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Israeli Air Force Gears up to Strike Iran.

I think with Iran's successful acquisition of the S-300 PMU-2, it will be successful in repelling any misadventure by the Israelis. secondly, no way in a million years will Israel or America be able to fight the Iranians with troops.

Iraq was an American reliant country battered by the US through sanctions for ten years, their army unpaid and unwilling to fight. Iran on the other hand is a country, whose evert single child will sacrifice his life to fight an invading force. History has proved it. IRAN IS THE LONGEST SURVIVING NATION ON EARTH. go search on the internet.

Other then maybe a few Special Forces raids and target spotting. there will be no ground invasion of Iran. So unless Iran invades Iraq or Afghanistan there will be no ground invasion taking place.

As far as the S-300 Russia has said it will honor it's contract with Iran. However so far no S-300'S have been delivered. Hmmm, I wonder why........ It couldn't have anything to do with Russia's recent acquisition of Israeli drones could it?
I think with Iran's successful acquisition of the S-300 PMU-2, it will be successful in repelling any misadventure by the Israelis. secondly, no way in a million years will Israel or America be able to fight the Iranians with troops.

Iraq was an American reliant country battered by the US through sanctions for ten years, their army unpaid and unwilling to fight. Iran on the other hand is a country, whose evert single child will sacrifice his life to fight an invading force. History has proved it. IRAN IS THE LONGEST SURVIVING NATION ON EARTH. go search on the internet.

thought that was china. for one, we still write with chinese characters, but no iranian writes with old persian characters =)
thought that was china. for one, we still write with chinese characters, but no iranian writes with old persian characters =)
sometimes it is smart to change. your characters system is not as smart as arab or european.
Other then maybe a few Special Forces raids and target spotting. there will be no ground invasion of Iran. So unless Iran invades Iraq or Afghanistan there will be no ground invasion taking place.

As far as the S-300 Russia has said it will honor it's contract with Iran. However so far no S-300'S have been delivered. Hmmm, I wonder why........ It couldn't have anything to do with Russia's recent acquisition of Israeli drones could it?

Hmmm.. Interesting fact you mentioned about the Israeli drones to Russia, however, Russia has a declining arms export relative to what it once had. They are struggling in selling their equipment with China stealing away most of their market share. So i don't think a few drones would affect such a huge and strategic SAM deal, specially in a time when tensions are growing due to the American missile shield over eastern europe.

Information about Iran's military deals are so vague that one can never judge, who knows, maybe they already have the S-300s or maybe they're bluffing, you can never be too sure. However i wouldn't call their bluff if i was in Israel and US's place provided Iran has immense amounts of oil to generate funds. Also, there are several stakeholders who would support Iran covertly to see the US suffer including China and Russia.
Hmmm.. Interesting fact you mentioned about the Israeli drones to Russia, however, Russia has a declining arms export relative to what it once had. They are struggling in selling their equipment with China stealing away most of their market share. So i don't think a few drones would affect such a huge and strategic SAM deal, specially in a time when tensions are growing due to the American missile shield over eastern europe.

Information about Iran's military deals are so vague that one can never judge, who knows, maybe they already have the S-300s or maybe they're bluffing, you can never be too sure. However i wouldn't call their bluff if i was in Israel and US's place provided Iran has immense amounts of oil to generate funds. Also, there are several stakeholders who would support Iran covertly to see the US suffer including China and Russia.

Israel and Russia in UAV Deal

Russia delays delivery of S-300 advanced air defence missiles to Iran - Times Online

Im not saying i don't believe you, i am only speculating. Compare a million billion dollars SAM deal to a drone deal and weigh them.

Thanks for the link.. however only time will tell my friend. lets hope a conflict doesn't arise in the first place as it will further destabilize the entire region. The blame in the end is going to be placed in the US's hands, again.
sometimes it is smart to change. your characters system is not as smart as arab or european.

debatable. how do you define a language as smart? that's a very controversial statement. i just stated a fact: iranians don't use persian to write anymore.

maybe israeli air force is on to something.
No you use proxies to do it through the Revolutionary guard and Qud's force. (Hezbollah, Hamas, Shia Militia groups, and most recently the Taliban)

even if we want to take what you said into account as correct, we all know that none of the groups you said has the power to launch a strike on others and start a war. their doctrine is based on deterrence. meanwhile, because Iran is supplying such groups with weapons it doesn't mean Iran is involved in wars of them.

from what I remember it was Americans who supplied and supported the Taliban during the 8 year war between Russia and Afghanistan. Talbian was good at that time but now they are terrorists? give me a break

and why you ignored the other things I said?

He has some valid points. But I think he over estimates Iran's ability to last years of open conflict with the west. As Saddam Hussein found out. Fighting a war with the west was not the same as fighting a war with Iran. The west along with the Gulf countries could completely decimate Iran's Ports and shore batteries. As well as Air force, Navy, and Army. It's industrial and civil infrastructure would be in tatters and most likely all gasoline production cut off. In fact Gasoline production is probably the most critical area where Iran is vulnerable.

I have doubts Obama would unilaterally hit Iran. But he would have no choice but to join Israel if they attacked. Since Iran would most likely carry through with it's threat to attack Gulf countries and shipping.

the only cattle wrangling Obama does is with michelle every night in bed.

they said the same things you're saying now when 53 countries directly supported Saddam to attack Iran. they said in the BBC that Iran was going to lose the war within one month, but the war lasted for 8 years and experts without biased ideas can confirm that Iran was the winner. you can read about the Iran-Iraq war to know what the consequences of a new war with Iran would be. also you should be aware of how the situation is different now. I can mention some of them and then you can decide whether It's a good idea to attack Iran or not.

I told you once before thomas, the Iranian nuclear train has no brake and It won't have a brake ever. if you think you have the ability to launch a military strike on Iran at this moment, don't wait. if not, you should try to negotiate it peacefully.

Other then maybe a few Special Forces raids and target spotting. there will be no ground invasion of Iran. So unless Iran invades Iraq or Afghanistan there will be no ground invasion taking place.

As far as the S-300 Russia has said it will honor it's contract with Iran. However so far no S-300'S have been delivered. Hmmm, I wonder why........ It couldn't have anything to do with Russia's recent acquisition of Israeli drones could it?

S-300 (missile) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iran 's status regarding the S-300 system remains controversial. They seem to have acquired an unknown number of S-300PMU-1 missiles in 1993, maybe even 300 recently from Belarus.[19] Iran claimed to have signed a contract with Russia on 25 December 2007 on the sales of the S-300PMU-2 missile system.[20] Russian officials have denied this.[21] According to senior Israeli defence sources Iran is to receive S-300s by 2009, deliveries will take place from September until begin 2009.[22][23][24] It has also been claimed that Croatia sold their S-300s to Iran.[25] Later, another claim was made saying Libya transferred S-300s to Iran.[26] On December 21, according to a senior Iranian lawmaker, Russia has started the supply of components for S-300 air defense systems to Iran.

as you can see on the map Iran's status is blue.
even if we want to take what you said into account as correct, we all know that none of the groups you said has the power to launch a strike on others and start a war. their doctrine is based on deterrence. meanwhile, because Iran is supplying such groups with weapons it doesn't mean Iran is involved in wars of them.

from what I remember it was Americans who supplied and supported the Taliban during the 8 year war between Russia and Afghanistan. Talbian was good at that time but now they are terrorists? give me a break

and why you ignored the other things I said?

the only cattle wrangling Obama does is with michelle every night in bed.

they said the same things you're saying now when 53 countries directly supported Saddam to attack Iran. they said in the BBC that Iran was going to lose the war within one month, but the war lasted for 8 years and experts without biased ideas can confirm that Iran was the winner. you can read about the Iran-Iraq war to know what the consequences of a new war with Iran would be. also you should be aware of how the situation is different now. I can mention some of them and then you can decide whether It's a good idea to attack Iran or not.

I told you once before thomas, the Iranian nuclear train has no brake and It won't have a brake ever. if you think you have the ability to launch a military strike on Iran at this moment, don't wait. if not, you should try to negotiate it peacefully.

S-300 (missile) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

as you can see on the map Iran's status is blue.

Whether the Iranian regime is good or bad, is debatable. I just don't want millions more humans dying. Everyone needs to work together. Let's all become friends!
Israel cant dare to attack Iran.....
May be USA will try to destablize & weak Iran using political and strategical ways. But I feel that almost all Muslim countries are with Iran.....
Besides that more imp is that Iran nation is Iron united
Israel cant dare to attack Iran.....
May be USA will try to destablize & weak Iran using political and strategical ways. But I feel that almost all Muslim countries are with Iran.....
Besides that more imp is that Iran nation is Iron united

You say all Muslim countries are with Iran? I think there was talk about Saudi allowing Israel its air space to attack Iran.
Whether the Iranian regime is good or bad, is debatable. I just don't want millions more humans dying. Everyone needs to work together. Let's all become friends!

the Iranian regime is bad and the majority of the iranian people don't want it but it doesn't mean that we would let others threaten Iran. Today, we are completely ready to deter and thwart any action if need be at any price even if It was the US and Its allies, let alone Israel because Israel threatening Iran is morel like a joke. our local problems won't affect our love for Iran for sure.
even if we want to take what you said into account as correct, we all know that none of the groups you said has the power to launch a strike on others and start a war. their doctrine is based on deterrence. meanwhile, because Iran is supplying such groups with weapons it doesn't mean Iran is involved in wars of them.

from what I remember it was Americans who supplied and supported the Taliban during the 8 year war between Russia and Afghanistan. Talbian was good at that time but now they are terrorists? give me a break

While many of the people in the Taliban movement received training and support during the soviet occupation years. (many none Taliban did as well) The Taliban themselves didn't come into being till after the Soviets left. I suspect you knew this though.

Taliban - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And as far as some of the other groups listed like Hezbollah. "Its leaders were inspired by Ayatollah Khomeini, and its forces were trained and organized by a contingent of Iranian Revolutionary Guards." It's forces receive training in Iran.

And On April 16, 2007, Sheikh Naim Qassem admitted in an interview with the Iranian Arabic TV station Al-Kawthar that Hezbollah did not determine its own policies . He said the organization was subordinate to the authority of the Iranian leadership

Hezbollah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Two rare statements about Iran-Hezbollah relations

I told you once before thomas, the Iranian nuclear train has no brake and It won't have a brake ever. if you think you have the ability to launch a military strike on Iran at this moment, don't wait.

If it was up to me It would happen at the end of this year. After the troops in Iraq are withdrawn. Unless of course Iran backed down.
While many of the people in the Taliban movement received training and support during the soviet occupation years. (many none Taliban did as well) The Taliban themselves didn't come into being till after the Soviets left. I suspect you knew this though.

Taliban - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And as far as some of the other groups listed like Hezbollah. "Its leaders were inspired by Ayatollah Khomeini, and its forces were trained and organized by a contingent of Iranian Revolutionary Guards." It's forces receive training in Iran.

And On April 16, 2007, Sheikh Naim Qassem admitted in an interview with the Iranian Arabic TV station Al-Kawthar that Hezbollah did not determine its own policies . He said the organization was subordinate to the authority of the Iranian leadership

Hezbollah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Two rare statements about Iran-Hezbollah relations

If it was up to me It would happen at the end of this year. After the troops in Iraq are withdrawn. Unless of course Iran backed down.

are you kidding? the Taliban was created and supported by the US. ever asked yourself why the US kept the Taliban in power for years? because Taliban was a major threat to Iran.

no one denied that, Iran helps hizbullah and even lebanese people come to Iran to get trained by the IRGC. I didn't deny it. I said the group said are not powerful enough to launch or start a war.

are you trying to say you're braver than Bush?
As far as Iran already having the S300 we will see. There have been numerous claims but so far no one has seen anything. And having looked at satellite photo's of some of Irans nukes facilities. The defensive SAM sites don't appear to be S300's. I tend to believe Russia when it says it has not delivered them yet. especially since Iran still seems to be still upset over the matter.
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