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Israel eying Pak as ally.. Muslims only focusing on Palestine, not on kashmir

I think this topic is beaten to death! But here is one more blow...

Those who salivate our Israeli-Pakistan relations fail to see that India-Israel alliance cannot be weakened, let alone broken, because India provides a LOT OF hard cash for Israeli weapons. Pakistan cannot do that.
Most Arab/Islamic countries do NOT have full relations with Israel. Only Jordan and Egypt do. In fact, I think most Arab countries can even deny entry to foreigners if their passports show an Israeli stamp.
Pakistan gets a lot from the Arab countries in investment, aid, remittance etc. Look up some information about it. This is all business for Pakistan--it is a bonus that the people of Pakistan support the Palestinians-- and if tomorrow Israel guarantees to invest $10 billion in Pakistan per year the business logic can change despite the wide-spread public opinion against Israel.
Pakistan is no direct threat to Israel. And Israelis know that. However, in any regional war Pakistan is almost certainly going to back other Islamic countries against Israel. Israelis know that too. Inherently, Pakistan and Israel are rivals-in-waiting.
About Israeli talking up of Kashmiris' plight, well, a few low level officials and jouranlists' words are at best feeble attempt to divert attention from the plight of Palestinians. Israelis even bring up the Kurdish problem to divert attention. Truth be told Israel is becoming an international pariah. Its crimes are hard to hide in the Information Age. IF relations with Turkey are broken then Israelis should really ask for a Messiah.
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I would agree with you Meengla.At this time recognizing Israel would more of a trouble then anything else.Our people will get angry and call government puppet etc.Besides i don't see any benefit coming out of this.We should just stay neutral and of course if any tech is needed route it through US/China.
i think it would be against our ideology , its impossible for us to accept jew state ....... morally it does not suit us..
What has Pakistan's Muslim brother nations done for Pakistan? Nothing! Pakistan tries to respect other Muslims, it sees everyone naively in the name of brotherhood, but it gets screwed over. Pakistan as a nation does so much for their Muslim brothers in different countries (I can give numerous examples) in their difficult times, but no one wants to help Pakistan out in its time of need. Pakistan is still by far one of the most developed and progressive Muslim countries out there. I know a lot of Pakistanis underrate their country, & speak of it in very low terms, but looking at the country impartially, it is a fairly stable and prosperous country. It can benefit from an alliance with Israel, and I'm sure Israel can get some benefit out of this alliance as well. Most of these other Arab nations are backstabbers, and act like anything but brothers. Pakistan's "brotherly nations" are China and Turkey, and these do not exploit Pakistan in the name of Muslim brotherhood.
Pakistan gives more crap about Palestine, Bosnia and other Muslim countries even though it shares no cultural, historical, geographical connection to them, as compared to the Muslim countries that share all those three things. Yet, no Muslim country gives Pakistan and Pakistanis any token of appreciation for these things. Frankly, the naive but appreciable attitude has screwed over Pakistan and Pakistanis too many times. I don't see anything problem with Pakistan allying itself with Israel. Why don't Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and any of the other powerful Muslim countries in the region do anything to solve the Palestinian problem? Why it is Pakistan's problem?
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