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Israel ready to launch a military offensive against Iran

After watching Israeli bravery in Lebanon and Gazzah against unarmed civilians - I have constructed a bunker in my Canadian backyard - in case.....:sniper:
I expect the odds of isreal takeing out the Iran Nuclear Reactor to be about 50 50.
Bismillah irahmaaan neera heeem


The only legitimate complaint Blah Blah Blah.........

Assuming dispersion, .........blah blah rubbish....:

Yeah Yeah whatever no ones interested in crack-pot mad philosopher ideas
Or even cares what you post S-2
However please do spread the word to your fellow Racist rednecks and to all your cousins you have married that 1) where Pakistan is in the world map
2) Muslim and Pakistan alike do practice freedom of speech as it evidently shows the allowance we give you to post such rubbish and wishful thinking on this forum because seriously man, in some places, especially in the US, they would never allow such crap to come out from anyone's mouth. Its nice to see the anger that has swell inside in that small useless vessel of yours since you know its the Truth about Israel . Thats :
1) its not their Land ( i don't care what happen 3000 years ago its all in the past now! get over it !)
2)they stole from Palestine
3) They killed so many innocent Arabs
4) these are not real Jews claiming Jerusalem, just some fake, islamaphobe racist zionist atheist that claim to be Jews
So yeah God willing Israelis Zionist jews will be removed by an Earthquake INSHALLAH
You know it, the Truth always hurt the evil ones and the Truth always prevail.

And another thing: Shame on you for posting such a pathetic , sad and hateful response on to a peaceful people known as Muslim who rightfully fighting for right to live and freedom.
Learn how to get rid of hate and not FEEL superior to anyone as this is your main problem, Clean the froth around your mouth due to your feverish ranting that has left you, an appearance that's rather a mess of sorts. Hopefully your pope or some Jewish Zionist will recover your composure. but I Highly doubt it would, Islam is the only way.

Stop dragging up old issues. WWII was before your time and you have no real understanding of the various feelings. Besides why don’t you even consider the fire bombing in Europe and England. That was just as horrific.

Forget dragging up Vietnam, you were not even there. So you can but read books that tend to stilt issues depending on the bias of the author.

This why we have this kind of problem in Palestine

No you have these problems in Iran, Israel, Pakistan, India, Palestinians, and so on for nothing more simpler than pure hate.
Hate grows and breads. It causes distrust and generates pain and suffering on innocent people.

Try to learn to get rid of the hate first. Many things thereafter will vanish.

Stop hiding and answer the question , Beside I think the previous post did mention the integrity of Muslims as a whole so I had to answer that. Plus its not me who made th issue as prejudice and bias I was again answering the previous post.
Me being involve at that time has nothing to do with the corruption that exist in the world. If you read I was merely making points how double standard, corrupt and hate that West/Israel foster towards a other people who are different. What’s funny is you are so much prepared to answer anything bias but turn a complete blind eye when someone loves the killing of Arab children an suffering of Muslims. I'm sorry you just prove the double standard like the rest of your mates portray. I think the real question to you personally is (since your so eager to targets people country) is why did Australia tried to eradicate the Aborigine tribes ? Another racist attack on a race that is different to you.
Going back if you really wanted to know why I didn't include the bombing of England from Nazi Germany (weather it made any difference at all)
was that the victors of WW2 went around world showing how pious they were and how evil the Nazi were because they killed innocent people yet the fact was the Allies did same thing just like the Nazi by bombing Dresden We know why the Nazi and Japanese did cus they are evil. but why did the Allies went and killed innocent lives in Dresden and Japan ?
Even more funny is your post that you go into a assault it shows directly that you can't accept the truth. (Neither you ever mention about allies deliberately leaving holocaust camps.) Yes I have seen this too often the Truth Always hurts :)
Ratus If you can't stand freedom of speech from Muslims, (since the west/israel is so ready kill more Muslim for not having it) may I suggest another forum ?
As for the hate as I have mention before you keep feeding them hate, providing fuel to the fire by giving every SOLID reason to hate you like killing their families, raping them humiliate them and starving them just because they are different not because they strap a bomb around them and that you are defending yourself.
However Muslim have the right to defend themselves too, don't expect a Muslim to be all quiet after their daughters been raped and their families killed. This is the root cause of terrorism, the kind of terrorism that Allied troops and western govt official encourage and created to spread hate in Muslim land. to split them for the Coalition invasion. Divide and Conquer. No One accepts the killing of their loved ones as we have seen by Americans after 9/11 that they went to Afghanistan for revenge. - Double standards here.

I think its in the best interest in your part and on this forum that you quit such stupidity, childish, illogical post and stop the trolling, just accept the facts that was presented to you and swallow your pride ( which to this day i wonder what pride you got after so much destruction that has happen in the past by Western people) btw is that your pride killing the innocent and the weak ?

Hate grows and breads. It causes distrust and generates pain and suffering on innocent people.

Try to learn to get rid of the hate first. Many things thereafter will vanish.

If only if israel/west can learn from that instead of killing more innocent Muslim in the world. Practice before you preach Ratus. Practice what you preach.

Its Shocking to see people from the land of the free harbour such hate and Racist views as well as encouraging violence of mass murder and rape on anyone simply because of difference in culture, religion and colour of skin. And the double standard that they use to cover and justify more suffering around the world as mention previously, about 9/11. You would expect that people living in freedom would promote goodwill and positive messages, but alas no. Is Western culture, a failure ?
Could be . However maybe its because they need some kind of control like communism or a complete elites state govern rule. OR maybe these kind of people living in west are truly evil in their mind, heart and soul as their true colours have been exposed - the reason people like S-2, Shiny Capster and Ratus foster such Nazi racist views.

Alternatively there is Islam if they want to live in true meaning of freedom and peace. Islam is the cure against evil in the heart, purifies the soul and set the mind in peace. I think that’s what the west and western people alike need to have in order be a focus of good in their own community.
Perhaps then after accepting Islam they will know the true meaning of freedom and be a part of the true land of the free that’s Muslim land.

Meanwhile here are some more hatred that the west loves to protect and enjoy. I guess Muslim need some protection and need to defend themselves after this

This is what S-2, Shiny Capstar and Ratus support and laugh about as it is so evident in their post.
Hopefully the true Jews will defeat the Zionist supporting Israel islamaphobes, Inshallah and may Allah grant them to become Muslim if they wanted to.
This is where Islam ask Muslims to fight, to defend themselves.

As for Iran and Israel and the US:

I highly doubt that US will risk another attack on a Muslim country even if Israel wanted to. It is simply because:
1) Now Iran is becoming more ready and powerful then before
2) The brutality that Israel has done to both Palestinians and Lebanese has gathered a lot of support of Muslims around the world including the moderate ones ( who are just as angry with the situation as with other Muslim who are known to be called extremists by racist Zionist islmaphobes)
even better a lot of Non-Muslim especially Jew are disgusted and know the truth of the Holocaust against the Muslim in the Middleast done by the west and Israel.
3) More and More Non-muslim are converting to Islam because of the lies that they propagate to run the War machine against Islam. People are finding out the truthiness of Islam It is well known in Israel that the fastest growing religion is Islam, More and more Jew are converting to Islam
Inshallah the entire Jewish people will reinverted back to Islam

4) more Muslim see the west as a brutal Warmonger state who are occupying Muslim land, killing more innocent Muslim
5) More Muslim country are becoming more technology advance ( Inshallah) and aware of the west plans to destroy Islam.
6) Still have not defeated Taliban in Afghanistan
7) As a result of all theses points, the West and Israel can not risk that the entire Muslims nation join as one (One day Inshallah it WILL happen) against them.

It just simply too much for both Israel and the US otherwise it will be their own destruction .
they first have to stop the Taliban yet they can’t. One step at a time folks.
However alas as time elapse, Iran and other Muslim country are becoming powerful Inshallah.

I still await the rant of S-2 , shiny Capstar and co froth around their mouth in annger as to answer, its 19-3-2009 6:31pm time ticks on.
I guess they can't pitch up anymore lies thats what happens when people sh*t-stir
they just end up becoming stupid in their post and crap on the very thing they believe in.
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