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Israel Bombs Gaza - Hundreds Dead

You are the one whos ranting not me. I agree with Iran, Israel should be wiped off from the face of planet along with its supportes.
And the ceasefire you are soo careless harping about, correct your figures again, Israel during that ceasefire has on numerous occasions attacked Ghaza. Doesnt that include in the definition of breaking ceasefire.
The Imam of Kabah is the one and we need more of him to get the muslims out of their misery.

Please put up a neutral link.

The West Bank has mended its relations with Israel and the Palestinians there face no problem.

Hey about condemning PAF and PA for their actions against the Taliban in the same tone as the IDF. After all innocent civilllians get killed there too.


Stop posting crap, PAF and PA is acting within its territory while israel is attacking another country.
And for your kind and poor information, this is the very reason we have disputes over with the US because unlike you guys who can kill anyone and everyone who is a muslim by faith and has beard, PA differentiate between them. Also you havent answered my question Hamas was a democratically elected government, why was it not accepted then?
Please put up a neutral link.

About what that 300 people have been killed by Israel.

The West Bank has mended its relations with Israel and the Palestinians there face no problem.


Dont try to mix issues to suit your flavor, reminds me of Indians since they are of a habbit to dismantle and distort facts to suit the agenda.
Stop posting crap, PAF and PA is acting within its territory while israel is attacking another country.
And for your kind and poor information, this is the very reason we have disputes over with the US because unlike you guys who can kill anyone and everyone who is a muslim by faith and has beard, PA differentiate between them. Also you havent answered my question Hamas was a democratically elected government, why was it not accepted then?

Yes Hamas was democratically elected and so were the Fatah members. Thats why Hamas carried out a massacre of the Fatah their own fellow Palestinians.

That was okay for you. Hamas has told clearly that it will carryout rocket attacks and hence they become legitimate targets.

So I guess killing killing innocent civillians in your own country makes PA heroes and IDF when the do the same to defend their citizens it makes them villans.

About what that 300 people have been killed by Israel.

Dont try to mix issues to suit your flavor, reminds me of Indians since they are of a habbit to dismantle and distort facts to suit the agenda.

All 300 were not innocent Mother Tereza's. Please read up on who all got taken out.

Reminds of certain Pakistanis who live in a permanent state of denial.

Yes Hamas was democratically elected and so were the Fatah members. Thats why Hamas carried out a massacre of the Fatah their own fellow Palestinians.

That was okay for you. Hamas has told clearly that it will carryout rocket attacks and hence they become legitimate targets.


The dispute was started by Fatah because under the leadership of stooge Abbas they wanted to remove Hamas from the government as their masters were not happy with Hamas being into the government and so a democraticly elected government was removed by a thug. Also much before all of this US and UK had already said that they do not accept Hamas as Palestines govenment, may i ask why was that? Hamas did not come into power by force, they were elected same as tony blair in UK and Bush in USA, so why were they not accepted. You guys paved the way for violence by supporting opposite factions to create a bloody situation in Palestine which will inreturn the Israeli position, something what the CIA does best and yet they want ISI to be declared terrorist.:disagree:

So I guess killing killing innocent civillians in your own country makes PA heroes and IDF when the do the same to defend their citizens it makes them villans.

Again Crap. Dont derail the thread if you have started to run low on logic or cannot find words to back the hideous act of terrorism against humanity committed by Israel at behest of both the USA and UK.
There are hot heads on both sides but atleast they donot deny the rights of Isaraels existence. Let Hamas come to negotiating table with out the gun and I don't see why the settlements will not disappear.


Does the Israeli government accept even in principle the equally justified and legal demands of dismantling all settlements and the rights of refugees?

Why should the Palestinians accept Israels right to exist as a political entity, when the Israelis themselves refuse to accept a reversal in principle of their expansionist policies through settlements and seizure of refugee properties and a denial of their return?
The dispute was started by Fatah because under the leadership of stooge Abbas they wanted to remove Hamas from the government as their masters were not happy with Hamas being into the government and so a democraticly elected government was removed by a thug. Also much before all of this US and UK had already said that they do not accept Hamas as Palestines govenment, may i ask why was that? Hamas did not come into power by force, they were elected same as tony blair in UK and Bush in USA, so why were they not accepted. You guys paved the way for violence by supporting opposite factions to create a bloody situation in Palestine which will inreturn the Israeli position, something what the CIA does best and yet they want ISI to be declared terrorist.:disagree:

Again Crap. Dont derail the thread if you have started to run low on logic or cannot find words to back the hideous act of terrorism against humanity committed by Israel at behest of both the USA and UK.

Dear IC,

Its crap from your end now. Hamas cannot be recognised as it stated that it will not stop terrorists acts even after being elected.

Normally sensible Govts do not recognise terrorist Govts.

Does the Israeli government accept even in principle the equally justified and legal demands of dismantling all settlements and the rights of refugees?

Why should the Palestinians accept Israels right to exist as a political entity, when the Israelis themselves refuse to accept a reversal in principle of their expansionist policies through settlements and seizure of refugee properties and a denial of their return?

Fatah and the majority of Palestinians have accepted and now live in peace with Israel.

Thats how democracy works.

Fatah and the majority of Palestinians have accepted and now live in peace with Israel.

Thats how democracy works.


You haven't answered my question.

Does the Israeli government accept even in principle the equally justified and legal demands of dismantling all settlements and the rights of refugees?

Why should the Palestinians accept Israels right to exist as a political entity, when the Israelis themselves refuse to accept a reversal in principle of their expansionist policies through settlements and seizure of refugee properties and a denial of their return?
Does the Israeli government accept even in principle the equally justified and legal demands of dismantling all settlements and the rights of refugees?

Why should the Palestinians accept Israels right to exist as a political entity, when the Israelis themselves refuse to accept a reversal in principle of their expansionist policies through settlements and seizure of refugee properties and a denial of their return?

Israel has publicly stated that they are ready to withdraw settlements provided peace is guaranteed. Fatah and majority Palestinians have accepted it but not Hamas.

You haven't answered my question.

Does the Israeli government accept even in principle the equally justified and legal demands of dismantling all settlements and the rights of refugees?

Why should the Palestinians accept Israels right to exist as a political entity, when the Israelis themselves refuse to accept a reversal in principle of their expansionist policies through settlements and seizure of refugee properties and a denial of their return?

The Oslo Accords, officially called the Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements or Declaration of Principles (DOP) was a milestone in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It was the first direct, face-to-face agreement between Israel and political representatives of Palestinians. It was the first time that some Palestinian factions publicly acknowledged Israel's right to exist. It was intended to be a framework for the future relations between Israel and the anticipated Palestinian state, when all outstanding final status issues between the two states would be addressed and resolved in one agreement.

The Accords were finalized in Oslo, Norway on 20 August 1993, and subsequently officially signed at a public ceremony in Washington D.C. on 13 September 1993, with Yasser Arafat signing for the Palestine Liberation Organization and Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin signing for the State of Israel. It was witnessed by Warren Christopher for the United States and Andrei Kozyrev for Russia, in the presence of US President Bill Clinton.

The Oslo Accords were a framework for the future relations between the two parties. The Accords provided for the creation of a Palestinian Authority. The Palestinian Authority would have responsibility for the administration of the territory under its control. The Accords also called for the withdrawal of the Israel Defence Forces from parts of the Gaza Strip and West Bank.

It was anticipated that this arrangement would last for a five-year interim period during which a permanent agreement would be negotiated (beginning no later than May 1996). Permanent issues such as Jerusalem, Palestinian refugees, Israeli settlements, security and borders were deliberately left to be decided at a later stage. Interim self-government was to be granted by Israel in phases.

Support for the Accords, of the concessions made and the process were not free from criticism. The repeated public posturing of all sides has discredited the process, not to mention putting into question the possibility of achieving peace, at least in the short-term. The momentum towards peaceful relations between Israel and the Palestinians as demonstrated by the signing of the Oslo Accords has been seriously jolted by the outbreak of the Second Intifada in 2000.

Further strain was put on the process after Hamas won 2006 Palestinian elections. Although offering Israel a number of longterm ceasefires and accepting the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative, Hamas has repeatedly refused to officially recognise Israel,[1] to renounce violent resistance, or accept some agreements previously made by the Palestinian Authority, claiming it is being held to an unfair standard and points out the fact that Israel has not recognized a Palestinian state, renounced violence or lived up to all pledges it has made during previous negotiations. Hamas has always renounced the Oslo Accords.
Israel has publicly stated that they are ready to withdraw settlements provided peace is guaranteed. Fatah and majority Palestinians have accepted it but not Hamas.


They have not officially agreed to a withdrawal to the 1967 borders nor have they agreed to respect the right of refugees.

Israel essentially spurned the offers that came out of the Arab conferences that offered full recognition and acceptance of Israel by all participating Arab countries in exchange for a return to 1967 borders.
They have not officially agreed to a withdrawal to the 1967 borders nor have they agreed to respect the right of refugees.

Israel essentially spurned the offers that came out of the Arab conferences that offered full recognition and acceptance of Israel by all participating Arab countries in exchange for a return to 1967 borders.

How can they if Hamas and Hezbollah keep on firing rockets. The point that they have honored their accords with Egypt, Syria and Jordan shows that all was going well till Hamas got into the act. Why is West Bank doing ok ?

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