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Israeli airstrikes on Gaza


NICE Animation.. is this you............!!!!!

The Palestinian resistance is a justified resistance against Israel's unlawful occupation of their lands. And they have every right in international law to hold up arms against a occupier.

who wrote these laws
It's sad that such things can happen , but I personally think in the coming decade we will witness another west bank intifada not more of isreal - khizballah / khamas wars.
Firing rockets at civilians is not defence but pure terror. And it only provokes the Israeli strikes.

I remember well how it started after the Israeli pullout in 2005. Hamas made a demonstration, they carried rockets there and these rockets exploded killing people. Of course they blamed not their own stupidity, but Israel and started massive rocket fire at Israeli civilians.

Recent cease fire was also broken numerous times. Last 3 times were on 11th, 18th and 21th July. Israel did not retaliate. But when it eventually happens you will start whining again.

As hard as it is to comprehend, since you're an Israeli, any form of resistance is legitimate as they are resisting an unlawful occupation of their land. And rockets are fired toward palestinian lands in which should have been part of their state according to the Balfour which the Zionists didn't own up to and exploited it to achieve their only and one state whom many are foreigners.

And no, on the 11th and 18th shots were fired by Israeli tanks conducting incursions at Palestinians living near the borders. Incursions were part of the ceasefire deal, as well firing at bystanders, which israel broke a few hours after the ceasefire was declared.

Not to mention the active invasions of the airspace. And israel did retaliate with multiple airstrikes in southern Gaza.
it's funny , I was watching news about UN troops leaving the Israel-Syria border and the UN guy was looking at Israelis like he was pissed as hell , I guess Israelis **** off everyone
it's funny , I was watching news about UN troops leaving the Israel-Syria border and the UN guy was looking at Israelis like he was pissed as hell , I guess Israelis **** off everyone

Because they're full of crap, and make themselves appear innocent when they in fact are committing a genoicide against the Palestinans and I can prove it.

They like to make it seem like we are 'extreme' people who want to exterminate Jews in israel when in reality they seek to Judacize every palestinian village and make our nationality unrecognizable anymore and wish to censor our identity in foreign nations through their Jewish counterpart groups.
Because they're full of crap, and make themselves appear innocent when they in fact are committing a genoicide against the Palestinans and I can prove it.

They like to make it seem like we are 'extreme' people who want to exterminate Jews in israel when in reality they seek to Judacize every palestinian village and make our nationality unrecognizable anymore and wish to censor our identity in foreign nations through their Jewish counterpart groups.

I wonder how easily you can talk about jews like that , in America.... that's not safe in the first place
NICE Animation.. is this you............!!!!!

who wrote these laws

There is neither an academic nor an international legal consensus regarding the definition of the term "terrorism".[1][2] Various legal systems and government agencies use different definitions of "terrorism". Moreover, the international community has been slow to formulate a universally agreed upon, legally binding definition of this crime. These difficulties arise from the fact that the term "terrorism" is politically and emotionally charged.[3]

Angus Martyn in a briefing paper for the Australian Parliament has stated that "The international community has never succeeded in developing an accepted comprehensive definition of terrorism. During the 1970s and 1980s, the United Nations attempts to define the term foundered mainly due to differences of opinion between various members about the use of violence in the context of conflicts over national liberation and self-determination."[4] These divergences have made it impossible to conclude a Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism that incorporates a single, all-encompassing, legally binding, criminal law definition of terrorism.[5]

Today, the United Nations views Palestinians as freedom fighters, struggling against the unlawful occupation of their land by Israel, and engaged in a long-established legitimate resistance, yet Israel regards them as terrorists.

Definitions of terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And tell us how Israel respects international law.
As hard as it is to comprehend, since you're an Israeli, any form of resistance is legitimate as they are resisting an unlawful occupation of their land. And rockets are fired toward palestinian lands in which should have been part of their state according to the Balfour which the Zionists didn't own up to and exploited it to achieve their only and one state whom many are foreigners.
Changing topic to history wont serve ur interests.

And no, on the 11th and 18th shots were fired by Israeli tanks conducting incursions at Palestinians living near the borders. Incursions were part of the ceasefire deal, as well firing at bystanders, which israel broke a few hours after the ceasefire was declared.
First of all these were Kassam rockets which cant be used against tanks at all.
Secondly there was no any incursion.

Not to mention the active invasions of the airspace. And israel did retaliate with multiple airstrikes in southern Gaza.
No these was no retaliation this time. Overall during the cease fire Israel retaliated very few times against empty buildings.
I wonder how easily you can talk about jews like that , in America.... that's not safe in the first place

No, media figures and government employees fear so. And we aren't talking 'Jews'. This is about israel and Jewish pro israel groups and lobbies who pressure museums, organizations, etcc. From representing any Palestinians as a way to censor their national identity like a museum for journalists in France had two Palestinian journalists in display who were killed by Israeli airstrikes and presented them as heroes of the media and Jewish groups put out scare propaganda articles and called the manager to tell him lies. In the end, they got scared of the pressure and removed them. Which means Jews directly serve the supremacist Jewish state which seeks to censor palestinian identity which makes them far from being innocent.

Now here I will prove how they are committing genocide in a

......a slow ethnic cleansing is already under way, primarily through the systematic destruction of the Palestinian economy; when people cannot make a living, many will leave.
Life for Palestinians means constant harassment at checkpoints. Olive trees, central to agriculture there, are bulldozed by Israeli troops who claim they provide cover for snipers. Palestinian homes are demolished, supposedly because Palestinians built on their land without appropriate permits, which Israel will not give them. [...]
As Effi Eitam of the right-wing National Religious Party has put it, if Palestinians find "the situation so hard and so dangerous that they prefer to move to some other part of the world," well, he will shed no tears.

The plan appears to be working. According to the Jerusalem Post, by August last year about 80,000 Palestinians had left the West Bank and Gaza, a 50 percent increase over last year.

If this ethnic cleansing--either the slow version or expulsion by Israeli soldiers--is successful, another term may come into play: genocide. The crime of genocide is generally associated with mass killing, but international law defines genocide as acts intended "to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group." One of the five types of acts is "deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part."

Creating conditions "so hard and dangerous" that they drive people off their land is a way to eliminate the Palestinian people. Not all the Palestinians need be killed; once completely dispersed in other countries, they will cease to be a recognizable group that could press a claim to that land.

Fredericksburg.com - Some Israelis contemplate low-grade 'genocide' for Palestinians

No, media figures and government employees fear so. And we aren't talking 'Jews'. This is about israel and Jewish pro israel groups and lobbies who pressure museums, organizations, etcc. From representing any Palestinians as a way to censor their national identity like a museum for journalists in France had two Palestinian journalists in display who were killed by Israeli airstrikes and presented them as heroes of the media and Jewish groups put out scare propaganda articles and called the manager to tell him lies. In the end, they got scared of the pressure and removed them. Which means Jews directly serve the supremacist Jewish state which seeks to censor palestinian identity which makes them far from being innocent.

Now here I will prove how they are committing genocide in a

Fredericksburg.com - Some Israelis contemplate low-grade 'genocide' for Palestinians


ok , good luck
Changing topic to history wont serve ur interests.

First of all these were Kassam rockets which cant be used against tanks at all.
Secondly there was no any incursion.

No these was no retaliation this time. Overall during the cease fire Israel retaliated very few times against empty buildings.

Yes there was, it's very common.

Limited Israeli incursion into southern Gaza | Maan News Agency

Here's one of them.

No, they didn't just attack empty 'buildings' as you'd like to call them. They attacked 'military infrastructure sites as they like to call it. And they have killed someone earlier in the year through a targeted 'strike'. Or bomb attack.

And you can't take away history of this conflict since this armed struggle directly is in response to the unlawful occupation of our lands.

500, you answer us, where do you want the Palestinians to be/go? This will prove my point once I get an answer.
Yeah, there aren't any guided missiles here. They don't have the equipment to guide the rocket or the technology. And for that reason Hamas can attack the iron dome sites and make them ineffective but they choose not to so it can be costly for israel. Although not all sites.

I wonder if Iran is working on any new rockets for Hezbollah and Hamas? What were the Fateh-110 they tried smuggling to Hezbollah? Are they more effective than Fajr rockets?

Fateh-110 is a game changer, with a 300 km range and ability to precisely hit the target with its powerful warhead.It'll be a nightmare for Israel. I don't think Hamas currently has any F-110, but Hezbollah most probably has some. It's hard to send them to Hamas right now because of Egyptian turmoils and destroying tunnels to Gaza.

PS: Hezbollah has a huge arsenal of all kinds of guided and unguided missiles right now.Much larger than 2006 war.If they ever succeed to use them against Israel in case of another war, they'll definitely paralyze Israel. They can attack all major power plants, factories and sensitive areas.
Fateh-110 is a game changer, with a 300 km range and ability to precisely hit the target with its powerful warhead.It'll be a nightmare for Israel. I don't think Hamas currently has any F-110, but Hezbollah most probably has some. It's hard to send them to Hamas right now because Egyptian turmoils and destroying tunnels to Gaza.

They need to find new ways, and I think they can in months period time. And those weapons strictly should only be used in self defense. Hamas has an unknown number of Zelzal and older version Shahab rockets. No one knows their exact arsensal. And I'm not sure what Iran plans. But, Hamas seems to be investing more in medium range rockets since they can create a better deterrent.

Btw, me myself, I'm not part of any military groups here. I'm a student working my way to become a pharmacist. But, like any other people's, I appreciate their efforts to defend Gaza from future Israeli operations. As do many people here.
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