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ISRO's GSAT-5P launch fails

sirjee i am not sure of what failed.. but it is not necessary that each stages fail only when it ignitiated... structural issues in each stage can also be a reason.. as of video... the top one got detached into pieces and then the entire rocket got bursted.. which is what i was pointing too
Nothing got detached from anything, what everyone saw in the video was result of the self destruction of the Rocket which is a standard procedure.
The problem is we lost the control of the rocket around 45-120 seconds after launch so had to abort.
Dont worry guys we launching it again in feb 1 st week 2011.
Next time we will consult SUPARCO, the most successful space agency with infinite success percentage (Divide by Zero) logic.
No need to bring anything other agency into the picture. They are trying as we tried for the first time remember....
Why too many Indian projects failed???
Is it corruption or lack of technical people?

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Why too many Indian projects failed???
Is it corruption or lack of technical people?

There are too many faillures in missile projects, sattlite projects, Air Craft Projects (LCA), Tank projects (Arjun) etc.

It is not corruption or lack of people with sound technical skills. It is actually a lack of awareness in terms of Quality Management.

Every project must be viewed under the paradigm of a start to end quality management program. The lack of this approach is what, I believe, is causing these failures.

Let me tell you. For e.g. Sometimes there's might be a crack in the solid propellant casting but if the quality control department fails to detect the crack, it will inevitably lead to a failure.

That's why I'm saying that it is nothing but lack of a stringent quality control approach.
i am requesting to all indian member please do not response to any troll. because some people can't understand that how difficult to develop own technology bcoz they believe in buying the technology. However i am seeing Chinese members posts much mature than some Pakistani, i think it is bcoz they know the how difficult to make our own space craft.
Why too many Indian projects failed???
Is it corruption or lack of technical people?

There are too many faillures in missile projects, sattlite projects, Air Craft Projects (LCA), Tank projects (Arjun) etc.
Quoting the succesful projects as failure is something which I dont expect from a senior member.
Why too many Indian projects failed???
Is it corruption or lack of technical people?

Every country with sch advanced scientific project failed many times and so is India. Those don't have there is no question of failing. Simple!

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