charter in the line of the constitution and RPO.

Earlier the commission issued the same notice to Jamaat three times after the party had been registered with the EC in 2008.

EC sources said secretary for law affairs of Jamaat and member of its central working committee Advocate Jasim Uddin Sarkar placed the latest reformed and reprinted copy of the charter in the afternoon on Sunday.

The reformed charter was printed in November 2012 and publisher is acting secretary general of Jamaat Dr Shafikur Rahman.

Every page of the submitted copy of the charter was signed by Advocate Jasim Uddin Sarkar.

After receiving the EC’s letter, the party sought two months time for reforming its constitution mentioning that it was passing critical time and police was not allowing them to hold convention to change the charter. But it placed it within the deadline of December 5 as the commission was indecisive over extending time.

Election Commissioner Shah Nawaz told daily sun that the submitted copy of the charter would examined to ascertain whether it complies with the constitution and RPO in the commission’s meeting and would take final decision regarding this.

The article 90C (1) of the RPO states, “A political party shall not be qualified for registration under this Chapter, if (a) the objectives laid down in its constitution are contrary to the Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh ; or (b) any discrimination regarding religion, race, caste, language or sex is apparent in its constitution ; or (c) by name, flag, symbol or any other activity it threatens to destroy communal harmony or lead the country to cessation; or (d) its constitution reflects the objectives of maintaining and nourishing party-less or one-party system; or (e) there is any provision in its constitution for the establishment or operation of any office, branch or committee outside the territory of Bangladesh.

As per the article 38 of the country’s highest charter, no person shall have the right to form, or be a member of the said association or union, if- (a) it is formed for the purposes of destroying the religious, social and communal harmony among the citizens ; (b) it is formed for the purposes of creating discrimination among the citizens, on the ground of religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth or language ; (c) it is formed for the purposes of organizing terrorist acts or militant activities against the State or the citizens or any other country ; (d) its formation and objects are inconsistent with the Constitution.
Awami League and its election commission can force remove supreme trust in Allah and the Prophet (PBUH) from piece of paper but real supremacy of Allah can not be removed from any real Muslim mind. Now people who are celebrating this removal under duress, do they really trust Allah as supreme? Only Allah will decide on their act.
Eorl ⚔;3668386 said:
Indians' interest is so obvious in every BD related internal threads, but they deny! Mark them as hypocrites.

When people like you are my neighour...We have to careful man...When you guys can kick *** of your own Pakistan people for your own sake...Who knows when you will turn up to us...So we are just making sure about our security...And we will constantly monitor you...This is internet dude...Try to get a habit of Indian and other guys in PDF like we guys are doing it ...or else go and discuss the topics in your house only....
When people like you are my neighour...We have to careful man...When you guys can kick *** of your own Pakistan people for your own sake...Who knows when you will turn up to us...So we are just making sure about our security...And we will constantly monitor you...This is internet dude...Try to get a habit of Indian and other guys in PDF like we guys are doing it ...or else go and discuss the topics in your house only....

Pakistanis were never our people, on the other hand west bengal bangalis and tripura bangalis are our brothers. We shall free them from the oppression of North Indians.
Pakistanis were never our people, on the other hand west bengal bangalis and tripura bangalis are our brothers. We shall free them from the oppression of North Indians.

India's most possible war will be against China and Pakistan at a time and then we can take that opportunity and divide it from its NE parts. Anuranchal pradesh or whichever China claims can have it and a base in the seas south of India to control them, Kashmir to Pakistan and NE will be part Bangladesh.
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