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Israel eying Pak as ally.. Muslims only focusing on Palestine, not on kashmir

India and China do 30 billions in trade , does that make them ally , No. Saudi Arab has more trade with India then Pakistan , open your eyes

So what kind of trade you wanna do with Israel what you have got ?? If Pakistan can start trade with Israel why so much restrictions on trade with India???

What benefits Pakistan is gonna get from a country which have a population less than a million??

No benefits at all... except to be in good books of US.
We have diplomatic relationship with India but we have not accepted Kashmir as part of India. Now how can we accept Israel because it's Jews occupied Palestine.

Kugga, its not about making Israel an ally. Israel and Pakistan can just have diplomatic relations. Ally/friend/partners are far fetched thoughts.

And I dont think Pakistanis should equate their stand on Kashmir with Palestine. Pakistan doesnt really share a border with Palestine nor does it have any territorial claims. A false sense of religious righteousness shouldn't rob Pakistan of a chance of maintaining cordial relations with Israel.
^^^ I second that
I have one simple questions for Pakistani members here:

Assuming an independant state of Palestine does get formed- what is in it for Pakistan? why are pakistanis so hung up about creation of Palestine when, Palestinians and Arabs care two hoots about the problems facing Pakistan and its concerns, whenter Balochistan, or Kashmir.

Wake up and smell the coffee- there is no Muslim Ummah- it is each country for itself, everyone works in self interest. Today India and Israel are the best of allies- note I used the term allies and not friends- because in geo politics, there are only allies and not friends- the reason being that they both have a smbiotic relationship and mutual collaboration is yielding rich dividends for both countries.

So, act in your national interest and if that national interest warrants relations with Israel, normalising relations with India and reducing over dependance onthe US, then so be it- that should be the way forward.

Please keep in mind that if pakistan continues to go down the path of confrontation with countries like Israel, India and the US (undercurrent, but it does exist), its disintegration is only a matter of time- face the facts, your economy CANNOT sustain this belligerence, and you are simply playing into the hands of your adversaries. Better to cut your losses, get off your high horse and tackle the problems in a pragmatic manner that befits an ancient civilization.

Just my two cents.

Ghostwhowalks if some of the muslims and their leaders in muslim world are dead and thinks otherwise , then bear in mind muslims in Pakistan are not.

you are no one to say say there is no Muslim Ummah. We have muslim Ummah and its mention in the Quran and hadiths, and this is the reason why we are concerned with Palestinians so much.. Secondly we have our internal issues like Kashmir and Balochistan, but that doesn't mean that we forget about our brothers around the world, who being killed by Israeli Terrorists , like other muslim countries have done that include Saudi Arabia, Eygpt, etc.

We have our national interests. We aso think about our country. But that muslim country is really a pathetic country that only thinks of itself and not of other muslim country... our leaders may think that way but the pakistani naion thinks otherwise. We don't like that our brothers and sisters are being killed in one area and we become allies of those terrorist who are killing them....

As far as India Israeli alliance is concerned I don't give it a damn. let them do anything they want to make israel powerful, but the fact is that Israel will be destroyed by the army from Afghanistan and Pakistan. Its in th hadith of Holy Prophet (SA). So enemy can make us weak as much as possible, but INSHA ALLAH it can't go beyond limit that will make us unable to destroy Israel at the time of return of hazrat Isa (AS) .

Lastly thanks for your advice given in the last paragraph. but we Pakistanis know what is better for us... our government may clean the shoes of US and Britian but the nation does not ... and the thing is that unless we don't control the intervention of US in our Country , our ecenomy will never improve.. Pakistanis need to kick US out of Pakistan then only we can have good ecenomy..
Can you show a single official statement with Israeli or any neutral source that verify you statement

thank you for stopping by!
^ please don't derail thread... I can see what your trying to do Mr.1 post troll!

thank you for stopping by!

That was a legitimate question that new member asked. Nowhere in the forum rules is it defined as "trolling". Au contraire, both of your posts can be classified as bordering "trolling" and borderline harassment.

Instead of coming up with supposedly smart-aleck comments, do you have any legitimate sources to support the OP's article in question?

LOL, what have you been sniffing?

if you don't believe then wait and watch....
the Holy Quran says in Ayat 51 of Surah al Maidah:-

"O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you - then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not (these) wrongdoing people."

Holy Prophet (SA) said :-

"time and time again , you (O Muslims!) will see that the bitterest enemies of You will be the JEWS"

So basically Quran and Prophet Mohammad, apparently according to your interpretation, both teach you not to trust people of other faith, consider them as enemies and hate them? Is that what majority of followers believe?

People like you go about spewing such garbage and yet dare call your interpretation of faith as "Religion of Peace"? Pray do explain what your interpretation of peace is then! And people wonder why Islam is being vilified?

Btw, I would love to see those voices condemning this atrocious interpretation.
Kugga, its not about making Israel an ally. Israel and Pakistan can just have diplomatic relations. Ally/friend/partners are far fetched thoughts.

Do you mean that Pakistan should have diplomatic relationship with a country which does not even exist without the occupied land. I say it again if everyone is trying to jump in the well is it necessary for us to do the same??

And I dont think Pakistanis should equate their stand on Kashmir with Palestine. Pakistan doesnt really share a border with Palestine nor does it have any territorial claims.

In both cases Pakistan is against the occupational forces.

A false sense of religious righteousness shouldn't rob Pakistan of a chance of maintaining cordial relations with Israel.

What false sense?? Have Israel not an occupational force. Can occupation be justified any where in the world. Can it be??

You are saying me to have a relationship with like a jaageerdaar who have occupied land of many poor "Haaris"(Farmers) even if the whole world finds benefits in that how can it be right thing ??
you are no one to say say there is no Muslim Ummah. We have muslim Ummah and its mention in the Quran and hadiths, and this is the reason why we are concerned with Palestinians so much.. Secondly we have our internal issues like Kashmir and Balochistan, but that doesn't mean that we forget about our brothers around the world, who being killed by Israeli Terrorists , like other muslim countries have done that include Saudi Arabia, Eygpt, etc.

We have our national interests. We aso think about our country. But that muslim country is really a pathetic country that only thinks of itself and not of other muslim country... our leaders may think that way but the pakistani naion thinks otherwise. We don't like that our brothers and sisters are being killed in one area and we become allies of those terrorist who are killing them....

And the muslim populace that stands up for Pakistan's rights is....?

when was the last time you saw a demonstration carried out by Palestinians, Arabs, Somalis, Egyptians (the list can go on and on)....... supporting Pakistani causes?

Your feelings for fellow Muslim bretheren is commendable, truly....but ask yourself- are they reciprocated by them? If yes, then I take back my words in all humility, but if no, then you should do some serious introspection.

I will not comment on what you have said about prophecies in the Holy Quran, since I have not read it nor am I in any manner qualified to comment upon it. But I will tell you something that is a universal truth in all religions- "God helps those who help themselves"
And the muslim populace that stands up for Pakistan's rights is....?

when was the last time you saw a demonstration carried out by Palestinians, Arabs, Somalis, Egyptians (the list can go on and on)....... supporting Pakistani causes?

Your feelings for fellow Muslim bretheren is commendable, truly....but ask yourself- are they reciprocated by them? If yes, then I take back my words in all humility, but if no, then you should do some serious introspection.

We Pakistanis don't need there protest..By Allah's grace We are powerful enough to do what is better for us. Its simple, we don't need their demonstration and this is why Pakistan have never asked them to do such demonstrations.
First time I have seen some pro Israeli Statement by some Pakistani members here.
Do you mean that Pakistan should have diplomatic relationship with a country which does not even exist without the occupied land. I say it again if everyone is trying to jump in the well is it necessary for us to do the same??

Kugga, this is like burying your head in the sand. To draw you a parallel, Pakistan had no problems recognizing the Taliban govt in Afghanistan and has problems with recognizing Israel, a country that has been in existence for 60 years.

In both cases Pakistan is against the occupational forces.
There are many other examples of occupation in the world and I dont see Pakistan raising its voice against all of them.

What false sense?? Have Israel not an occupational force. Can occupation be justified any where in the world. Can it be??

You are saying me to have a relationship with like a jaageerdaar who have occupied land of many poor "Haaris"(Farmers) even if the whole world finds benefits in that how can it be right thing ??

See, you have to accept the facts. Israel exists irrespective of the fact that you dont recognize it. The very fact that we are talking about Israel and bring up its spy agency and other military organizations in our discussion is a living proof of its existence. The key word here is to be realistic.

When even the PLA itself has recognized Israel and its right to exist then why should Pakistan do otherwise? What benefit does it serve Pakistanis? Some vague ideological and religious reasoning? The Palestinian cause can be served much better by negotiating with both the parties rather than pretending that one of the parties doesn't even exist.
That was a legitimate question that new member asked. Nowhere in the forum rules is it defined as "trolling". Au contraire, both of your posts can be classified as bordering "trolling" and borderline harassment.

Instead of coming up with supposedly smart-aleck comments, do you have any legitimate sources to support the OP's article in question?

I thing according to forum rules no one make threads without any authenticate source

I am not talking about trade b/w Pakistan and Israel cause this is good news , Just want to know from were they post the title of the thread nothing else

And when they say this * Israeli officials say Muslim world only focusing on Palestine, not on killings in Indian-held Kashmir

I think asking for source not came in trolling

As I rightly said couple of days "Jews are business minded and friends of none" and Indians were bashing me and preaching me a lesson on practicality and now goto page 1 and read again OP's post.
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