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It's Time to Send Pakistan's Army Back to the Barracks


When we blocked NATO supplies for just 8 months their own establishment started to beg us for land routes.
If Pakistan comes out of American clutches completely then America will be left alone in this region n once it is done then American hegemony will end in this world for Good as this region is full of resources n is in the door of those countries who have them they will starve to death if they even think abt it anymore.
America is in no position anymore to tell us what to do n what ot to.

That's not entirely the case, they used their Northern Route but lets not be confused, we do not seek to alienate the US, rather Pakistan seek to persuade the US, and thus far with little success.

On the question of resources, do Pakistan have a good record on exploiting resources? Who will finance such activity? Whether we like it or not, we are all connected and the US has multiple interests in the region and many legitimate, that we should seek to partner with.
most pakistanis confused about one thing.."Taliban" wasn't created by USA..it was pakistan all along.USA supported mujahideen groups..Taliban came a long time after soviets were gone..and Taliban targeted former Mujahideen groups and Northern Alliances to capture Afghanistan.

That's a negative hindian.

Taliban emerged from rural pashtuns of Afghanistan as an indigenous group to avenge the wrong doings of local warlords.
That's not entirely the case, they used their Northern Route but lets not be confused, we do not seek to alienate the US, rather Pakistan seek to persuade the US, and thus far with little success.

On the question of resources, do Pakistan have a good record on exploiting resources? Who will finance such activity? Whether we like it or not, we are all connected and the US has multiple interests in the region and many legitimate, that we should seek to partner with.
Sure they did but not fully was they couldnt afford it if u look at map u will know.

All i know that we r a nation of danda. When this america will/or we will abundant it and will receive sanctions just like iran, then we will be left with no choice but to exploit them. Just like when in Zia era n before then when we were in marriage with americans nobody even imagined one day we will turn our backs to america but we learnt a bitter lesson about Reality. But still this is just part of the entire realism not full picture. We will realize restwhen we will be slapped sanctions like Iran.
I agree that Pakistan operates best under pressure and with focused leadership - but look, we don't have be hostile with the world, we have better options

Suit yourself we r not hostile with anyone but the others r with us ie Islamic Bomb paranoia.
You are blaming other 'countries', I only named one.

Other than that, is a class of history you are telling me but the fact is till date pakistan is supporting all individual armed groups against central governments in Afghanistan be it Taliban, Haqqani or Hekmatyar.

Come back when you are ready to answer me point by point in the above post. Pakistan is indespensible from the Afghan calculas so is Afghanistan from ours.

As far as i am concerned, we did more good to A'stan than bad. Peshawar accord,Islamabad declaration,Saving both Burhanuddin Rabbani and Ahmad shah mehsud's life and not to forget hosting and feeding fifth of your total population.

Even today, we are spearheading Qatar process,encouraging Taliban to talk to Iran and ourselves reaching out to the northereners including Dostam.

If we are going to have a transaction,it has to be both ways,where our legit interests are met. Post 2014 A'stan will need us before anyone else.

A'stan would have to choose between becoming an unthankful friend or a true friend with mutual interests at heart.
LOL. What a biased writer was he. The jew knows really well who his targeted audience is and is very effective in painting a picture where Pakistan has been given the best possible help and assistance, while pakistan has stabbed US in the back.
How sweet?

But he failed to write that although Pakistan got US $26 billion from USA where half of it was for services rendered, it has now amassed a loss of US $100 billion. And the kind-hearted decent folks from USA who have been firing drones at our citizens for so many years and have killed hundreds of innocent women and children in the process are painted as the good guys. The same US soldiers who have been caught torturing and desecrating Afghan prisoners and killing innocent Afghans too. But they remain the good guys. While we having to suffer so much economic losses and precious innocent lives too are the devils who have nuclear weapons and are very dangerous and unstable.

Well f.uck off to the wirter and the a.sswipes who agree with him.

hehehehe funny thing is sir i was born in Canada but lived there in Pakistan for a brief 2 years when i was a little boy and came back.

The guy taunting you over running back to Canada, himself lives in the UK. :D
"Taliban" wasn't created by USA..it was pakistan all along.

....and who are "Taliban",did they just drop off the sky after the war?

USA supported mujahideen groups..

.....and who were "Mujahideen" ?

Taliban came a long time after soviets were gone..

......and they were living on an asteroid before?

Taliban targeted former Mujahideen groups

....you have no grip on who Mujahideen were..

Northern Alliances to capture Afghanistan.

One bad thing about ignorance is that it can be sold to some but not to all....Do you even know about the timeline of what you have been writting?

most pakistanis confused about one thing..

By now,informed readers know "who" is confused here.
Yes 'only' pakistan is not responsible for making Taliban but, pakistan is only responsible for supporting Taliban till date!

So you are saying that Pakistan created taliban in afghanistan and you 'innocent afghanistanis' just watched? coolstorybro
So you are saying that Pakistan created taliban in afghanistan and you 'innocent afghanistanis' just watched? coolstorybro

Afghans were modern and liberal like Europeans. Pakistan based fundamentalists radicalized the Afghan society.
Afghans were modern and liberal like Europeans. Pakistan based fundamentalists radicalized the Afghan society.
So these european liberals just sat and watched as their society turned radical? there must have been internal support for Taliban.
Afghans were modern and liberal like Europeans. Pakistan based fundamentalists radicalized the Afghan society.

Are you going to quit trolling or i should hand you a ticket?

Take your ignorance somewhere else,this is not the right market to sell it.

So these european liberals just sat and watched as their society turned radical? there must have been internal support for Taliban.

Ignore him, he is another "pretend know everything and don't budge" troll.
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