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Israel Bombs Gaza - Hundreds Dead

Sorry Bhai. It's wasn't ment for you. I am really pissed of at always natural. This guy making me sick........

Yes he makes people indeed very "sick" with his statements regarding the Palestinians and justifying Israels acts.
You cannot blame him as he most likely has been fed with pro western and israeli propaganda during his lifetime.
The "Nuke assesments" come from Pakistanis because they know alot of Indians want the same to happen to Pakistan, enough said.
Israel goes after Hamas and takes innocent civilians with them.
How would you know Palestinians in the West Bank have no problem with Israel?
And you still haven't answered my question regarding Hamas a terrorist state and Israel not being one.

Because Israel does not call for the liquidation of Palestine but Hamas does the opposite. Have you forgotten how many civillians and I mean Palestinians they massacred when they took over Gaza strip ? Aha selective memory. Hamas killing muslims its okay but getting killed by jews not okay inspite of them being terrorists.

Israel presses on with Gaza attacks, toll now 345 | International | Reuters

Israel presses on with Gaza attacks, toll now 345

Mon Dec 29, 2008 9:58pm EST

GAZA, Dec 30 (Reuters) - Israeli warplanes killed 10 Palestinians on Tuesday in attacks that targeted Hamas government buildings and other symbols of the Islamist group on the fourth day of the fiercest air offensive in Gaza in decades.

Israeli missiles flattened five ministerial buildings and a structure belonging to the Islamic University in Gaza City, witnesses said.

Muawiyah Hassanein, the head of Gaza City's ambulance department, said security guards and civilians were among those killed.

A Hamas sports centre and two training camps belonging to the group were also destroyed in the attacks, which plunged Gaza into a blackout as explosions echoed across the city.

Medical officials put the total Palestinian death toll at 345 and more than 800 wounded. A United Nations agency said at least 62 of the dead were civilians.

The latest attacks came hours after rockets fired by Gazan militants killed an Israeli soldier at a military base near the border with Gaza and a civilian in the city of Ashdod. The Israeli army also amassed armoured forces along the frontier.

Israeli aircraft also fired missiles at the home of a senior commander in Hamas's armed wing. He was not home. Another attack targeted offices belonging to the Popular Resistance Committees militant group.

Broadening their targets to include the Hamas government in Gaza, Israeli warplanes on Monday bombed the Interior Ministry, which supervises 13,000 members of the group's security forces. The building had been evacuated and there were no casualties.

Hamas, an Islamist movement that took over the Gaza Strip in 2007 after routing Fatah forces loyal to President Mahmoud Abbas, defied the Israeli assaults, the fiercest in the coastal territory since the 1967 Middle East war.

Rocket fire from Gaza at Israel intensified immediately after Hamas declared the end of an Egyptian-brokered, six-month-old truce on Dec. 19.

With six weeks to go to an election that polls suggest the hawkish right-wing Likud party will win, Israel's centrist government says the offensive aims to put a stop to the rockets.

Four Israelis have been killed by rockets since the offensive began four days ago, including three on Monday.

Israel declared areas around the Gaza Strip a "closed military zone", citing the risk from Palestinian rockets, and ordered out journalists observing a build-up of armoured forces.

Excluding the press could help Israel conceal preparations for a ground incursion following an air campaign that has turned buildings to rubble and left hospitals struggling to cope. (Writing by Jeffrey Heller and Joseph Nasr, Editing by Matthew Jones)
Another baseless claim, elaborate on that.
Ever heard of the Sykes Picot Agreement?


Hamas does not believe in any agreement. Please read their charter.

Baseless claims from your side will always get negated.

If you are calling Israel an "illegitimate state" you either aren't much interested in learning or don't know much at all. The modern state of Israel was promised by the British under a League of Nations mandate and the justice of its existence established by a U.N. vote, remember? If you want to know more about "stealing land" specifically, click the link.

Furthermore, if Israel is "illegitimate" what does that make Pakistan?
Because Israel does not call for the liquidation of Palestine but Hamas does the opposite. Have you forgotten how many civillians and I mean Palestinians they massacred when they took over Gaza strip ? Aha selective memory. Hamas killing muslims its okay but getting killed by jews not okay inspite of them being terrorists.


Yet they murder innocent Palestinians.
The fights between Fatah and Hamas is something between those 2, they are fightning to take over control and lead their people, the people who died in the conflicts between these 2 groups are also unfortunate and I also feel for them, I really do, however, this is right-out genocide coming from the Israelis.
It's not about killing MUSLIMS, I condemn Hamas striking innocent Israeli civilians, even though not much damage is done, however, I DISGUST these attacks coming from Israeli side in response to that, and I think you can understand why I disgust seeing the death toll and wounded aswell as the chaos right now in the region.
However, I don't think you can understand even that, since your mind is only limited to the point where you think that Muslims only become angry when only their own religious counterparts get murdered, it doesn't matter, Muslims do not justify the murder of any race, religion or kind.
Get your facts straight before you make such stupid claims.
Israel is the one making life impossible right now for the Palestinians, not the other way around.

Israel rejects truce, presses on with Gaza strikes | International | Reuters

Israel rejects truce, presses on with Gaza strikes
Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:16am EST

GAZA (Reuters) - Israel hit the Gaza Strip with more air strikes on Tuesday and said its military action could last weeks, while rockets fired by Islamist Hamas struck deep inside the Jewish state.

Both sides rejected any notion of a ceasefire soon, three days after Israeli leaders launched bombing raids with the declared aim of halting rocket salvoes from the Hamas-controlled coastal enclave.

"None of us can say how long it will take," Israeli President Shimon Peres said after being briefed at the Defence Ministry.

Defence Minister Ehud Barak said Israel, which is blockading Gaza, was gathering ground forces at the frontier and would expand its operation "as much as is necessary" to stop the rocket fire and "deal a heavy blow to Hamas."

Despite winter rain -- weather that could impede any ground incursions -- Israeli warplanes pressed on for the fourth day with attacks on Hamas targets, killing 12 Palestinians. They included sisters aged four and 11.

Hamas seized control of the Gaza Strip from Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah faction in fighting in June 2007. It has rejected international demands to recognize Israel, renounce violence and accept existing interim peace deals.

Mushir al-Masri, a Hamas official, said: "We are not begging for calm and there is no room to talk about calm amid the continued aggression and siege."

Rockets fired from the Gaza Strip struck outside the Israeli towns of Kiryat Malachi and Rahat, a bedouin community near the southern city of Beersheba, areas some 30 km (18 miles) from the territory and which had not been attacked before.

There were no reports of casualties after the salvoes, a day after three Israelis were killed by rockets.

Medical officials put Palestinian casualties since Saturday at 383 dead and more than 800 wounded. A United Nations agency said at least 62 of the dead were civilians. In all, four Israelis have been killed since the operation began.

"We are living in horror, we and our children. The situation is not just bad, it is tragic," said Gaza resident Abu Fares, standing outside his home, near the rubble of a building that was bombed and destroyed overnight.

Israeli media quoted Prime Minister Ehud Olmert as saying the Gaza operation, launched by his centrist government six weeks before a national election that opinion polls predict the right-wing Likud party will win, was in "the first of a several stages."

Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu, saying he had answered Olmert's call to "help out in Israel's PR (public relations) efforts," told Reuters the Jewish state would eventually have to remove Hamas from power in the Gaza Strip.

"Whether it can be done right now is something I don't think we should discuss here. But it should be discussed because ultimately, if we don't do it, then Hamas will rearm itself," he said.
If you are calling Israel an "illegitimate state" you either aren't much interested in learning or don't know much at all. The modern state of Israel was promised by the British under a League of Nations mandate and the justice of its existence established by a U.N. vote, remember? If you want to know more about "stealing land" specifically, click the link.

Furthermore, if Israel is "illegitimate" what does that make Pakistan?
The modern state of Israel has been created due to Jews running their lungs out from all over the world in search of a country and in fear of Hitler.
The Arabs have been sacked and lied too by the British and French, a trait shared by alot of Western countries, being twofaced and lieing their guts out.
Israel has been stealing land, occupying territory that even AFTER the "establishment of Israel" did NOT belong to them.
What does this make Pakistan? A state created without lies or secret agreements.
That way creation of India, Pakistan, Turkey and Kurds etc are all illegal.

Please read history.


Didn't the British come to our land for trade and then started ruling the Indian sub-continent???
You people really like other's land,don't you???why too cold up there??
Truces with Hamas have not served either Israelis or Arabs very well in the past, as rocket fire from Hamas and armed responses from Israelis have continued.

This conflict isn't about Israel grabbing territory (they've already said they won't re-occupy Gaza) or even necessarily forcing a "regime change". As General Sherman put it, "The legitimate object of war is a more perfect peace." Why shouldn't we all hope that Israel gets it done, this time?
I dont think you can ever find a solution to this problem, palestinians will always feel their land was invaded and Hamas who are acting in best intrests of their people will always try to win it back, Israel will feel the land is theirs and they have a right to be their. That said no attack outside of a theater of war is ever justifiable no matter what the reason, and as for so called Martyrs to die for what you believe is nobel to kill to make a point is murder!
If you are calling Israel an "illegitimate state" you either aren't much interested in learning or don't know much at all. The modern state of Israel was promised by the British under a League of Nations mandate and the justice of its existence established by a U.N. vote, remember? If you want to know more about "stealing land" specifically, click the link.

Furthermore, if Israel is "illegitimate" what does that make Pakistan?

And who are the British to promise??It should have been left on Palestinians to decide BECAUSE IT WAS THEIR LAND.THEY WERE BORN THERE.But then again,YOU people have this habit of dominating others and talk of democracy at the same time.
Truces with Hamas have not served either Israelis or Arabs very well in the past, as rocket fire from Hamas and armed responses from Israelis have continued.

This conflict isn't about Israel grabbing territory (they've already said they won't re-occupy Gaza) or even necessarily forcing a "regime change". As General Sherman put it, "The legitimate object of war is a more perfect peace." Why shouldn't we all hope that Israel gets it done, this time?

Oh yes, they're clearly getting it done this time.

Be kind, I can tell you that the western media always shows Israel as victim and AN the poor British therefore hasn't got the ability to think clearly, he is brainwashed.
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