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Israel’s global standing continues to sink, top strategists say


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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Israel’s global standing continues to sink, top strategists say

Ali Abunimah 4 January 2017


Israeli soldiers, like these ones detaining a Palestinian during a raid in Hebron, on 20 September 2016, would retain “complete freedom of action” throughout the occupied West Bank, in revived plan for “unilateral separation.”

Wisam HashlamounAPA images
Israel’s global standing is continuing to deteriorate, a new report from some of the country’s top strategists concludes.

“Israel’s image in Western countries continues to decline, a trend that enhances the ability of hostile groups to engage in actions aimed at depriving Israel of moral and political legitimacy and launch boycotts,” the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) at Tel Aviv University states in its 2016-2017 Strategic Survey for Israel.

The 275-page report, authored by a who’s who of figures from Israel’s political, intelligence and military establishment, was presented on Monday to Israeli President Reuven Rivlin by INSS director Amos Yadlin, a former air force general and head of Israeli military intelligence.

It notes in particular that “the international campaign to delegitimize Israel continues, as reflected in the BDS movement,” a reference to the growing Palestinian-led boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign. Israel habitually describes advocacy for full rights for Palestinians, or criticism of its abuses, as “delegitimization.”

The report says that Israel’s “current right-wing government has contributed to this deterioration,” as have “anti-democratic legislative initiatives,” as well as international concerns about Israel’s “overreaction” to what it terms a “wave of terrorist attacks” by Palestinians.

No substitute for US
According to the report, Israel’s efforts to compensate for its deteriorating relations with its traditional supporters, by bolstering ties with “non-democratic countries, especially Russia and China, are looked down upon in the international arena.”

There is “no sign that [such countries] are willing to give Israel the political, scientific, technological and military support it receives from other countries, mainly the United States and some European countries,” the report states.

This is particularly worrying for Israel given that the “status of the United States in the Middle East continues to weaken” as does its commitment to maintaining its hegemony in the Middle East, an alliance Israel relies on for ensuring its “power and deterrence.”

“Despite good relations between Moscow and Jerusalem, Russia is not a substitute for security, political and economic support by the United States and the West,” the report concludes.

While Israeli leaders expect close relations with the United States under President Donald Trump, the report warns that his administration is expected to “reinforce isolationist trends.”

It also notes trends within the United States that threaten long-term support for Israel. During President Barack Obama’s term, “the notion that the two nations have ‘shared values,’ appears to have eroded with the perceived weakening of Israel’s democratic ethos.” Similarly, the report finds an “erosion” of the identification Jewish Americans feel with Israel, which is also “bound to have harmful repercussions for Israel.”

There is also polarization: conservative support for Israel remains strong, while liberals are increasingly ambivalent, displaying a “greater inclination to view the Palestinian plight as analogous to apartheid.” This sentiment, the report adds, is helping fuel the BDS movement, which is “now widespread on American campuses” and could affect US-Israel relations in the future.

Israel and al-Qaida in Syria
The Israeli strategists are clear that in terms of the conventional balance of forces in the region, “Israel’s military power is undisputed” – there is no threat from the armies of Egypt, Syria or Jordan.

But they continue to view the Lebanese resistance movement Hizballah as a major threat.

Despite the fact that Hizballah is currently embroiled in Syria’s civil war, the report sees the group emerging with enhanced support from Iran, hardened battlefield experience and “long-range fire capabilities endowed with great destructive power and ever-improving accuracy.”

An expanded and prolonged Russian military presence in the region, a consequence of Moscow’s intervention in Syria that has turned the tide in favor of the government of President Bashar al-Assad, would also restrict Israel’s freedom of military action.

“From Israel’s perspective,” the report states, “the best scenario is the disappearance of the Assad regime, along with the removal of Iran and Hizballah from Syria on the one hand, and the defeat of the Islamic State [also known as ISIS or ISIL] and the establishment of a moderate Sunni regime in Syria on the other.”

Interestingly, the report claims that “this model has materialized in limited form in the Golan Heights, where moderate Sunni rebels are successfully combating both the Assad regime and the Islamic State.”

The INSS report does not name the “moderate Sunni rebels,” but it is notable that Israel has long provided aid and support in the Golan Heights to Jabhat al-Nusra, al-Qaida’s franchise in Syria.

Moshe Yaalon, one of the report’s authors, publicly acknowledged the Israeli assistance to Jabhat al-Nusra fighters in 2015, when he was Israel’s defense minister.

Last year, Jabhat al-Nusra nominally cut its ties to al-Qaida, renamed itself Jabhat Fateh al-Sham and launched a major rebranding effort with the assistance of Western media.

INSS too appears ready to soft sell the organization.

“Jabhat al-Nusra’s freeing itself from affiliating with al-Qaida [has] made Jabhat Fateh al-Sham a force that can cooperate with other organizations that are not Salafi jihadist, and even receive external assistance,” the report suggests.

It adds that Jabhat al-Nusra is “organized and funded (by Saudi Arabia), well-equipped, and with far better performance levels than other rebel groups.”

This comparatively benign view echoes the sentiments expressed by Efraim Halevy, the former head of Israel’s Mossad spy agency, who defended Israel’s provision of medical care to Jabhat al-Nusra fighters, in an interview with Al Jazeera last May.

By contrast, Halevy said he would never advocate the treatment of wounded Hizballah fighters because Israel has been targeted by Hizballah, but “not specifically targeted by al-Qaida.”

The fact that al-Qaida is credited with the 9/11 mega-attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people on the soil of Israel’s closest ally apparently does not figure into Israel’s calculations.

Israel’s cooperation with Jabhat al-Nusra, and its interest in seeing a Sunni sectarian regime installed in Damascus, underscores a major theme of the INSS report: Israel’s growing ties with so-called Sunni Arab states, led by Saudi Arabia, out of a shared enmity towards predominantly Shia Iran.

The report mentions, for instance, the visit of Saudi general Anwar Eskhi to Israel last summer. Eshki told his hosts that the “Palestinian-Israeli conflict serves as a breeding ground for the growth of Iranian ideology” in the region, according to the report.

Streamlining colonial rule
Israel’s top strategists recognize that the stalemate with the Palestinians is a major contributor to the deterioration of Israel’s global standing. It is also an obstacle to fostering closer and more public ties with sectarian dictatorships like Saudi Arabia, whose publics still strongly support the Palestinian cause.

While the INSS reports sees no realistic possibility of movement toward a two-state solution in the foreseeable future, its authors fear a continuing slide down a “slope leading toward a one-state reality” – a warning similar to that given by outgoing US Secretary of State John Kerry last month.

But INSS has no new ideas for how to get Israel out of its predicament. Indeed the report tries to revive the concept of “unilateral separation” that was proposed by the governments of Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert more than a decade ago.

The idea is to consolidate Israeli settlements in large parts of the occupied West Bank, pacify the Palestinian population through improved economic conditions and strengthen the Israeli-backed Palestinian Authority police-state regime to keep Palestinians under tight control.

The separation would be cosmetic, however, since at all times Israel’s occupation forces and Shin Bet secret police would maintain “complete freedom of action” throughout the West Bank.

Eventually, Israel might recognize a “Palestinian state within provisional borders” in up to 65 percent of the West Bank, while it effectively annexes large areas it has settled west of the separation wall it has built in the occupied territory.

The report acknowledges that “a severe humanitarian crisis already prevails in the Gaza Strip,” which has been under a decade-long Israeli blockade, supported by Egypt’s military rulers.

This will inevitably lead to another major escalation of violence, unless something is done to alleviate the situation, the authors warn. That too could further erode Israel’s position. The INSS proposes such measures as building a port in Gaza and improving the infrastructure.

These are palliatives aimed at pacifying the population, but that do nothing to address Israel’s underlying denial of basic rights to the two million Palestinians corralled into the besieged territory.

These plans represent minor tinkering with the proposals for a Palestinian bantustan that Israelis have debated amongst themselves for decades. Yet the authors of the INSS report see the arrival of the Trump administration as an opportunity to market these discredited notions as “innovative ideas.”
Should they gain traction, it will be up to advocates for Palestinian rights to expose them for what they are: an effort to consolidate and rebrand Israel’s regime of occupation, settler-colonialism and apartheid, to stem the deterioration in Israel’s international standing.

Nations turn against Jews, just as it was prophecied... Israel however will continue to blossom, just like it has since '47.
Nations turn against Jews, just as it was prophecied... Israel however will continue to blossom, just like it has since 4
Intifada= something like battle- jihad

If it wasn't Americans Jews couldn't last in occupied palestine even for one day.
Yeah right... What other Palestine can do than conduct knife attacks and die in process? Israel is here to stay...

Getting billions of dollars in aid every years doesn't constitute as "turning against Jews".

Israel dont even really need US aid, have you seen their economic situation and their booming high tec sector? Its countries like Pakistan that desperately need Uncle Sams cash to buy weapons.
Unlike other ME countries, Israel actually produces studf that saves lives and makes future brighter. Meanwhile Arab countries continue to kill each other and begging for money to continue killing people
Nations turn against Jews, just as it was prophecied... Israel however will continue to blossom, just like it has since 4

Yeah right... What other Palestine can do than conduct knife attacks and die in process? Israel is here to stay...

Israel dont even really need US aid, have you seen their economic situation and their booming high tec sector? Its countries like Pakistan that desperately need Uncle Sams cash to buy weapons.
Unlike other ME countries, Israel actually produces studf that saves lives and makes future brighter. Meanwhile Arab countries continue to kill each other and begging for money to continue killing people

I want to know:

Does anyone actually believe knife murderers and suicide bombers, from countries totally dependent on UNRWA food aid that can't even hold regular elections, with impoverished citizens desperate to move to the West, are really going to overtake Israel in international standing?

Israel will magically be defeated by knife wielding women and professional liars. The whole country will just go poof, and the Arabs will have their day of glee as they run around stabbing everyone. It's what G-d really wants, I'm sure.

Losers always talk in terms of "the day after tomorrow". Terrorists like the OP are losers.

"I am the voice inside your head telling you what you already know."
I want to know:

Does anyone actually believe knife murderers and suicide bombers, from countries totally dependent on UNRWA food aid that can't even hold regular elections, with impoverished citizens desperate to move to the West, are really going to overtake Israel in international standing?

Israel will magically be defeated by knife wielding women and professional liars. The whole country will just go poof, and the Arabs will have their day of glee as they run around stabbing everyone. It's what G-d really wants, I'm sure.

Losers always talk in terms of "the day after tomorrow". Terrorists like the OP are losers.

"I am the voice inside your head telling you what you already know."

The actual attacks are more an act of resistance

Its to deny the Israeli occupiers any peace

So the Israelis took the peace from the Palestinians and the Palestinians in return give the israelis no peace to live and in a perverse way make the Israelis become increasingly right wing, brutal and evil.

The numbers favour Palestinians over time

At the moment across Gaza, Israel and the West Bank Jew and Arab numbers are around the 6 million mark each

But the arabs/muslims have more children, marry earlier and have children quickly without much time inbetween
Over time the numbers in of themselves will make israel an outright apartheid state where they will enforce a jew state against the will of either the majority or considerable minority or the jew state will end with one binational state with a fast increasing or majority arab population

The arab and Muslim world around will also rise, the arabs are going through a process a learning curve and they are suffering history shows that is not eternal for any group especially one consisting of such a mass of humanity

So if the pressure on israel will continue,
Attempts to deny them peace at home and away will continue both for citizens, companies, politicians etc

Support for Palestine will continue with the knowledge they are growing quick

There is a waiting game for the right moment to end the oppression of the neo colonial apartheid state
The actual attacks are more an act of resistance

So the Israelis took the peace from the Palestinians and the Palestinians in return give the israelis no peace to live and in a perverse way make the Israelis become increasingly right wing, brutal and evil.

The numbers favour Palestinians over time

Over time the numbers in of themselves will make israel an outright apartheid state where they will enforce a jew state against the will of either the majority or considerable minority or the jew state will end with one binational state with a fast increasing or majority arab population

The arab and Muslim world around will also rise, the arabs are going through a process a learning curve and they are suffering history shows that is not eternal for any group especially one consisting of such a mass of humanity

Support for Palestine will continue with the knowledge they are growing quick

There is a waiting game for the right moment to end the oppression of the neo colonial apartheid state

OK. So to recap, the strategy is based on deliberate evil, presenting oneself as the victim when really you are the aggressors, murdering totally innocent people because you don't want to live in peace.

Do you believe in G-d? Why would any true G-d endorse such a plan? Why would G-d permit it to succeed?

Why would the world support you people who - by your own admission - produce nothing but human refuse, hatred, terror?

What do you believe however many billion naked, starving cavemen will accomplish that a billion Muslims are unable to accomplish?

You ask what history is eternal - obviously, the history of the Jews. G-d has protected us from unapologetically evil enemies like you for millenia. What makes you think your particular brand of evil will meet with success?

And let's say you win... let's say your mob of starving, evil idiots somehow manages to overwhelm civilization. What then? Then you Muslims will be... a mob of starving, evil idiots... with no one to feed you... no one to create technology for you... no enemy to unite you...

So even if you win, you will still lose.

Let's get back to that whole "resistance" thing. "Resistance". The Arab squatters aren't "resisting" anything. Israel has the power to wipe the Arab squatters out at their pleasure. We do not... because we are good people... and the Arabs "resist"... because they are weak, and unable to do anything else.

Top to bottom: Islam has already lost. G-d will not permit Islam to not lose. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you can give up evil and achieve the rewards of the righteous.

Now, Hussein... let me ask you... is there any error in my reasoning?
Nations turn against Jews, just as it was prophecied... Israel however will continue to blossom, just like it has since 4

Delusions intensify.

Giving the largest-ever military aid package to Israel doesn't classify as "turning against Jews and Israel". :omghaha:

Read: U.S., Israel sign $38 billion military aid package

Yeah right... What other Palestine can do than conduct knife attacks and die in process? Israel is here to stay...


No one seeks to undo Israel. Its about the two-state solution.

Israel dont even really need US aid, have you seen their economic situation and their booming high tec sector?

'Tough titty,' said the kitty, 'but the milk's still good.'

Return the U.S. military aid, then. :omghaha:

Its countries like Pakistan that desperately need Uncle Sams cash to buy weapons.

Uncle Sam? Why do you hate America?

I'm sure Pakistan's nuclear program, submarines, and even JF-17 is all paid for by "Uncle Sams cash". :enjoy:

Unlike other ME countries, Israel actually produces studf that saves lives and makes future brighter. Meanwhile Arab countries continue to kill each other and begging for money to continue killing people

Unlike Israel, Pakistan doesn't get $38 billion in military aid. We pay for our defence equipment. :pakistan:
OK. So to recap, the strategy is based on deliberate evil, presenting oneself as the victim when really you are the aggressors, murdering totally innocent people because you don't want to live in peace.

Do you believe in G-d? Why would any true G-d endorse such a plan? Why would G-d permit it to succeed?

Why would the world support you people who - by your own admission - produce nothing but human refuse, hatred, terror?

What do you believe however many billion naked, starving cavemen will accomplish that a billion Muslims are unable to accomplish?

You ask what history is eternal - obviously, the history of the Jews. G-d has protected us from unapologetically evil enemies like you for millenia. What makes you think your particular brand of evil will meet with success?

And let's say you win... let's say your mob of starving, evil idiots somehow manages to overwhelm civilization. What then? Then you Muslims will be... a mob of starving, evil idiots... with no one to feed you... no one to create technology for you... no enemy to unite you...

So even if you win, you will still lose.

Let's get back to that whole "resistance" thing. "Resistance". The Arab squatters aren't "resisting" anything. Israel has the power to wipe the Arab squatters out at their pleasure. We do not... because we are good people... and the Arabs "resist"... because they are weak, and unable to do anything else.

Top to bottom: Islam has already lost. G-d will not permit Islam to not lose. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you can give up evil and achieve the rewards of the righteous.

Now, Hussein... let me ask you... is there any error in my reasoning?

No the strategy is based upon refusing to bow down to a fake colonial state forced upon the Palestinians where white Russian, American, European, Polish etc people who happen to be jewish get more rights then local Palestinians and Muslims

It is a human right to resist occupation and oppression

The Palestinians have been persecuted for not giving up their homes and refusing to accept a apartheid in their own lands

God hasent protected you through millenia jews have been repeatedly punished, you refuse to change your ways and have been persecuted and hunted down for centuries due to your duplicity, double dealing and self serving cabal.

Today you have your clutches deep into the hearts of the American tax payer and try to utilise subversion to manipulate politics to favour your apartheid state

An example for you

Power comes and goes the Muslim world has had some of the greatest empires in human history.
Power is not limited it tends to be cyclical
So the worlds soon to be 2 billion muslims encompassing numerous states and resources will rise again

You jews think you have gotten away with your evil, you think you have succeeded in your malevolent attempt to subvert societies for the sole benefit of Israel and jews

We will not forget your evil, we will not forget your crimes
We will not tolerate your apartheid state,
Your neo colonialism
And your oppression of the Palestinian people
"Uncle Sam" is not an insult. It is a term of endearment for the United States.

Khanate, if I'm understanding you correctly, your claim is that the nations will fall away from Israel, because they have not fallen away from Israel - hence the arms package. Am I getting this right?

About 15% of the IDF's budget is American military aid. The IDF gets about a third of Israel's federal budget, so Israel could make up for the total loss of all American military aid by increasing taxes by 5%.

Israel can produce its own weapons. They have the IMI Tavor (arguably the best assault rifle in service today), the Merkava IV battle tank, the Eitan/Heron armed drones. Last but not least, Israel still has the blueprints for the IAI Lavi fighter jet gathering dust in a drawer somewhere. The Lavi is a vastly better aircraft than anything Pakistan or any other Islamic county could dream of obtaining in the next thirty years, and Israel doesn't even build it.

But all those nifty Western weapons are just "things". Israel's worldly strength is its people, its institutions. Generation after generation, Israel educates its people, goes through transitions of power, without civil wars, military coups, or importing know-how and exporting T-shirts, substitute foodstuffs and coolies.


The administration’s $1.16 billion request for foreign assistance to Pakistan exceeds requests for the Global Hunger and Food Security initiative ($1.06 billion), the Millennium Challenge Corporation ($0.90 billion), and the Global Climate Change initiative ($0.48 billion). It is also not far behind the requested $1.36 billion for the World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA), which makes loans and grants to the world’s 81 poorest countries

The reason Pakistan is able to waste money on obsolete weapons is because the West pays to feed your people. That's the sad truth.

You think merely because you declare yourselves the enemies of Israel, you are therefore at least our equals. Quite the contrary, that mentality is why you are losers and will remain so.

No the strategy is based upon refusing to bow down to a fake colonial state forced upon the Palestinians where white Russian, American, European, Polish etc people who happen to be jewish get more rights then local Palestinians and Muslims
Most Israelis are Mizrahis, descended from Jews who have always lived in the Middle East and were expelled from the Arab states in the Nakba.

Arabs enjoy more rights in Israel than Jews. They have the right to join the IDF or not (for Jews it is mandatory), to visit the Palestinian Authority and Temple Mount (Jews are banned from both), to visit or move to any Arab state (also illegal for Jews), and they get affirmative action, preferential admission to Israeli universities.

It is a human right to resist occupation and oppression

Human rights are a secular, not Islamic concept.

Your implication here is that even you do not believe in your Quran. Even you must look to our belief system for answers. Even you know your cause is a lie.

God hasent protected you through millenia jews have been repeatedly punished, you refuse to change your ways and have been persecuted and hunted down for centuries due to your duplicity, double dealing and self serving cabal.

Power comes and goes the Muslim world has had some of the greatest empires in human history. Power is not limited it tends to be cyclical So the worlds soon to be 2 billion muslims encompassing numerous states and resources will rise again

You jews think you have gotten away with your evil, you think you have succeeded in your malevolent attempt to subvert societies for the sole benefit of Israel and jews We will not forget your evil, we will not forget your crimes
We will not tolerate your apartheid state,
Your neo colonialism And your oppression of the Palestinian people

The problem with your narrative is, it's nothing but anger, hate and lies.

Power comes and goes, sure. Your reasoning goes that Islam will get the power, through sheer hatred and numbers... but if power is purely cyclical, what does that prove?

I have shown you that your claims about Israel are not true. Even you know your lies about Israel are not true. Even you know your Islamic belief is false - that is why you instinctively appeal to the secular belief in "human rights". Even you know G-d will never let you win.

Why not just... give up the hate, change your outlook? What do you really gain from your evil?
"Uncle Sam" is not an insult. It is a term of endearment for the United States.

Khanate, if I'm understanding you correctly, your claim is that the nations will fall away from Israel, because they have not fallen away from Israel - hence the arms package. Am I getting this right?

About 15% of the IDF's budget is American military aid. The IDF gets about a third of Israel's federal budget, so Israel could make up for the total loss of all American military aid by increasing taxes by 5%.

Israel can produce its own weapons. They have the IMI Tavor (arguably the best assault rifle in service today), the Merkava IV battle tank, the Eitan/Heron armed drones. Last but not least, Israel still has the blueprints for the IAI Lavi fighter jet gathering dust in a drawer somewhere. The Lavi is a vastly better aircraft than anything Pakistan or any other Islamic county could dream of obtaining in the next thirty years, and Israel doesn't even build it.

But all those nifty Western weapons are just "things". Israel's worldly strength is its people, its institutions. Generation after generation, Israel educates its people, goes through transitions of power, without civil wars, military coups, or importing know-how and exporting T-shirts, substitute foodstuffs and coolies.


The reason Pakistan is able to waste money on obsolete weapons is because the West pays to feed your people. That's the sad truth.

You think merely because you declare yourselves the enemies of Israel, you are therefore at least our equals. Quite the contrary, that mentality is why you are losers and will remain so.

You survive because of the USA

its as simple as that

without their money, weapons, diplomatic pressure and support you would have been toast

everything from utilising veto's in the U.N to diplomatic pressure on states to paying off states for you to providing and subsidised weaponry to providing you the training and blueprints for that weaponry.

you have survived because like a blood sucking leech you have attached yourself to a greater power

without that greater power rhe dun total of the emnity, sanctions, resolutions etc would have destroyed you
You survive because of the USA its as simple as that without their money, weapons, diplomatic pressure and support you would have been toast

everything from utilising veto's in the U.N to diplomatic pressure on states to paying off states for you to providing and subsidised weaponry to providing you the training and blueprints for that weaponry.

you have survived because like a blood sucking leech you have attached yourself to a greater power

without that greater power rhe dun total of the emnity, sanctions, resolutions etc would have destroyed you

Are you saying Arab / Muslim states design their own weapons and don't get aid?

Are you saying the US designed the Uzi, Tavor and Merkava?

What does it profit you to hate on Israel? Why bother?

Let's get back to my question. Does anyone really think that knife murderers will gain global standing superior to the Jewish state?
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