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Islamists protest in London against French Mali role

French action in Mali is illegal and a blatant violation of Malian sovereignty. Hollande didn't even bother, his own parliament before sending military to Mali and Spec Ops to Somalia. Lastly french forces are not operating under a UN charter.

But Mali Govt and ECOWAS, west african nation grouping are supporting the french action. They had called for France's help after all.
The people in the north have had enough under the terrorist.

French action in Mali is illegal and a blatant violation of Malian sovereignty. Hollande didn't even bother, his own parliament before sending military to Mali and Spec Ops to Somalia. Lastly french forces are not operating under a UN charter.

But Mali Govt and ECOWAS, west african nation grouping are supporting the french action. They had called for France's help after all.
The people in the north have had enough under the terrorist.
French President Francois Hollande made clear that France's aim in Mali was to support the West African troop deployment, which is also endorsed by the United Nations, the European Union and the United States.
Even Malians are supporting the French Attack against the Islaamist group. What do these clowns have a problem with that/?
Perhaps a local Imam arranged for that!! Bringing kids into protest.

They are making themselves to be looked in red.

French forces are operating without, UNO charter, without the consent of the French parliament. Its the new French prick trying to look tough. Malians, asked AU troops to be deployed not French forces.They are supporting, the french because there is no other option left for them.
France says will support Mali within U.N. resolutions | Reuters

France will support Mali's request for military assistance to help counter an offensive by Islamist rebels but strictly within the framework of U.N. Security Council resolutions, President Francois Hollande said on Friday.

France is breaking no international law and is welcomed by west African states and backed by the UN
French action in Mali is illegal and a blatant violation of Malian sovereignty. Hollande didn't even bother, his own parliament before sending military to Mali and Spec Ops to Somalia. Lastly french forces are not operating under a UN charter.


While it is too early in the morning to go hunt for links, it is all perfectly legal. The asking of Malian president for help falls perfectly under the existing UN charters.

#edit: nvm, already posted above me.

The bulk of the troops will be AU soldiers, due to arrive tommorow, on Monday.
UN, has not issued any mandate to the French forces. This, should strictly have been an African Forces operation. French didn't even get consent from their own parliament. On top of that they carried out a unilateral operation in Somalia in naked violation of its sovereignty, which was a failure but thats another story.
UN, has not issued any mandate to the French forces. This, should strictly have been an African Forces operation. French didn't even get consent from their own parliament. On top of that they carried out a unilateral operation in Somalia in naked violation of its sovereignty, which was a failure but thats another story.

Somalia is a failed state run with militias, pirates, terrorists, and god knows what else.

Atleast Mali is still a functioning government in place.
UN, has not issued any mandate to the French forces. This, should strictly have been an African Forces operation. French didn't even get consent from their own parliament. On top of that they carried out a unilateral operation in Somalia in naked violation of its sovereignty, which was a failure but thats another story.

I have not came across any news of opposition crying foul in France, it seems they are at ease hence nothing unconstitutional .
It's just bilateral deal between the two legal government of two countries ,from where does hell UN comes into it ???
Come on ...Donot blame national from all Muslim countries...These kind of protests are not in most cases by our South Asian Muslims..You can blame a lot to Arab people...But i have seen that in such kind of situations, Arab people will never come to the street demanding Sharia should be implemented.....

I have seen that UK is place where all the anti GOV people of all the nation always takes shelter in UK only...So UK is seriously messed up...All these South Asian Muslim immigrants never integrated to society rather they have tries to tries to create their own sort of belief and governace in their locality...
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