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Jaag Punjabi Jaag

The point is

then a Gujarati who married a Parsi fooled the Punjabis.

now a Pushtun who married a Jew is fooling the Punjabis.
Ikr is not pushtun but a Punjabi and he is more patriotic than your beloved traitors of Pakistan
It is fact that Muslim League could not win in Punjab for decades.

All support for ML's concept of Pakistan came from Bengal and not from Punjab.

ML was routed election after election all through the 1930s and the fisrt half of 1940s

Only in the last election of 1946 ML was able to win in Punjab.

I have strong doubts that any Pakistani could be as misinformed about our history as you seem to be. It might be a good idea to make sure you're using the correct country flags.

Just to clarify, the All India Muslim League (AIML) had fewer than 2000 members across India until the early 1930s.

And, for your information, in the 1937 elections, (the only elections held other than the 1946 elections in which AIML participated) AIML couldn't secure a single seat in either Sindh or NWFP. They did manage to win 2 seats in Punjab though. No elections were held in Balochistan.

Feel free to try again, our Indian friend. But make sure you get your basic facts right

You Punjabis are not faithful with your own. You are your own enemy. History is written. You expelled your own fellow Punjabi Hindus and Sikhs who were undoubtedly the educated, business, and military classes in exchange for few low caste Indians. You deserve it.

The truth is, Punjabi Muslims often find they share more in common with a fellow Muslim living on the opposite side of the planet than with a Hindu or Sikh neighbor living just across the Radcliffe Line. And I am inclined to agree with them
I have strong doubts that any Pakistani could be as misinformed about our history as you seem to be. It might be a good idea to make sure you're using the correct country flags.

Just to clarify, the All India Muslim League (AIML) had fewer than 2000 members across India until the early 1930s.

And, for your information, in the 1937 elections, (the only elections held other than the 1946 elections in which AIML participated) AIML couldn't secure a single seat in either Sindh or NWFP. They did manage to win 2 seats in Punjab though. No elections were held in Balochistan.

Feel free to try again, our Indian friend. But make sure you get your basic facts right

You just regurgitated what I said.

Muslim League did not win in Punjab until the election of 1946.

In the 1946 elections the AIML won

73 out of 175 seats in Punjab

113 out of 230 in Bengal

27 out of 60 in Sindh
You just regurgitated what I said.

Muslim League did not win in Punjab until the election of 1946.

In the 1946 elections the AIML won

73 out of 175 seats in Punjab

113 out of 230 in Bengal

27 out of 60 in Sindh

Read again, Indian

You attempted to portray it as if AIML only faced losses in Punjab in all elections before 1946.

You were corrected that there was only one election held before 1946, and in that election, AIML actually performed better in Punjab than in any other province of Pakistan. (Bengal is irrelevant now)
Read again, Indian

You attempted to portray it as if AIML only faced losses in Punjab in all elections before 1946.

You were corrected that there was only one election held before 1946, and in that election, AIML actually performed better in Punjab than in any other province of Pakistan. (Bengal is irrelevant now)

In the 1937 election Muslim League won just 1 out of 175 seats.

So why do you think Punjabis supported the idea of Pakistan?
In the 1937 election Muslim League won just 1 out of 175 seats.

So why do you think Punjabis supported the idea of Pakistan?
You always right and others always wrong what a joker you're
In the 1937 election Muslim League won just 1 out of 175 seats.

So why do you think Punjabis supported the idea of Pakistan?


Seriously, there was no "idea of Pakistan" behind AIML electoral politics before 1940.

It's like even a Pakistani kindergartener has a more solid grip on their country's history than a supposedly "educated" false flagger from across the border pretending to be a Pakistani! :lol:
I support anything that kick out afghans from Pakistan.
Jaag Panjab Jaag.
Time for you to pick up weapons and get armed.
Don’t let your self get bullied.
Tyrant army raiding and killing innocent Panjabis because Panjabis are an easy target for them.
Pick up guns and fight back.
The real enemy is the one raiding and arresting innocent Panjabis.
Tahir Khan

Sep 17
#اسلام آباد کی سبزی/فروٹ منڈی سے کئی افراد نے مجھے بتایا ہے کہ اتوار کو صبح سویرے پولیس نے آپریشن کرکے 11 بجے تک 200 سے زیادہ #افغان باشندوں کو حراست میں لیا ہے۔ یہ لوگ منڈی میں کام کرتے تھے۔ پولیس کی قیدیوں کو لے جانے والی گاڑیاں اس وقت بھی سبزی منڈی میں موجود ہیں۔ اسلام آباد
These operations and operations on sugar and dollar Mafia are targeted on Taliban.
Just as family of Sharifs came from Amritsar, Imran Khan's family came from Jalandhar.
No. sharif is pure Punjabi and gets all his votes based upon ethnicity

This is like saying we are all Africans because Adam landed over there

It doesn't work that way. There is nothing kashmirior non Punjabi about sharifs

Jaag Panjab Jaag.
Time for you to pick up weapons and get armed.
Don’t let your self get bullied.
Tyrant army raiding and killing innocent Panjabis because Panjabis are an easy target for them.
Pick up guns and fight back.
The real enemy is the one raiding and arresting innocent Panjabis.
Armed against whom?
Army is Punjabi as well

Nawaz sharif is Punjabi too

Majority of punjabis are bullying minority of Punjabi that's what's happening

Like or not Nawaz sharif still till last elections/data had majority of punjab support
These operations and operations on sugar and dollar Mafia are targeted on Taliban.
These laborers are Taliban?
Firstly Punjabi is not a single race. It is a multi religious, multi- ethic and multi cultural society from Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims and Christians to Kashmiris, Pashtuns, Sindhis and Balochis. Even the so called sons of the soil claim to trace Persian and Arab roots due to successive empires and this is evident as neither the men and women in East Punjab and West Punjab look alike and their castes are different and the languages they speak have obvious foreign influences. Speaking of influences and foreign invasions you should also credit the British as well at least for modernizing agriculture and education system.

As for Kashmiris whether they are Muslim or Hindu, they are a homogenous ethnic group who trace their blood as Brahmins (the scholar class), the highest caste in the sub continent and you are dumb if you think they are illiterates LOL. From Sanskrit to Persian literature their contribution cannot be neglected. Despite each person surrounded by 2 Indian soldiers, their literacy rates are still higher than that of people of Punjab, a fact you cannot dispute. Even a rural Kashmiri dresses and eats better than a Jutt of Punjab and women have greater rights.

Kashmiri muslims were peasants, the brahmin class hindu is completely different. Kashmiri muslims were dying of hunger and thats when their movement to punjab started in 18th century. In reality there are even older kashmiris in punjab. We know from Mughal era texts that officials used to go to Kashmir to buy fair brides. You people are daughter sellers along with empty stomach that are now slaves of hindutva regime that is raping and pillaging your so called educated lot. Because they made educated choice of joining hindu Nehru over Jinnah.
These laborers are Taliban?
Frome Afghanistan. It's like putting a financial pressure on Taliban.
As for Kashmiris whether they are Muslim or Hindu, they are a homogenous ethnic group who trace their blood as Brahmins (the scholar class), the highest caste in the sub continent

Butts/khawjas are considered the lower caste even by the kahsmiri standards. The reason why upper caste Kashmiris don't marry their kids to -------, can ask any raja or shaikh-------. Besides, Nawaz and co played pretty well by keeping Pakistanis and punjabis at large preoccupied with the kahsmiri issue while engaging in business dealings with indian state etc .
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