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Israeli minister sees possible attack on Iran "in 2-3 years"

Iran Is not Syria, the response will be brutal that might actually lead to a nuclear weapon use by Israel. Like father like son, the yanks used it against a non nuclear Japan and the Israelites might use it against a non nuclear Iran.
I hope Iran does develop couple of nuclear warheads to retaliate just in case.
I believe Iran does have devices in the basement, much like Pak did in the 80’s. Playing Israelis at their own game of plausible deniability..
In the event Israel attacks Iran , Iran will saturate their Abm defenses and then at the latter part lob a missile over carrying a device…as retaliation for any Israeli non conventional attack..
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Iran will never reach the point it has nukes.
Are the Israelis actually adamant on this policy where they would seriously carry out strikes?

It will have to be done via proxy. A direct Arab-Israeli military attack on Iran could easily trigger a global problem. I'm with Israel & the Arabs on this one.

But it has to be done carefully. It should be done by arming Iranian freedom fighters and equipping them with intelligence.
Why are you against Iranians attaining nukes?
I believe Iran does have devices in the basement, much like Pak did in the 80’s. Playing Israelis at their own game of plausible deniability..
In the event Israel attacks Iran , Iran will saturate their Abm defenses and then at the latter part lob a missile over carrying a device…as retaliation for any Israeli non conventional attack..
The Israelis probably have prepared for that. They might have extra batteries of AA systems.

Why are you against Iranians attaining nukes?
Actually,nobody else should get nukes. We already have enough nukes as a planet.
Are the Israelis actually adamant on this policy where they would seriously carry out strikes?
Yeah obviously

Why are you against Iranians attaining nukes?
Unstable Islamic dictatorships that arm a shit ton of terror proxy groups that ravage the middle east and call for the destruction of Israel and the US shouldn't get nukes

I sure hope so. For the sake of world peace.

I think you mean Egypt, not Lebanon.
I meant Lebanon, I just refered to Lebanon as one of the nations we defeated, obviously they're not as big as Iran population wise.

Israel last fought Hamas last year....got exhausted and the state almost broke down after 30 days...then IDF started begging US for more ammunition..meanwhile all the bombings that IDF did on Hamas on that war didnt deplete more than 20% of hamas's rocket stocks- Hamas was about to set the whole ISrael on fire- ceasefire were on equitable terms-Israel lost that war....Hezbollah will bbeat up Israel easy next time..then West bank's turn to beat up paper tiger IDF will come.
Again this retard lives in an alternative reality.

I believe Iran does have devices in the basement, much like Pak did in the 80’s. Playing Israelis at their own game of plausible deniability..
In the event Israel attacks Iran , Iran will saturate their Abm defenses and then at the latter part lob a missile over carrying a device…as retaliation for any Israeli non conventional attack..
Mossad knows better than you
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So this could be the first time we see the F-35 be used against a somewhat credible nation?

What time frame would you guess?
Iranian air defenses aren't any better and way less concentrated than Syria's and we used the F-35 there already.

Can't really tell you, depends on Iran's nuclear stage.
isrealis will fight to last dumb American after committing false flag on america and framing iran. iran now you just switch to gold for oil.
Looking at Israel's history never in the history Israel attacked it's opponent with an announcement, they always silently attacked it's enemies while they were asleep and achieved it's objective e.g Iraq nuclear plants
I don't know whats this gimmick like giving Iran 2-3 years to fully prepare itself
In 2-3 years Iran might have hypersonic missiles , Russian jets s400 or even s500
Come on! Sure there are Idiots in Germany who want to help - but you first have to pay them some Shakles so they can buy some military things that work. And even then it will more hinder you than you would benefit from. Dont you read the news? Haha, you would overstrech any luck - if you ever had some - if you trust in Bundeswehr :D
We certainly don't rely on Germany's participation. Israel can only achieve this through nuclear earth penetrators alone, or with the help of the US conventionally. Other countries are no more than a bonus.

Looking at Israel's history never in the history Israel attacked it's opponent with an announcement, they always silently attacked it's enemies while they were asleep and achieved it's objective e.g Iraq nuclear plants
I don't know whats this gimmick like giving Iran 2-3 years to fully prepare itself
In 2-3 years Iran might have hypersonic missiles , Russian jets s400 or even s500
S400/S500/S80000 will all fail. Israel's attack will be one of a kind.
Iranian air defenses aren't any better and way less concentrated than Syria's and we used the F-35 there already.

Can't really tell you, depends on Iran's nuclear stage.
We have early warning radars with the range of 3000km that Syria lacked and we cover our sky with E/O system something Syria lack. Wo cover our sky with AESA radar of various bands something that Syria lacks.
Also all our air Defence equipment are networked. Syria don't have such network
We have early warning radars with the range of 3000km that Syria lacked and we cover our sky with E/O system something Syria lack. Wo cover our sky with AESA radar of various bands something that Syria lacks.
Also all our air Defence equipment are networked. Syria don't have such network
3000km to the space maybe, you can't detect jets flying above Israel due to the curvature of the earth.

Everything you own is known and accounted for and nothing of those will work in the day of attack.
3000km to the space maybe, you can't detect jets flying above Israel due to the curvature of the earth.

Everything you own is known and accounted for and nothing of those will work in the day of attack.
Such Early warning radars tends to use reflection of radio wawes in atmosphere to detect aircrafts at extreme distances. I believe USA and Russia even have longer range early warning radars
The drawback is you can't use them to target enemy aircraft.
Frivolous BS meant for internal consumption and meaningless jingoistic purposes in order to prop up a now discredited “image of invincibility”.

If they keep kicking that can down the road past 2025, reaching 2030. One wonders what they’ll start saying then? “Our great kosher jets have allowed Iran to think they’re safe”… what a joke…

It’s 2023 and Iran’s offensive capabilities have grown tremendously while domestic defensive initiatives have nearly all paid off in spades. 100s of Iranian made radars, dozens (if not hundreds) of Iranian made AD systems, redundant nuclear proof BM infrastructure with multiple firing systems that will effectively destroy Israel as a state (if need be) due to sheer size and volume of launch, MASSIVE long-range LCS drone fleet, strong hacking capabilities, strategic regional Allie’s/proxies, etc.,

What Israel does hold over Iran is nukes, some overpriced Jets, local spy networks that seem to be dwindling (Iranian counterintelligence effort) and economic damage via the West (IE: American evangelical patsies). Outside of those things, Iran really doesn’t have much to worry about.
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What Israel does hold over Iran is nukes, some overpriced Jets, local spy networks that seem to be dwindling (Iranian counterintelligence effort) and economic damage via the West (IE: American evangelical patsies). Outside of those things, Iran really doesn’t have much to worry about.
You forgot to mention Israel's secret Wunderwaffe, developed by 195 IQ Ashkenazi Jews, which can disable all Iranian defenses with the press of a button.
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