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Israeli tourists killed in bus explosion in Bulgaria

RIP to the dead.

two points to be noted

1)Every Israeli citizen is an active member of the defence force
National military service is mandatory for all Israeli citizens over the age of 18 Men serve three years in the IDF, while women serve two. The IDF women who volunteer for several combat positions often serve for three years, due to the longer period of training
Women provide an array of combatant/non-combatant services in the military.
Every Israeli citizen is combat ready.

Dead are not civilians. all the dead except children have participated in active duty and trained to kill others.

2) Hostilities committed by the Govt of Israel have created many enemies it "CAN" also be turkey coz u have killed there citizens???

Amount and quality of explosives used only proves only crime committers wanted an incident more then actually killing Israelis.

Humans holding below document have been involved in grave crimes against humanity (need not to be proven again)

eg:- below case of Israeli citizen or IDF member.

RIP to the dead. So far there is no information on who were killed (background of these Israeli's), why they were killed and who did it, so most of the info that are being alleged are pure speculation.

These Hindu extremists and Islam haters posting here didn't say "RIP" to the HUNDREDS of slaughtered Muslims in Burma. See thread;


These Hindu fanatics didn't say RIP to the murdered Iranian scientists by Mossad.

Who do these hypocrites think they are fooling, seriously? They suddenly become very humane and emotional when some of their white and zionist masters are killed. Absolutely disgusting and outrageous hypocrisy.

I crap on your fake "humanity"....

Erdogan bro, the answer is quite simple. For one thing they have grown a victim hood complex from the centuries of Muslim invasion and rule. And Hindutva based political parties made this hatred and scape goating of Muslims their political capital. Islamophobia is so pervasive in India that thinking of another reality is hard for them.

Islamophobia was started by zionists and neocons to malign Muslims, but we have also many stupid people among our ranks whose misdeeds they can use for their propaganda. Indians found out that they share the hatred for Muslims with the zionists. This is the real reason for their support of Israel, avionics and other technology are just an added bonus.

The rest of the world has been duped by zionist world media and with right media slant most people's Islamophobia will go away, except for Israel and India. Islamophobia of these two countries will be difficult to tame. In fact I am more hopeful about Israel (before zionism, Jewish people found refuge in Muslim world from European pogroms), than I am about India. Poverty and intolerance is a deadly combination. Often they go hand in hand.
A Bulgarian member of another forum who lives in Burgas had some new info:

  • Dead count = 8 -Bulgarian driver, 6 Israelis, 1 unknown.
  • Suicide bomber- Male.
  • Held US Michigan state ID card in his hands which was recovered and aparently already checked and is supposedly fake-dont know if this is correct, Reuters says drivers license
  • DNA tests on his remains are being carried out to determine where aproximately he is from.
  • His fingerprints arent in Bulgarian or US databases.

Will try to find some links....


"We have established a person who was a suicide bomber in this attack. This person had a fake driving license from the United States,"

Tsvetanov said special forces had managed to obtain DNA samples from the fingers of the bomber and were now checking databases in an attempt to identify him. He said Bulgarian security services had received no indications of a pending terrorist attack in the Balkan country.

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said the Tehran-backed Lebanese Shi'ite Muslim group Hezbollah carried out the bombing. "The immediate executors are Hezbollah people, who of course have constant Iranian sponsorship," Barak told Israel Radio.
i am very sad:frown: that pakistani people bring religion in each and evry matter....:shame:

hm..... every matter ??? they are killing innocents.......n it isnt painfull........... but if their trained Tourists like Army killed ... it's really painfull ??? wowwwwwwwwwww..........
So...if I can produce a photo of muslim kids holding a rifle...it will be OK to bomb muslim schools?

dont be a dumb, if u following up on my posts ull understand what i am tring to say

(bombing schools are ur signiture moves),

my point here is Israeli citizen's are not civilian's they are members of IDF that's what Israeli constitution says they are "combat ready"...
and so the dead are not civilians but members of IDF.
Oh yes...NATO has a looong list of schools and orphanages on our bombing list....when we aren't dressing our guys in women's clothes to shoot up hotels....
dont be a dumb, if u following up on my posts ull understand what i am tring to say

(bombing schools are ur signiture moves),

my point here is Israeli citizen's are not civilian's they are members of IDF that's what Israeli constitution says they are "combat ready"...
and so the dead are not civilians but members of IDF.

If the situation were reversed, all the headlines would read "Six suspected militants killed" and everybody would be congratulating Mossad on a job well done.

Just like how the White House claims everyone killed by drones was a "suspected militant".

It doesn't change the fact that I think this was still wrong. Extrajudicial killings are wrong; no matter who does it.
Oh yes...NATO has a looong list of schools and orphanages on our bombing list....when we aren't dressing our guys in women's clothes to shoot up hotels....

yes long list of bombing........Since ww2. AND THAT A LONG LIST.

Dont be a troll get back to the topic.
^^^Though here i agree with you.
i for one is a Hindu who empathies with the plight of Muslim Inocents who are killed in the cross fire between The Allied Troops and the AL Queida or Taliban, we do sympathise with the Pakistanis when their soldiers died in the hands of Taliban or when natural disaster took the life of an entire Palistani platoon in Sieachin.

I dont know what is your problem with terming Hindus in the bad light, i dont remember a last instance when Hindus ventured out of INDIA to spread Hinduism by peace or violance. we just try to keep our faith alive and for that you call us names.

dont be a dumb, if u following up on my posts ull understand what i am tring to say

(bombing schools are ur signiture moves),

my point here is Israeli citizen's are not civilian's they are members of IDF that's what Israeli constitution says they are "combat ready"...
and so the dead are not civilians but members of IDF.
so IDF personal death need not be investigated and the killers and master minds are free to roam?
come on mate, the day they are in active duty in a war zone then the loss of life can be attributed to war, but when people in party wear trying to have some good time with family are blown up, I say kill the master minds and the people who follow them blindly.

except for Israel and India. Islamophobia of these two countries will be difficult to tame. In fact I am more hopeful about Israel (before zionism, Jewish people found refuge in Muslim world from European pogroms), than I am about India. Poverty and intolerance is a deadly combination. Often they go hand in hand.
we have one of the highest MUSLIM population in the world and we do not have a grudge to wipe them out of our nation.
They are as much INDIAN as a Hindu, Christian or Jew or Budhist or Sikh born in INDIA is INDIAN.
I dont know what is the problem with MUSLIMS who term INDIA as a HINDU nation, yes HINDUS are majority but we have a secular government setup where we have reservation for each community in both the houses and yes we have voice for each community in both the law making houses.
To those fools who dont know this. Please fuc$ off

Dead are not civilians. all the dead except children have participated in active duty and trained to kill others.
sorry I beg to differ, they are not trained to kill others, they are trained to defend the nation that gives them livelyhood.
so IDF personal death need not be investigated and the killers and master minds are free to roam?
come on mate, the day they are in active duty in a war zone then the loss of life can be attributed to war, but when people in party wear trying to have some good time with family are blown up, I say kill the master minds and the people who follow them blindly.

sorry I beg to differ, they are not trained to kill others, they are trained to defend the nation that gives them livelyhood.

1)Who said need not be investigated?
2)The mosad agents who killed hamas leader in Dubai (who by the way was tourist) were also not in a war zone
3)motives of the dead are not known can not be said they were having good time or were criminals running away in disguise.

4)trained to defend the nation that gives them livelyhood can be said to the same for Hitler and his army???

source of reasoning should be sensible.
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