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Israel ready to launch a military offensive against Iran


Apr 25, 2006
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A SENIOR Israeli diplomat has warned that Israel is ready to launch a military offensive against Iran to prevent it from developing nuclear weapons.

In an interview with The Age, Dan Gillerman, who was Israel's permanent representative at the United Nations from 2003 until last September, said time for diplomatic efforts to stop Iran acquiring a nuclear capability might have already expired.

"The world cannot afford to live with a nuclear Iran," Mr Gillerman said.

The truth is that, after witnessing Israeli war crimes in Lebanon and in the illegally occupied Palestinian territories, the world cannot afford to live with nuclear Israel. As opposed to Iran, Israel has secretly developed hundreds of nuclear warheads and delivery weapons outside of any supervision by international community. Iran continues to run its nuclear program in cooperation with the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

According to the Press TV report of February 13,

The new chief of US intelligence has confirmed the findings of a 2007 intelligence report that Iran has no nuclear weapons program.
Dennis Blair told the Senate Intelligence Committee that his organization has assessed that Tehran does not have nuclear weapons design and weaponization work.
A National Intelligence Estimate (NIE), issued in November 2007 by the sixteen US intelligence agencies, clarified that Iran was not pursuing a nuclear weapons program.
The 2007 intelligence report was widely seen as a setback for Bush administration efforts to pressure Iran and halt its nuclear program.
The UN nuclear watchdog, which has carried out the highest number of inspections in its history on Iranian nuclear sites, has also found nothing to indicate that the program has diverted toward weaponization.
In the meantime, both US and Israeli governments continue to press the issue of suspected development of military nuclear technology in Iran, slapping three rounds of sanctions against Tehran. Israel openly threatens to attack Iran in order to destroy its nuclear and scientific facilities.

The real problem, as we all know by now, is this:

Unlike the US and Israel, Iran has not attacked other countries in recent history. There is enough documented evidence indicating that the US planned the oil wars long ago and that Iran was one of the targets. Strong Iran is also an obstacle for Israeli territorial expansion in Arab countries. In this situation, EVEN IF Iran was trying to develop an effective nuclear deterrence capability IN SELF-DEFENCE, it would be perfectly understandable and perfectly justifiable.
If the US and Israel want other countries to give up their nuclear programs, they should give an example by doing same first. This, however, will not happen because these two "partners" believe that they can unilaterally bully other nations into submission. The clear pattern here is: disarm, so that we can take over your resources and your territories, or else we will attack you
By the way, nobody has yet explained why "the world cannot live with a nuclear Iran". The world lives with nuclear America, with nuclear Russia, nuclear China, and India, and Pakistan, and nuclear France, and United Kingdom, with nuclear Israel, and probably a host of other nuclear countries - and nobody threatens a war against them for this reason. Somehow, the world is safer, when countries have nuclear deterrence capabilities. Nobody questions their rights to develop nuclear programs for peaceful or military purposes. So why Iran? I think I have already answered that naive question.
Interestingly, Russia is not using their veto power in the UN Security Council to block the sanctions against Iran. Maybe Russia wants us to step into this mess and stretch ourselves flat? I wouldn't be surprised. Russia is extremely good at diplomacy and at long-term chess games.


US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, stated late Tuesday that the Obama administration might reconsider plans for a missile defense system in Europe, if Iran stops what U.S. officials believe is a drive for nuclear weapons. (Source)

This was a direct ultimatum addressed to Russia. "Help us bully Iran, or we will set up our rockets on your border". Again, the real question is, "If the European missile defence system is to prevent Iranian nuclear warheads from reaching America, why are they being placed in Poland instead of Germany, the UK or France? Or in Iceland? Or, in Canada?" Obviously, the European missile defence system in Poland threatens Russia and this is why it became a bargaining chip in the geopolitical game for the Middle East and Caucasus. Hillary (who allegedly has an extensive experience in politics) has finally admitted it.
Surely, Mr. Lavrov is working on an appropriate move in response to this "invitation". Perhaps, the answer should be, "In the spirit of cooperation and pending the UN investigation into Israel's war crimes in Gaza, if the US helps us force Israel to eliminate its nuclear weapons and to accept international inspections of its nuclear facilities, we will help you deal with Iran."

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Such a mistake would be more than what they can swallow it would lead to a lot of chaos to fight Iran the Persian people are very good fighters and I think they would be too much for the IDF & IAF they may even win but it will be a phyrric victory
^^True... And on top of that any Israeli-Iranian war will destroy the whole region. At some point all arab countries will get involved (because it is inevitable that the Israelis will use bases in the Gulf countries like Saudi, UAE and Kuwait which will lead to retaliation on them by Iran as well).

I can imagine that any Israeli-Iranian conflict will certainly lead to a world-war scenario
Hey guys JEWS are every Clever and they know very well that they cant afford a WAR at this time due to Economic Crisis and if Israel went for WAR with Iran......It can get Ugly really fast and may soon covert into World War lll.
I think the window for successful (major damage to nuclear facilities and large push back of the program) strikes has passed more or less. They can still strike now but it will not do nearly as much damage or set Iran back nearly as far as if they had struck earlier.

In my humble opinion they had and have every right to strike but missed the optimum window.
Shiny Capstar !!!

Who gave them Right ??

God ???

Who the Hell they are ... :angry: :angry:

When a country preaches for the complete and utter destruction of another and is closing on acquiring weapons that would allow them to do just that do you not think that the nation being threatened has a right to defend itself pre-emptively?
When a country preaches for the complete and utter destruction of another and is closing on acquiring weapons that would allow them to do just that do you not think that the nation being threatened has a right to defend itself pre-emptively?

Well if that nation did not have nukes itself then maybe yes it could've been justifiable. But Iran has just as much of a right to have Nukes as Israel.

And judging by the past 100 years, Iran has never been an aggressor in War, where as Israels track record is probably the worst when it comes to War. Imho Israeli nukes are more dangerous to the world then Irani nukes.
Well if that nation did not have nukes itself then maybe yes it could've been justifiable. But Iran has just as much of a right to have Nukes as Israel.

And judging by the past 100 years, Iran has never been an aggressor in War, where as Israels track record is probably the worst when it comes to War. Imho Israeli nukes are more dangerous to the world then Irani nukes.

I mentioned pre-emptive, conventional strikes that could have prevented any nuclear stand off in the future. Iran wouldn't use the nukes itself, but some dodgy people may get their hands on one, (Iran hasn't got a very good track record as far as supplying terrorists goes), and one would be all it takes for a lot of land to start glowing.
Right to nukes is an issue that everyone has gone over before and could well go over again till the end of time, currently preventing as many countries as possible from getting nukes as possible is as good a course as any.

Israel has gone to war for very bad reasons in the past, I am no great fan of their actions myself. But many times they have gone to war was to ensure their own survival, they have a right to fight for that. I do not see Israel using its nukes unless it is nuked first or they are facing being overrun by attacking forces and they need a quick fix to those attackers. So unless a country tries to wipe them out they should be just fine, they don't spill rhetoric about wiping out entire nations either (they would not nuke Gaza or anywhere like that by the way, as I am sure some will claim they are trying to wipe out Palestine).

Personally I am hoping that when Iran gets nukes they will grow up a bit, (the time has passed to stop them for long militarily), they may stop threatening everyone around them if we are lucky. They may well try and find non military solutions to their problems and it could decrease the chance of war (emphasis on the 'could'). China stopped threatening everyone with war and grew up diplomatically when they got nukes, even though they came damn close to using them at times. Heck even India and Pakistan haven't had any wars since they both became fully nuclear capable, and those countries aren't the best of friends.
That or they don't grow up and continue acting like they are currently, which would probably only end one way down the road. How far would be the question.
Any war between Iran and Israel would get out of control very quickly, just suppose if war between these 2 states begins:

Israel's Strategy

1. 90% Attack from Air using F-15's, F-16's, other fighter's possible can even be F-22's (Secret Missions)

2. Carry out Missile strikes like cruise missile or any existing undeclared ballistic missile's in Israel's arsenal.

Iran's Strategy

1. Iran under attack will launch a full scale war against Israel, it will be defensive shooting down any Israeli, fighter's, drones using any means possible which included it's airforce, and it's russian missile defences.

2. Iran will be very quick to issue an ultimatum to Arab nations, that if they allow US airforce to carry out strikes against Iran, then even they will be on Iran's target list, (Iran will basically target US bases in Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afganistan or even some where in Azebijan etc)

3. Iran if attacked by US along with Israel than fellows we will witness the straight of hormuz to be closed till the war is over, and even folks u can witness Iran sinking US aircraft carrier's using nuclear tipped torpedoes, or even massive missile strikes against US aircraft carrier's and their defending ships like the Aegis destroyers with hundreds of cruise missiles fired from different directions also at the same time backing of the airforce and navy would be used to further strenghten the assault of these naval ships.

If the scenario goes as planned then their can only be 2 outcomes:

1. If Iran defeats Israeli attack and US navy (if they are involved in the attack on Iran) then Iran would probably be nuked, which is obvious, either US will do it, or Israel will do it (real serious repricutions of the use of nuclear weapons can suck in other muslim nations in against Israel and America, may be 3rd world war would start here folks).

2. The other outcome can be Iran doesn't react to the surgical strike by Israel on it's nuclear plants (which is a bit impossible, well Iran is not Syria:woot:).

What ever is the outcome any war between Iran and Israel will have serious consequesnces for the whole world, it should be avoided at any cost.:undecided:
I mentioned pre-emptive, conventional strikes that could have prevented any nuclear stand off in the future. Iran wouldn't use the nukes itself, but some dodgy people may get their hands on one, (Iran hasn't got a very good track record as far as supplying terrorists goes), and one would be all it takes for a lot of land to start glowing.

You mean glowing like Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

Israel has gone to war for very bad reasons in the past, I am no great fan of their actions myself. But many times they have gone to war was to ensure their own survival, they have a right to fight for that.

Iran has the exact same reason for acquiring nukes, survival. They want to be balanced in the arms race, its called "arms for peace". Bullies are created only when one guy is more powerful then the other. They want an equal standing, if they are nuked tomorrow by Israel, they need the power to retaliate.

America has invaded both of its neighbors under the slogan of war on terror, they have even labeled Iran as part of the axis of evil. How likely is it that the US will invade Iran rather then Iran will invade the US? its like a 1 to 0 probability. IF on the other hand Iran gets hold of nukes, i do not think the US will make the mistake of invading them.

I do not see Israel using its nukes unless it is nuked first or they are facing being overrun by attacking forces and they need a quick fix to those attackers. So unless a country tries to wipe them out they should be just fine, they don't spill rhetoric about wiping out entire nations either (they would not nuke Gaza or anywhere like that by the way, as I am sure some will claim they are trying to wipe out Palestine).

That's a matter of personal opinion, general sentiment around the world says otherwise. Not just Islamic countries but generally everyone.
When a country preaches for the complete and utter destruction of another and is closing on acquiring weapons that would allow them to do just that do you not think that the nation being threatened has a right to defend itself pre-emptively?

1) OK in that case to take your example to contrast we can say that Pakistan has every right to bomb India back to the stone age after the BJP announce that it would like to Nuke Pakistan after its test.
2) I love how you preach violence on the innocents. Want to see Iranians to glow
Do you want to see jewish people glow as Iran has the Highest population of jews ? :woot:


(Even more than Israel) YOU really would make Hitler pround I wonder if you have any connection to the SS with that stupid comment.

...... So unless a country tries to wipe them out they should be just fine, they don't spill rhetoric about wiping out entire nations either (they would not nuke Gaza or anywhere like that by the way, as I am sure some will claim they are trying to wipe out Palestine).

For all the post on this site I have read this is has to be the dumbest
If Israel nuke Gaza wouldn't ISrael be part of the blast I mean Gaza is just a strip
OF COURSE THEY WOULDN'T NUKE GAZA but hell they would use conventional means to wipe them out which they were doing way back in 1940.s
AT least Iran spoke of "wiping Israel of the map" but Israel went on a haulciust spree to wipe out Palistinan and Labanese people of the map. Ask any IDF and they will give you their war report literly.
Now I know you are not from the UK cus people there don't make retarded comments
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I think the window for successful (major damage to nuclear facilities and large push back of the program) strikes has passed more or less. They can still strike now but it will not do nearly as much damage or set Iran back nearly as far as if they had struck earlier.

In my humble opinion they had and have every right to strike but missed the optimum window.

What rights??, and don't think the Persian's will still back and watch. They will reply back in minutes, with hundreds of missles flying at Israel.
Well to speak Iran is not Iraq! would be a totally diff war one should not underestmate ones power or ones will to fight seond , Iran would could cause trouble all over the globe starting from Israel to United states there would be attacks after attacks alot of people will die for no reason it would turn in to a big thing acorss the muslim world it would be really dangerious and uncalled for if someone is not bothering u why bother them it is Israel that follows its daddy the world police man to terror and hatered GOD help us all.
1) OK in that case to take your example to contrast we can say that Pakistan has every right to bomb India back to the stone age after the BJP announce that it would like to Nuke Pakistan after its test.
2) I love how you preach violence on the innocents. Want to see Iranians to glow
Do you want to see jewish people glow as Iran has the Highest population of jews ? :woot:

BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | Iran's proud but discreet Jews

(Even more than Israel) YOU really would make Hitler pround I wonder if you have any connection to the SS with that stupid comment.

For all the post on this site I have read this is has to be the dumbest
If Israel nuke Gaza wouldn't ISrael be part of the blast I mean Gaza is just a strip
OF COURSE THEY WOULDN'T NUKE GAZA but hell they would use conventional means to wipe them out which they were doing way back in 1940.s
AT least Iran spoke of "wiping Israel of the map" but Israel went on a haulciust spree to wipe out Palistinan and Labanese people of the map. Ask any IDF and they will give you their war report literly.
Now I know you are not from the UK cus people there don't make retarded comments

hahaha good one i like your comment !

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