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Israel ready to launch a military offensive against Iran

"Shiny capstar, would you like to comment on the first 5 months of the cease fire, during which no rockets were fired. The rockets started being fired after the isaraeli Blockade continuing without justification..."

Israel/Hamas 2008 Ceasefire Timeline- CAP

The Center For American Progress reports between 27-64 rockets or mortar shells landed in Israel between 19 June and the end of October. That's not quite what you said. The link will take you to the timeline. The timeline willl direct you through additional links to the reported incidents.

"the Israelis cant deal with the elected representatives of the people of the West bank."

Small matter of an unrenounced Hamas charter that makes recognition more than impossible. I'm sure you understand.

Here the unabridged charter for those interested. It makes for frightening reading...at least if you're Israeli-

Hamas Charter 1988- Pt. 1

Hamas Charter 1988- Pt. II
I shall gladly share details in PM's even, but not on the open forum.

If someone is attacking your country for so long with the sole intention of killing your civilians you strike back at those striking you, sadly those striking Israel often hide behind civilian human shields. That does not however change the fact that you should strike back.

In the 1940's there were some who were purposefully trying to wipe out civilians, it is different now.

You have to explain why Arab familiies have to have their children killed ?
there is no such excuse kiling inncient and highly doubt that Hamas was Its always been the intention of Israel to wipe arabs and create greather Israel.
You have to explain why Arab familiies have to have their children killed ?
there is no such excuse kiling inncient and highly doubt that Hamas was Its always been the intention of Israel to wipe arabs and create greather Israel.

A few days ago I met a very senior retd officer from USAF and he said that if Palestine wants peace they need to throw out Hamas and every thing will be ok. And I being the guest couldn't say or start a debate, But I just thought that if a person like him thinks like that what do the masses think who are mostly GEDs or washouts.:confused::crazy:
"I just thought that if a person like him thinks like that what do the masses think who are mostly GEDs or washouts.."

It tells me far more about you than him. How is it that with this information easily googled that you'd instead persist in such a contemptible view of our citizens? Your smug assumption is blatantly inaccurate.

"In 2003, over four-fifths (85 percent) of all adults 25 years or older reported they had completed at least high school; over one in four adults (27 percent) had attained at least a bachelor's degree; both measures are all time highs. In 2003, the percentage of the adult population who had completed high school increased for the first time since 2000, when it was 84 percent."

American Literacy-U.S. Census Bureau
I rather doubt that you'd likely negotiate with any government, least of all a neighboring government who's ruling party's charter is as ignoble as HAMAS and calls for your destruction. There'd be little point and that's exactly the case here.

There'll be no peace or settlement with HAMAS in power. Count me with that senior U.S.A.F. officer and I'm neither a GED nor washout. It's the lucid position of a rationally thinking human that can assess a threat to his/her existence that reaches these conclusions about HAMAS.

Until HAMAS renounces it's charter or falls from power there's not one iota of a chance for peace with Israel.
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If you want Hamas to go, then stop killing civilians
Its the death of Civilians that gives them a reason to become terrorists.
Are you going to tell an Palestinian who has lost both parents and limbs by IDF to be quite and accept israelis who want them to be removed from their home land.
If you want Hamas to go, then stop killing civilians
Its the death of Civilians that gives them a reason to become terrorists.
Are you going to tell an Palestinian who has lost both parents and limbs by IDF to be quite and accept israelis who want them to be removed from their home land.

Very true.
That is what our friend don't understand that if my son dies in a Attack I pick up a gun my grand son dies my son will pick up a gun, This vicious circle will only stop if Israel stops killing innocent people.:angry:
Very true.
That is what our friend don't understand that if my son dies in a Attack I pick up a gun my grand son dies my son will pick up a gun, This vicious circle will only stop if Israel stops killing innocent people.:angry:

Hamas, (or at least part of it, the dangerous determined part), wants to destroy Israel, Israel cannot just let them go about trying to do just that.
Hamas, (or at least part of it, the dangerous determined part), wants to destroy Israel, Israel cannot just let them go about trying to do just that.

Listen, how on earth is Hamas going to destroy a country which operates state of the art military hardware and gets financial aid from Uncle Sam to keep it's war machine going?
The situation is in my eyes best to be described as me (Palestinians) throwing a sponge at Mr. Muradk, and he (Israelis) replies back by taking his AK-47 or even better a Bazooka and points it at me because I might've hurt him (yeah right) or "scared" him because of the sponge.
Note, when I said the use of AK-47 or Bazooka by Mr. Murad in response, I was talking lightly, it is more like a motherload of grenades, or even better clusterbombs, i'm sure you're familiar with that, Israel dropped loads of them in civilian areas and urban areas in Lebanon aswell, hey, alot of them still aren't unexploded, but you'll probably think of something as ridicule as your earlier statements to defend the use of that.
Infact, you will defend the use of any act of violence or force by Israel in the nature of "selfdefence", that is the only cheap excuse you can come up with.
Israel will make things more difficult for herself because I seriously wonder how long the Middle East and the Arab countries are going to put up with Israel's powerplay in the region and their massacre of the Palestinians.
It's gonna snap one day, and the Israeli people will NEVER find any peace in their lives unless their government uses their brains and realizes that humiliating and destroying the lives of Palestinians will not make their own citizens any safer, instead, the images shown all over the world will only lead to more hatred for the Israelis and will lead to more attacks on Israeli soil because with each attack from Israel, dozens and dozens of Palestinian children, men, women lose their lives, and their relatives, who have nothing left, not even some shelter, will have only hate, pure hate for Israel.
Hate is the only word, no understanding, simply hate, blind hate, because it's human, especially for the losses these poor people have to deal with.
I hope that the Palestinians will get their own state one day, but I fear the worst as long as Israel continues to build illegal settlements and then wonders (again) why Hamas is firing rockets at them, frucking hypocrits.
Hamas, (or at least part of it, the dangerous determined part), wants to destroy Israel, Israel cannot just let them go about trying to do just that.
Imagine If Russia comes in, take over Edinburgh, remove UK citizens from Edinburgh and London and move in Russian Citizens and blocks the whole UK from all sides for the greater interest of Russians.Would you still prefer a peaceful resolution with Russians?I can assure you, UK Citizen will do whatever it takes to defeat kill Russian people and Soldiers.America attacked whole Afghanistan because 3000 Americans were killed in US.Israel has killed A lot more unarmed Palestine Civilians and i am not saying this because i am Muslim.I am completely moderate Muslim.In fact i always said that Pakistan should recognize Israel but after watching some documentaries made by UK Journalists..I was just shocked about Israel.I won't even consider Israel Soldiers human.
"This vicious circle will only stop if Israel stops killing innocent people."

Actually I think it'll stop far sooner when Hamas and Hezbollah quit firing rockets with no clue where they'll ultimately land, or care for that matter.

Of course, such war crimes go excused in the moslem media but it's clear that no nation on earth should have to tolerate such behavior. Until it stops and Hamas renounces it's disgusting charter, there can be no peace.

I'm sure that makes sense. I really recommend that the next time elections are held in Lebanon or Palestine, that those citizens in these areas roundly reject the confrontation status to which they've been relegated by the agendas of these criminal terrorists. If they support such leadership then they can reap the whirlwind.

No people shall preside over their own destruction and the Jews will be the last to do so.
Well, Americans are certainly realizing that Israel is a corrupted country.Go to Digg.com and search for Israel and view comments by Americans.Even American Ex-President Supports Palestine (Jimmy Carter)
^^True... And on top of that any Israeli-Iranian war will destroy the whole region. At some point all arab countries will get involved (because it is inevitable that the Israelis will use bases in the Gulf countries like Saudi, UAE and Kuwait which will lead to retaliation on them by Iran as well).

I can imagine that any Israeli-Iranian conflict will certainly lead to a world-war scenario

Its true that Iran is working hard on their nuclear program but Pakistan shouldn't get involved because Pakistan has no serious problems with Iran and secondly a nuclear Iran would not be good for Pakistan either because Iran and India have very close ties. A nuclear Iran would not be good or bad for Pakistan so Pakistan really should stay out of this topic.

As for Israel-Iran tensions, most likely Arab countries will stay out of this conflict and Pakistan should also stay out of this conflict even though most Pakistanis hate Israel.

Iranians never take Pakistan's side when it comes to India vs Pakistan.
Arousou - billahi- minishaytan neerajeem Bismillah-irahman nearaheem.


Of course, such war crimes go excused in the moslem media but it's clear that no nation on earth should have to tolerate such behavior. Until it stops and Hamas renounces it's disgusting charter, there can be no peace.

Errrr no if there ever were any war crimes being committed we just have to look at UN terms of agreement given to Israel to follow which was continuously broken. Or the continual bombardment of UN compounds even when The UN repeatedly said that there were no Hamas gummen were ever in the compound, and lets not forget the classic one, stopping food and water to Palestinians, your trying to radicate Hamas not gather support for them ! I can understand why you would make such hypocritical lie, because you know Israel is at fault you can't defend it any more.
Here is Israel casulity :
One Murdered, Several Wounded In Israel Massacre Attempt

Now here is Palestine Causality of the same war:
Palestinians say Gaza death toll surpasses 1,010 - CNN.com

One killed, and several wounded. A 'massacre'? I think this term is thrown around now so much as to be meaningless. Like 'anti-semitic'. Interestingly, the article pretty much sums up what we have been saying. In response to the attack, the IDF promised "a harsh response" and stated that "We will get those responsible for the attacks in the ways we know how". So, no doubt the IDF will level an entire neighbourhood. This will either be called a 'retaliation' or a 'defensive' operation and so the cycle will continue, forever.

That is, unless Israel is willing to address the question of why Hamas militants are firing rockets into Israel. This question is more important for securing Israel's security than building security walls or carrying out retaliatory operations

Talking about war crimes:
And how about Bush and Blair for the illegal war of Iraq and the torture of captivities outside the Geneva convention

link: Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War
and most of them were innocent.

And Vietnam

I can't see you having the upper hand of being all protector of the innocent, protector of truth and justice and being the Good guys after dropping two atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Tell me what did the little children of these two city did to your country and countrymen ? Just simply born as Japanese ? Or what about the insanity of the bombing of Dresden. Every Allied commander said it was waste of time and waste of ammo no strategic military advantage just more death on innocent German civilians gathering more support for Nazi propaganda.
How about the US not wanted to save any Jews in WW2
Shiloh Musings: WWII--US Didn't Aim To Save Jews
WWII Allied Planes Reached Auschwitz, But Didn't Bomb the Camp - Jewish World - Israel News - Israel National News

because it didn’t bother any other nation that these poor souls were being murdered
I guess we can throw away films that glorified America saving Jews in WW2
Of course, such war crimes go excused in the WESTERN WORLD and even hypocritically GLORIFIED in the media. Now who's barbaric now.
or about Muslims saving Jewish lives in WW2
YouTube - Muslim Family Hid Jews!!!
YouTube - Albanian Muslims rescue Jews in WW2 #1

YouTube - how albanians rescue jews during the ll w war(part 2)

YouTube - Muslim Heroes of the Holocaust - Robert Satloff


altmuslim - On Holocaust zeroes & heroes

The American Muslim (TAM)

All in all I just want to say that I hate to burst your bubble but Mossad created Hamas

Hamas is a Creation of Mossad

A monster that was created by the Zionist Jews that is now spiraling out of control, so be proud of this Israeli make that is now launching rocket on Israeli citizen. If there is ever a terrorist organization that reach new standard it is Israel not only wiping out Arabs but killing their own people as a result , just to satisfy their goals - how pathetically barbaric.

and you are damn right no nation on earth should have to tolerate such behavior, thats why the whole world need to deal with Israel before it starts another holocaust in the middleast.

Recap to make it make it easy for you:
1)Israel started with the war crimes by stealing land and killing innocent Arabs
2) West have always been the one committed to war crimes see the illegal war of Iraq bombardment of Dresden
3) America knew about the Death camps but did nothing
4) Muslims also help Jewish people to survive and escape the prosecution
5) Mossard created Hamas

Until it stops and Israel renounces it's disgusting charter, there can be no peace

And its Muslim not moslem learn to spell .

No people shall preside over their own destruction and the Jews will be the first to do so because we have seen this repeatedly in history and will repeat itself in the future when an earth quake hits Israel making all the Israelis run like headless chicken away from Palestine INSHALLAH !
Muslim on the other hand will never happen to them as they are on the true path.

Its true that Iran is working hard on their nuclear program but Pakistan shouldn't get involved because Pakistan has no serious problems with Iran and secondly a nuclear Iran would not be good for Pakistan either because Iran and India have very close ties. A nuclear Iran would not be good or bad for Pakistan so Pakistan really should stay out of this topic.

As for Israel-Iran tensions, most likely Arab countries will stay out of this conflict and Pakistan should also stay out of this conflict even though most Pakistanis hate Israel.

Iranians never take Pakistan's side when it comes to India vs Pakistan.
This why we have this kind of problem in Palestine.
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Stop dragging up old issues. WWII was before your time and you have no real understanding of the various feelings. Besides why don’t you even consider the fire bombing in Europe and England. That was just as horrific.

Forget dragging up Vietnam, you were not even there. So you can but read books that tend to stilt issues depending on the bias of the author.

This why we have this kind of problem in Palestine

No you have these problems in Iran, Israel, Pakistan, India, Palestinians, and so on for nothing more simpler than pure hate.
Hate grows and breads. It causes distrust and generates pain and suffering on innocent people.

Try to learn to get rid of the hate first. Many things thereafter will vanish.

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