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ISRO's GSAT-5P launch fails

I‘m affaid 4m fairing is too large to 2.8m body, it is easy to makes induced shake, maybe it is the cause of this fail
space launch is a high venture item
come on guys, don’t so sadly
I‘m affaid 4m fairing is too large to 2.8m body, it is easy to makes induced shake, maybe it is the cause of this fail
space launch is a high venture item
come on guys, don’t so sadly

thanks man appreciated..
Noting that the GSLV-F06 launch vehicle had disintegrated in its initial stages itself, Prof. Yashpal said, “We did not get up to the liquid stage. It is terribly sad that something somewhere has gone amiss. A lot of data is available. So they will be able to find out what went wrong.”

A few days ago we also lost a rocket with three satellites. The reason is almost always is the human factor. When will start the mass production of GSLV, many assembly steps will be automated and the number of errors caused by man will be reduced.
signal failed to reach the first stage

---------- Post added at 12:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:38 AM ----------

Sriharikota, December 25, 2010

GSLV-F06 launch fails

T.S. Subramanian

The launch of Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle, GSLV-F06, from Sriharikota ended in failure on Saturday, with the rocket bursting into a ball of fire as it ascended into the sky.

After a smooth 30-hour countdown, the GSLV-F06 lifted off from its launch pad at 4 p.m. It ascended into the sky majestically, giving no hint of the disaster that awaited the rocket. As it was climbing into the sky, the rocket lost it trajectory and exploded into a ball of fire. Soon after, the sky was filled with white, reddish-orange and dark-grey smoke.

Flaming debris from the rocket came down in a shower over the Bay of Bengal.

Telemetry data has to be analysed to know the exact failure of the launch, an ISRO official said.

The rocket GSLV-F06 was to have put into orbit communication satellite GSAT-5P.

The previous GSLV flight flown in April 2010 also ended in failure.

PTI adds:

The destruct command was issued when the control and command signal failed to reach the activation system at the first stage itself, ISRO chief K. Radhakrishnan told a press conference shortly after the aborted launch.

The satellite was meant for augmenting communication services currently provided by the Indian National Satellite System. Built at Rs. 125 crore, it was to replace the INSAT-3E that was sent up in 2003.

“I am extremely sorry to say that GSLV-F06 mission has failed,” he said. Taking the failure in his stride, the ISRO chief said space agency everywhere goes through such failures.

“We learn from failures and such failures lead to success,” he said.

Reconstructing the events, Mr. Radhakrishnan said when the destruct signal was given the vehicle was at an altitude of 8 km and a distance of 2.5 km away from Sriharikota. The debris have fallen in the sea.

“At T+63 seconds, when we saw the visuals of it breaking up and it also became clear in the radar and the destruct command was issued,” he said.

All the four liquid strap on motors worked as expected and the mission was still in the first stage, he said.

Mr. Radhakrishnan said the cause of disruption will be studied in detail and experts and review committee will sit on Saturday and Sunday to find out the exact cause of the failure.

“We hope to get an assessment of what exactly triggered the problem and will go back to it,” he said.
Nope. If you have seen the launch footage then you can clearly see that the explosion in the cryogenic stage then the launch vehicle deviation. At the time of explosion the first stage and four strap on stages were working well.I am not sure though but it looks like that.

Until first ~20 seconds everything was rite. They were saying that first stage working normally.

Im correct, Problem in Stage - 1, and given SELF DESTRUCT COMMAND:azn::woot:
"behind every successful man there are a thousand failures."

"There is no failure. Only feedback "

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fail"

and last,

You always pass failure on your way to success..!!

this is what humanity has learnt since time began.... jai hind.. :)
i think people on this forum are obsessed with indian failures. there are already 3 threads going on same topic....... mods merge them
Rocket attitude (not altitude) was not per exception so self destruction command was triggered by ISRO.

The altitude cure was going well when suddenly the Rocket was destructed.

Better luck next time ISRO.
Keep it up ISRO..........we will do it next time.
Atleast we now know(or can know) one more error why satellite launch fails so that when we push to the moon we can iradicate that very problem.

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