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I've killed alot of Arabs in my life and there's no problem with that

Answer the question, don't dodge it. And yet again you don't stand neutral at all you're already stuck with assertions. Any way the Palestinians resist it invites back suffering. That's the message israel wants to send. You live in an illusionary world thinking peace actually prevails, when its just the dominant which dominates as history has shown. At the same time you're telling people who've lived with these neighbors and lived this conflict long more than any if you have and they are experienced enough to make decisions which you have no clue about. Palestinians have the right to arm themselves, if you deny that right you aren't no neutral person on this subject or a fan of peace. Compare and contrast the situation in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip

If I don't support your right to violent resistance I'm not neutral?

You Palestinians won't even CONSIDER letting go of violent resistance and switch exclusively to alternative (non-violent!) forms of resistance, which would SURELY restrain Israeli military aggression against Palestinians completely, alternative methods which I'm happy to tell you about in detail by the way.

So when the Jews violently resisted the Nazi's it bring them suffering so does that mean you stood against it?

The nazi's gave no-one any other choice but violent resistance (they practiced genocide), hence it became a world war, and *that* violent resistance against the nazis had a real chance of achieving the goal of getting rid of the nazi leadership.
I don't see the Palestinians (nor with 'help') ever achieving their goal of restraining Israeli aggression by military means. I'm trying to make clear that 'violent resistance' by the Palestinians is counter-productive to their own goals.

Btw, so called 'peace-fan' AKA 'Occupation-for-life', I'd like to know your background. I'm sure we can easily make a fool out of your unrealistic view of the world and I can make your true colors of hypocrisy shine. Lets think of a conflict related to your nationality and see what you've said about it.

Pfff are you deluded and frustrated... Try and relax and consider alternative solutions to your problems at least, mr Hazzy-stuck-in-terrorism-'solutions'.
If I don't support your right to violent resistance I'm not neutral?

You Palestinians won't even CONSIDER letting go of violent resistance and switch exclusively to alternative (non-violent!) forms of resistance, which would SURELY restrain Israeli military aggression against Palestinians completely, alternative methods which I'm happy to tell you about in detail by the way.

The nazi's gave no-one any other choice but violent resistance (they practiced genocide), hence it became a world war, and *that* violent resistance against the nazis had a real chance of achieving the goal of getting rid of the nazi leadership.
I don't see the Palestinians (nor with 'help') ever achieving their goal of restraining Israeli aggression by military means. I'm trying to make clear that 'violent resistance' by the Palestinians is counter-productive to their own goals.

Pfff are you deluded and frustrated... Try and relax and consider alternative solutions to your problems at least, mr Hazzy-stuck-in-terrorism-'solutions'.

If you don't support our right to defend ourselves you're not neutral. It's that simple. Our weapons aren't used to bring about a 'solution', if anything they only used primitive projectors to protest the blockade after the international world and Egypt refused to open the border or ease the blockade which collectively punished ALL 1.7 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. After democratic elections which the US called for which the US then tried to cause a coup after Hamas rightfully one the elections by funneling weapons to Fatah.

As I've said, you make it sound as if we're going out everyday trying to violently resist. That's not true, no one is interested in conflict or ever has been interested in a military conflict in the past decade. Only those that were provoked and forced into a conflict after Israel expanded its occupation in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip and moved settlers in thousands onto our land who are no more than foreign Jewish people. That get citizenship for being Jewish. And the worlds silence led to conflict.

Furthermore, even though Palestinians don't employ any method of violent resistance at this moment or in the near past and have embraced diplomatic and peaceful means, I doubt you support their struggle for independence and self determination still. So you're again a liar and you're not neutral. You're probably pro-israel and pro Zionist.

And quit trying to act all knowledgable, when I read your observations and claims I feel like I'm speaking to a little kid. You don't have much if any knowledge on this conflict. You're no think tank.

Now tell us when Israel killed a Hamas leader when he was walking out a mosque and killed 20 civilians along with him. Was that not deliberate? And is that not targeting innocent people? You're so quick to condemn only palestinian militant actions and never have condemned many of Israel's war crimes. So you tell us does that deserve a response against israel for deliberately with disregard to Palestinian civilian lives against israel?

And, you haven't answered me yet, what's your background. Don't hide it. Because, you're gonna look like a hypocrite once we find out your background.

Answer each section separately and don't give us straw man arguments.
Furthermore, even though Palestinians don't employ any method of violent resistance at this moment or in the near past and have embraced diplomatic and peaceful means, I doubt you support their struggle for independence and self determination still. So you're again a liar and you're not neutral. You're probably pro-israel and pro Zionist.

I do support Palestinians' right to self-determination and a state (in peace with Israel) of their own, all I disagree with is the counter-productive violence some Palestinians resort to.

Now tell us when Israel killed a Hamas leader when he was walking out a mosque and killed 20 civilians along with him. Was that not deliberate? And is that not targeting innocent people? You're so quick to condemn only palestinian militant actions and never have condemned many of Israel's war crimes. So you tell us does that deserve a response against israel for deliberately with disregard to Palestinian civilian lives against israel?

It deserves a response, yes, but not a violent one since that invites only more violence back onto your own.

And I do criticize the Israelis for their flaws as well, usually on Israeli forums but also here on defence.pk

And, you haven't answered me yet, what's your background. Don't hide it. Because, you're gonna look like a hypocrite once we find out your background.

Can you stop the namecalling and personal attacks please?

I'm just a white Dutch guy who hates to see futile never-ending violence that ends up hurting the innocent the most.
I do support Palestinians' right to self-determination and a state (in peace with Israel) of their own, all I disagree with is the counter-productive violence some Palestinians resort to.

It deserves a response, yes, but not a violent one since that invites only more violence back onto your own.

And I do criticize the Israelis for their flaws as well, usually on Israeli forums but also here on defence.pk

Can you stop the namecalling and personal attacks please?

I'm just a white Dutch guy who hates to see futile never-ending violence that ends up hurting the innocent the most.

Okay, seems like you keep repeating your opinions. From what I've understood who do support their right to self determination and are very critical of Israel's actions in some cases.

If you feel bothered by me responding to your allegations don't call me out on a forum where I intended just to post pictures and not to argue with people. You asked for this discussion. Of course neither have you responded to the legitimate elections and the US and Israeli response.

But, whatever, what do you expect from neutral people like you. No need to express outrage at Israel's actions. Just a soft condemnation will do it. When it's palestinians you condemn oh that's a whole another story.

Just end the discussion here.
Okay, seems like you keep repeating your opinions. From what I've understood who do support their right to self determination and are very critical of Israel's actions in some cases.

If you feel bothered by me responding to your allegations don't call me out on a forum where I intended just to post pictures and not to argue with people. You asked for this discussion. Of course neither have you responded to the legitimate elections and the US and Israeli response.

But, whatever, what do you expect from neutral people like you. No need to express outrage at Israel's actions. Just a soft condemnation will do it. When it's palestinians you condemn oh that's a whole another story.

Just end the discussion here.

I've been very critical of Israeli's choices and methods at times. Not just on this forum.

But i'm willing to let the discussion rest here, as well.
we 52 countries of muslim nation more than half population of the world yet we end up killing our own people in our hands we have everything but at is equal to nothing lots of our leaders sold their wifes their mother like countries to USA and israel no one can stand infront of them we are dummies

Saudia Arabia\
Turkey are the main culprets
we 52 countries of muslim nation more than half population of the world yet we end up killing our own people in our hands we have everything but at is equal to nothing lots of our leaders sold their wifes their mother like countries to USA and israel no one can stand infront of them we are dummies

Saudia Arabia\
Turkey are the main culprets

International co-operation, and co-operation with other cultures / religions, is good rather than bad, i think.

Corruption, stealing national money or aid money by government officials, is at the root of the actual problems for ordinary muslims. And (secret/public) aggression of leaderships towards other (sub-)cultures is as well of course.
Why am I talking to someone who lives in Israel who use disgusting lies like everyone of them does? I'm not going to say it again, the fact is Israel is the real terrorist and it will remain a terrorist state until Palestine will be liberated as promise. Is their a Gharqad tree in your backyard? :sniper:

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "The Hour will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them. The Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will say: ‘O Muslim, O slave of Allah! There is a Jews behind me, come and kill him!’ (All the trees will say this except for the Gharqad, for it is one of the trees of the Jews.’".

Well if your holy book commands you to kill the Jews then there really cannot be any peace between the Muslims and the Jews ? I find it hard to understand how Islam can preach the death and genocide of another religious group and yet cry victim when that group lashes back. If these were indeed the words of your Prophet , I can only suggest that he was preaching genocide. If he uttered those words in the modern world and if he had a mass following, he would be liable for a trial before the UN International Court of Justice
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