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Israel is a terrorist state: Erdogan

Violence started after Israel carried out a state sanctioned assassination of a Hamas leader who was working for a permanent peace settlement with Israel, it escalated later on.

You provoke/injure/kill Israelis , hard-hitting retaliation is what you get in return. Period.

Inspite of knowing this , Hamas and its minions have almost trebled number of rocket attacks in 2012 compared to last year , and then they come to talk about peace. Every country has its limits of patience, you know.

Sorry to say this , but Hamas has been more damaging to Palestinian interests than good ....
Those are cheap rockets made out of scrap pipes, which most of the times don't hit their target. Israelis reply with bombing through 1000 Pounds JDAMs and white phosphorus bombs. There is an unjustifiable, disproportionate use of force being used on Gaza which already has been starved for 6 years.

My mentality: I am not a blind apologist for Hamas nor for the Zionists and their naked aggression like yourself.

Do you have any facts do back these statements up?

1) Israel hasn't used Phosphorus, so I'm not sure where you got that idea from

2) One can hardly classify as Fajar 5 missile as "cheap rockets made with scrap pipes" This would be akin to saying that an F-14 is simply a "cessna with slightly upgraded payload"
I am quite not sure if this is a case of real ignorance or ignorance by choice. Because Grad, Katshuya and Fajar rockets are definately not made of scrap pipes.

I, haven't seen Fajar rockets being fired and not that Fajar are some sort of super weapon. Most of the rockets they fire, are short range unguided duds like this.



They dont reach their target because Iron Dome does its work well

They don't reach their target because they are "Unguided".
otherwise you would see hundreds of kids being killed.

So, in your logic, unguided rockets can kill Israeli Children then how Israeli "Smart" weapons are killing Children in Gaza [Bring an apology]

The real intent at work here is the fact "Hamas firing rockets at Israeli Civilians to slaughter hundreds enmasse" - completely irrevelant to the fact that these rockets do not reach their targets due to Iron Dome defense.

And Israel fires flowers -- brilliant argument !
But as in any case, its better to eliminate the root of threat that depend on an intermediatry measure like Iron Dome. Whatever happens, Hamas bought it upon themselves and Pallys!

The violence was initiated by Israel, after the state sanctioned murder of a Hamas leader who was actually working for a permanent truce. Not by Hamas.

These long term truce talks have always been used by PLO and Hamas as time gain tactics to arm up. Same has been the case in current conflict.

What is the evidence of that? -

You do not fire 1200+ rockets while negotiating for long term truce

Similarly, You don't bomb people that are trying to negotiate peace, don't bomb media centers, don't lay siege on a territory for 6 years restricting everything and approving "calories" in the 21st century.

Here is another apologist like you justifying how it is justifyable to kill or injure "Arab Journalists because they aren't free journalists"

that is plain hypocrisy nothing else.

Israeli apologists like you reflect it all too well.
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How did they got Grad and Fajr-5 rocket?...If Hamas killed israeli civilians then Israel should kill Hamas not Palestine Civilians
I, haven't seen Fajar rockets being fired and not that Fajar are some sort of super weapon. Most of the rockets they fire, are short range unguided duds like this.

Are you justifying terrorist activities here? If they are duds then one of them exploding did kill a pally kid - go figure.

They don't reach their target because they are "Unguided".
So Iron Dome is interception what? Aliens? Space ships?

So, in your logic, unguided rockets can kill Israeli Children then how Israeli "Smart" weapons are killing Children in Gaza [Bring an apology]

"dud" and "unguided" hamas rockets killed a few Gaza children.

And Israel fires flowers -- brilliant argument !

and 72 virgins for the desperate.

The violence was initiated by Israel, after the state sanctioned murder of a Hamas leader who was actually working for a permanent truce. Not by Hamas.
And the rockets were flying from space? Right?

What is the evidence of that? -

All over the world media google and youtube for it.

Similarly, You don't bomb people that are trying to negotiate peace, don't bomb media centers, don't lay siege on a territory for 6 years restricting everything and approving "calories" in the 21st century.

Have you seen recent pictures of Pallys and their kids? They are grossly overweight. Calorie reduction program is good for them.

Here is another apologist like you justifying how it is justifyable to kill or injure "Arab Journalists because they aren't free journalists"

In the same manner you justify Hamas terrorist attacks as "duds" and "unguided" rockets not capable of reaching their targets. Bigots exists on both side.

Israeli apologists like you reflect it all too well.

I dont benefit anything materially or spirtually by speaking in favour or against Israel. I am simply speaking my mind based on facts I could read wide open. Ignorance by choice is not an answer. You exhibit the same mentality like Jahiliya era arabs. its told so its told and nothing could change it.
How did they got Grad and Fajr-5 rocket?...If Hamas killed israeli civilians then Israel should kill Hamas not Palestine Civilians

Smuggled by Libya or Sudan.

Ran out of apologies ?? - Calling me blind will only earn you what you are really worth.

Here is a guy who thinks like you, attached to a political party and a think tank. Perhaps he can use your skills in justifying Israeli bombing of Gaza.


Big difference between saying and doing it. Many Pakistan here would like to have the other side of Durand line flattened too.
After all it was his father who ordered the withdrawl from Gaza back in 2005 - only to have the rocket attacks start again..

Negative propaganda fail!
Smuggled by Libya or Sudan.

There is no proof of Fajr rockets being used - Not that i know of.

Big difference between saying and doing it. Many Pakistan here would like to have the other side of Durand line flattened too.

Those are sick minded retarded racists and should be "flattened".

After all it was his father who ordered the withdrawl from Gaza back in 2005 - only to have the rocket attacks start again..

---withdrawl followed by a never ending inhumane and illegal siege !

Negative propaganda fail!

Go, shoot yourself in the head in-front of The Telegraph and J.Post HQ - who "dared" to publish the "Negative Propaganda".
Go, shoot yourself in the head in-front of The Telegraph and J.Post HQ - who "dared" to publish the "Negative Propaganda".

Negative propaganda with regards to the intent behind posting the article.

You are loosing your cool buddy,
Have some authentic Palestinian olive oil and release your stress..
Are you justifying terrorist activities here? If they are duds then one of them exploding did kill a pally kid - go figure.

Topic was "proportionate use of force". You are showing symptoms of Amnesia.

So Iron Dome is interception what? Aliens? Space ships?

Did, i say that no rockets are being fired ?

"dud" and "unguided" hamas rockets killed a few Gaza children.

Source ?

and 72 virgins for the desperate.

No such thing as 72 Virgins exist. It was invented by self hating sickheads to malign people they don't agree with.
And the rockets were flying from space? Right?

AFTER the assassination.

All over the world media google and youtube for it.

Ran out of apologies?

Have you seen recent pictures of Pallys and their kids? They are grossly overweight. Calorie reduction program is good for them

Brilliant, may someone start a calorie reduction program for your kids.

In the same manner you justify Hamas terrorist attacks as "duds" and "unguided" rockets not capable of reaching their targets. Bigots exists on both side.

I, don't have to justify that. Its a fact that the Majority of the rockets never hit their target because they didn't have one. Firing an unguided rocket into a specified trajectory doesn't mean it will hit a target.. they don't carry a targeting mechanism.

I dont benefit anything materially or spirtually by speaking in favour or against Israel. I am simply speaking my mind based on facts I could read wide open. Ignorance by choice is not an answer. You exhibit the same mentality like Jahiliya era arabs. its told so its told and nothing could change it.

You can rest in peace with your "enlightenment" - And you reflect total hypocrisy by being in Riyadh Saudi Arabia, what justifies an "enlightened, open minded, world aware" to live amongst "The Jahil Arabs" - You, believe that arabs are Jahil but you live in the most conservative Arab country by "consent" - {no one sent you an invitation-} Ironic no ?

Has it been affecting your "enlightenment" ?

Negative propaganda with regards to the intent behind posting the article.

You are loosing your cool buddy,
Have some authentic Palestinian olive oil and release your stress..

What intent ? - has your " self righteous, open minded enlightenment" enabled you to read minds and judge "intent" too ?

That is exactly what i said, go give this Palestinian olive oil to the Telegraph and Jewish Post for daring to post the "Negative Propaganda".
To be honest this guy somebozo deserves to be send on an Aliyah to Afbanistan. I hope PDF administration doesn't waste much time.
I, haven't seen Fajar rockets being fired and not that Fajar are some sort of super weapon. Most of the rockets they fire, are short range unguided duds like this.
Duds dont fly at range of 80 km.


Israel is doing war crimes 100 dead for 3 israeli's that is overkill
This is not over 3 killed Israelis. This is over hundreds of rockets fired at Israeli towns for years.

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