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Israel Bombs Gaza - Hundreds Dead

well, now after watching all of this....i came to a conclusion and that is:

HITLER WAS RIGHT in killing jews, AND I am a big fan of hitler.. sorry Mr always neutral if i hve hurt ur feelings.

You can come to any concusion or love Hitler or Gandhi. It does not hurt me.
and nor will it change the following

1. Jews and Israel are here to stay and nothing can be done about that. They are capable of looking after themselves.
2. The Arab love israel more than Hamas.
3. Hamas is a terrorist organisation and must be wiped out unless they renounce violence.

Israel is preparing for a land invasion of Gaza.Don't know they have already done it by now.
Lets look at their main weapon,Merkava tank which meansGOD's chariot.
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Hamas is a terrorist organisation and must be wiped out unless they renounce violence.

Ok what should be done to Israeli Defence Force who are killing CIVILIANS ???

Five sisters killed in Gaza while they slept

Israel's target was the mosque next door. But the rocket attack claimed the lives of innocent children.

The five Palestinian sisters were fast asleep when a night-time Israeli airstrike hit the next-door mosque in Gaza. One of the walls collapsed on to their small asbestos-roofed home and they were all killed in their beds. The eldest sister, Tahrir, was 17 years old, the youngest, Jawaher, just four.

"They grow up day after day and night after night. Within a second, I have lost them," the girls' father, Anwar Balousha, said yesterday. The 37-year-old, along with another three of his children, was himself injured in the attack on the densely populated Jabalya refugee camp.

The funerals of the sisters – Tahrir, 17; Ikram, 15; Samar, 12; Dina eight; and Jawaher, four – were attended by family members and thousands of mourners. But with space running out in the cemetery, the five girls had to be buried in just three graves, one for the eldest and the others forced to share.

Mr Balousha wept down the phone, saying he felt "how a father who lost his five daughters would feel". With recorded readings from the Koran audible in the background, along with occasional explosions in the distance, he added: "It is the will of Allah. We are believers in God."

Amid the pile of rubble that was the Balousha home yesterday, three torn blankets could be seen poking out from the ruins along with a painted blue iron, a broken brown cupboard and a baby's bed.

The Israeli military said it had targeted the next-door mosque because it was a "known gathering place" of Hamas adherents. It said four gunmen were inside it at the time of the attack. The mosque was named Imad Akel after the former leader of the Hamas military wing.

As Israeli strikes continued, the uncle of the dead sisters said the family had been innocent victims. "We are not those who are firing rockets against Israel," Ibrahim Balousha said. "We are just people, human beings and not animals."

The Balousha family had moved out of their house when the Israeli bombing started on Saturday but they had decided to return "to meet their fate" in the words of the dead girls' uncle. He said that three missiles had been used in the airstrike at around 11.20pm on Sunday night and that hundreds of neighbours had arrived to help in the wake of the carnage.

After the funeral, 16-year-old Iman, who was briefly buried in the rubble of the family home but survived, described her unlucky siblings' dying moments. "I told my sisters, you will be martyrs, this is the end."

Her grieving uncle said that Hamas had taken advantage of the funeral to chant slogans including "Vengeance, Vengeance". Shouts of "Bomb Tel Aviv" were also heard. But Ibrahim Balousha said he had given the militant group short shrift. "I told them, this is a funeral and not a rally."

Times were already tough for the family of refugees even before the latest tragedy. The girls' father is unemployed for 11 months of the year, picking up work selling Ka'ak bread around Ramadan. The family depend on food rations from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency and a $40 (£27.50) monthly handout. "The story is almost the same for decades," Ibrahim Balousha said: "Intifada and miseries, poverty and catastrophes."

UNRWA spokesman Christopher Gunness said: "The killing of these young girls is another tragic illustration that this bombardment is exacting a terrible price on innocent civilians. As with the killing of UNRWA students [on Saturday] we hope there will be a thorough and impartial and transparent investigation.

"Most important of all there has to be accountability. We need to know if international law was violated and if so, by whom," he added.

The UN yesterday issued a "conservative" estimate of the number of civilians killed in three days of unprecedentedly fierce aerial bombardment, putting the death toll at 62. It is a deliberately conservative estimate because it excludes all men in the Gaza City area to ensure that it does not accidentally include uniformed personnel.

The Palestinian Centre of Human Rights said that "most" of the more than 300 casualties were civilian but their tally includes Hamas policemen. It also said some bodies had still to be identified because they were so badly disfigured and that its field officers – who aim to chart every Palestinian casualty – are facing "extreme difficulties in visiting some areas, particularly those under multiple bombardment.

The Israeli military insists that it is doing its utmost to prevent civilian casualties but repeatedly points out that Hamas regularly and "cynically and specifically" uses locations in heavily built-up areas.

So much has been said, I only have time to respond to one or two key things. First, I established elsewhere in these forums that Israel's action is quite legal. Second, although Israel is accused of violating the U.N. Charter, no one has actually cited what exactly Israel has violated. Everyone who closely reads Arab and Islamic historians and reporters should know what that means: it's a smear campaign, devoid of real content. If Israel had really violated the Charter, critics would have been able to cite exactly what part.

It's all about perception. After all, why should not the Pakistanis and Bangladeshis advocate an open alliance with Israel to defeat terrorism? It boils down not to Israel's actions - which upon examination are defensible, measured, and even just - but what, exactly?
Ok what should be done to Israeli Defence Force who are killing CIVILIANS ???

Five sisters killed in Gaza while they slept

Before asking that question please tell me what should be done to Hamas for breaking the ceasefire and firing 150 Rockets at purely civilian targets?

You can come to any concusion or love Hitler or Gandhi. It does not hurt me.
and nor will it change the following

1. Jews and Israel are here to stay and nothing can be done about that. They are capable of looking after themselves.
2. The Arab love israel more than Hamas.
3. Hamas is a terrorist organisation and must be wiped out unless they renounce violence.


1. Nobody knows IF Israel will stay or for how long, the world is so unpredictable, they might stay, they might break up, they (hopefully) can share land with the Palestinians, which belongs to the Palestinians.
And no, Israel is not capable of looking after themselves, they have survived only because of the United States of America, if it wasn't for the interference of the U.S. both militarily and politically in the region, and the worthless and powerless attitude of the U.N., Israel would've been in a different position today.

2. The Arabs have no choice, they are driven by money and fear of economic downturns with their contacts with the U.S.

3. And Israel is a terrorist state which ought to be taught a good lesson.
How can a nation dare to project its power and might on innocent civilians?
The palestinians don't have ANYTHING, they voted for Hamas, which is called DEMOCRACY, they voted for a better future and for a group that would not bow down to Israels demands, however, this current group "Hamas" is not doing the right thing by shooting rockets into southern Israel, however, Israel itself is not innocent either, they've broken the truce many times aswell with their limited attacks and raids in Gaza against Hamas.
The Palestinians are paying dearly for Hamas's mistakes and Israels hunger to literally KILL innocent Palestinians, murder them, and don't ******* tell me that Israel has been aiming for Hamas only, the Gaza strip is small about 25 miles in total?' It's a dense population, and F16s are going in and pounding the place? I saw on TV today that a man had lost his 5 DAUGHTERS, he said he had nothing now and he wanted to know WHY his daughters died?!
Tanks are about to roll in and Israeli soldiers equipped with state of the art weaponry and technology, and you're only calling Hamas a terrorist organisation?
Where are your ******* brains?

Israel is literally slaughtering the Palestinians in Gaza, it's HELL over there, haven't you seen the pictures and footages, LIVE footages e.g. on CNN, the sky keeps lightning up and one after another building is destroyed along with innocent lives, so far 350 people have died and thousands are wounded, and all this over a few rocket attacks which have killed 1 or 2 people?
Who is the ******* terrorist I ask you.
Aid will be hard to give and people will not have acces to life important goods because the allmighty Israel will have blocked all possible routes to Gaza, thus leaving the people there without nothing except to hide and fear for their goddamn lives.
Now I ask you again, what is humane? What exactly is a terrorist?
You do not know what you are talking about.

You have a selective posting ability. Please post pictures of the rocket firing and also photos where a minibus ready to fire rockets is taken out. Its on Sky News. Hamas should be condmened for bringing such misery to its innocent people.

See the example of West Bank. Three times larger than Gaza and very peacefull.


These children have been living without their own state, which has been stolen from them, they have paid the price because they're powerless to do anything.
May they rest in peace, poor children.
Ok what should be done to Israeli Defence Force who are killing CIVILIANS ???

Five sisters killed in Gaza while they slept

Before asking that question please tell me what should be done to Hamas for breaking the ceasefire and firing 150 Rockets at purely civilian targets?


and u are sayin this gives u a reason to kill anyone who lives in that territory. can u give me a number of how many civilians have been killed durin these strikes and also the number of hamas members killed??? civilian casualities are much much more than that of hamas. the whole world is biased when it comes to muslims. wat happens to ur human rights and all other songs u guys sing to developing world??
You have a selective posting ability. Please post pictures of the rocket firing and also photos where a minibus ready to fire rockets is taken out. Its on Sky News. Hamas should be condmened for bringing such misery to its innocent people.

See the example of West Bank. Three times larger than Gaza and very peacefull.


What are you blabbering about?
A picture of the rocket firing that hit the ground or damaged a house right?
Please post a picture of little Israeli children who have been killed because of these rockets, otherwise shut up.
Hamas has not brought misery to its innocent people,Israel has brough misery, Hamas should ONLY pay the price, however, Isreal has not only targeted them, but also the civilians.
Ok what should be done to Israeli Defence Force who are killing CIVILIANS ???

Five sisters killed in Gaza while they slept

Before asking that question please tell me what should be done to Hamas for breaking the ceasefire and firing 150 Rockets at purely civilian targets?


Ok,what about the living condition of these poor Palestinians??Who lost everything because of these Israelis.It was their land and these Jews drove them of their own land and are living luxurious life.
Isn't it like, you give shelter to a stranger to your home and then the stranger throws you out of your own house.And when you try to regain it peacefully,the police(USA,UK,UN) sides with the stranger.Then what you do??you try to knock him out of your house and he terms you terrorist.He force you to live in your own garage.:angry:
You told me to look at the genesis of the matter before in other post.Well,THIS IS IT.
Now you may term the owner of the house a terrorist but they are actually FREEDOM FIGHTERS.
You have a selective posting ability. Please post pictures of the rocket firing and also photos where a minibus ready to fire rockets is taken out. Its on Sky News. Hamas should be condmened for bringing such misery to its innocent people.

See the example of West Bank. Three times larger than Gaza and very peacefull.



It is from a UK source.

It is from a UK source.

Leave him leonblack, he is one of the millions that justify these acts coming from Israel, who do not care 1 sh!t about the Palestininans and only move up with their shoulders and say: "Civilian casualties will always happen in strikes as these, nothing can be done about it"

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