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Israel is a terrorist state: Erdogan

I fully support honourable mr. T. Erodgan
Israel is terrorist state and all those who support israel are terrorists also
Looking at the Gazas map- Israel should lift its illegal and inhumane naval blockade of Gaza and there will be no need for confrontation but they won't they want to be the mad dog of the Middle East, without realizing mad dog's final destination.

Israel doesn't want peace

Expecting more apologies from you.

You very conveniently chose not to reply to what he said and instead went on a tangent about a blockade.

You said that Gaza is a densely populated city and therefore there is no choice but to store cache's of weapons in heavily populated areas. You were replied back with photos and satellite imagery proving you were wrong.
Do you have any facts do back these statements up?

1) Israel hasn't used Phosphorus, so I'm not sure where you got that idea from

2) One can hardly classify as Fajar 5 missile as "cheap rockets made with scrap pipes" This would be akin to saying that an F-14 is simply a "cessna with slightly upgraded payload"

Still waiting for a reply...
To be honest this guy somebozo deserves to be send on an Aliyah to Afbanistan. I hope PDF administration doesn't waste much time.

Afbanistan - i spewed my drink everywhere.
Please have mercy on my laptop - its new :)

AFTER the assassination.

Hamas was sending flowers on fire cracker rockets? Right?
i must believe you!
You very conveniently chose not to reply to what he said and instead went on a tangent about a blockade.

You said that Gaza is a densely populated city and therefore there is no choice but to store cache's of weapons in heavily populated areas. You were replied back with photos and satellite imagery proving you were wrong.

What fields with donkey's roaming in it ? - enough said.
Now lets talk about what you call proportional use of force.
Who decides what is proportional? You? Hamas?

Hamas starts throwing in rockets in Israel hoping to kill as many as they can.
Israel has the right to respond with any weapon they have and choose to use.

Who dictates what is proportional? Why should the initiative lie with the Hamas?
And if you talk about proportional, then should Israel also send in hundreds of rockets randomly in Gaza? Would that be proportional as per you ?

What fields with donkey's roaming in it ? - enough said.
I think the satellite imagery spoke more than enough. Oh the 'need' of storing weapons behind hospitals and orphanages! Yeah right!
Now lets talk about what you call proportional use of force.
Who decides what is proportional? You? Hamas?

Hamas starts throwing in rockets in Israel hoping to kill as many as they can.
Israel has the right to respond with any weapon they have and choose to use.

Who dictates what is proportional? Why should the initiative lie with the Hamas?
And if you talk about proportional, then should Israel also send in hundreds of rockets randomly in Gaza? Would that be proportional as per you ?

I think the satellite imagery spoke more than enough. Oh the 'need' of storing weapons behind hospitals and orphanages! Yeah right!

Hamas launched 1200 rockets into Israel

Israel should also respond with 1200 rockets of same type, fire power, range and lethality.

that would be called proportionate except that Hamas as got no "Iron Dome".
You need to stop building settlements in west bank and let there be a 2 state solution otherwise there will never be peace
I support two state solution, but look what happened when we pulled out of Gaza removing all settlements. It turned into Iranian rocket base. On the other hand West Bank is calm and peaceful.

If we go out of est Bank right now it will turn into second Gaza.
Yes everyone is bad except angel Erdogan. :angel:

Erdogan also killed plenty of civilians. During all wars civilians are killed. Difference is that some like Hamas and PKK are deliberately targeting them.

PKK is targeting them but we don't kill civilians unless very rare while its done regularly by you. True or false??
I support two state solution, but look what happened when we pulled out of Gaza removing all settlements. It turned into Iranian rocket base.
Iran is not helping them anymore. Iran only helps Islamic Jihad.
How Gaza is "a prison" if border between Gaza and Egypt is open? :rolleyes:

No journalist was killed. But 4 Islamic Jihad terrorists who hided in that building were killed.

Even prisons have ways to get in and out of. You should ask your compatriots how this is possible, they usually raid Gaza through one of these entrances.
PKK is targeting them but we don't kill civilians unless very rare while its done regularly by you. True or false??
Now PKK acts from caves therefore civilian casualties are lower but still happen, but when PKK was operating from villages civilian casualties were huge.

Hamas operates from dense populated neighborhoods:


Even prisons have ways to get in and out of. You should ask your compatriots how this is possible, they usually raid Gaza through one of these entrances.
So Gaza has open border with Egypt but still is prison :lol: Then all the world is prison.
Now PKK acts from caves therefore civilian casualties are lower but still happen, but when PKK was operating from villages civilian casualties were huge.

Hamas operates from dense populated neighborhoods:


So Gaza has open border with Egypt but still is prison :lol: Then all the world is prison.

Yes but gaza isn't your property pkk is in our property so we can go in from land anywhere plus even then it was no way close to what's happening now and 2008, if we killed 1500 people like you did 2008 the world. Will be against us completely we went into Iraq to clear from terrorists with no civilian casualties there was like a million statements straight away from every country nearly on earth “ to respect Iraq territory and urge to leave ASAP "

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