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Islamabad Marriot Terrorist Bombing

To tackle this problem following things can be checked...
1. Strong Aniti Terror Law (I suspect if there exist any?)

I wish if thse militants were afarid of Anti-Terror Laws. Laws are always there and to some extent implementaion too.

What GOP requires is a combination of force, good intelligence and to some extent negosiation with Jirga members not militants.

2. Remove radical elements from ISI to function it in better ways.. I can 100% bet on ISI they can handle it..


3. Army's Involvement is very critical to crush terror outfit along PAK-Afghan border..

Army is fully committed to deal with that. GOP needs to take a firm stand.
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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two members of the U.S. armed forces were killed in the suicide bomb attack that killed more than 50 people at the Marriott Hotel in Pakistan's capital, the Defense Department said on Sunday.

The two, assigned to the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad, died from wounds received in the Saturday bombing, the department said in a statement.

It said the names of the two were being withheld until their families were notified.

Pakistani officials said the suicide bombing bore the hallmarks of an operation by al Qaeda or an affiliate.

(Reporting by Nancy Waitz; editing by Mohammad Zargham)
Its not a blame game like u do..

Mods are not deaf and blind they can check by theirself.. if that post is really against you.. And don't cry each time for help from Mod...just GROW UP

First of all if your blams are not a blam game then come up with proofs that Pakistan army is involved in these incidents if you have any proofs.

Rest for other two lines. i press the "IGNORE" button.

Mods are here for taking care of the things and i dont want to reply to BS to stir things up and as mods has asked everyone to report for anything that we feel is against rule and they will take care of it. Its for all irrespective of nationality hence if you call it crying for mods help or whatever it doesn effect my health much.

Then tell us how r u going to fight it.. with terrorist u need to target the local supporters also.. and without any strong law you can not tackle it...

That is non of your problem how we are going to fight it nor we are bound to tell the Indians about internal matters.
Then tell us how r u going to fight it.. with terrorist u need to target the local supporters also.. and without any strong law you can not tackle it...

What you are ignoring here is the fact that this fight between PA and militants is going on in a LAWLESS territory called FATA and most of this territory has a history of being self-governed. So not anti-terror law like TADA can be implemented there.

Not all people in FATA are militants. So we have two groups. One militants and second people who believe in Jirga system or talks you can say. Jirga members don't want foreign funded militants in FATA. GOP should negotiate with these Jirga members and in fact these Jirga members have made an armed force of 20,000 men who will locally support PA to combat terrorism.
First of all if your blams are not a blam game then come up with proofs that Pakistan army is involved in these incidents if you have any proofs.
Rest for other two lines. i press the "IGNORE" button.

Check my posts first then reply to me.. BTW can you just show me where i blamed your army.. Just don't try to be smart...

Mods are here for taking care of the things and i dont want to reply to BS to stir things up and as mods has asked everyone to report for anything that we feel is against rule and they will take care of it. Its for all irrespective of nationality hence if you call it crying for mods help or whatever it doesn effect my health much.
Rules are rules and applicable for all..Don't think that they will give you any priviledge on basis of your identity..

That is non of your problem how we are going to fight it nor we are bound to tell the Indians about internal matters.
Nobdy can alone finght with this evil..
What you are ignoring here is the fact that this fight between PA and militants is going on in a LAWLESS territory called FATA and most of this territory has a history of being self-governed. So not anti-terror law like TADA can be implemented there.

Not all people in FATA are militants. So we have two groups. One militants and second people who believe in Jirga system or talks you can say. Jirga members don't want foreign funded militants in FATA. GOP should negotiate with these Jirga members and in fact these Jirga members have made an armed force of 20,000 men who will locally support PA to combat terrorism.

No comments.. I don't have any knowledge on this...

ISLAMABAD, Sept. 21 (Xinhua) -- Elders in a remote city in northwestern Pakistan Sunday vowed to resist local Taliban and decided punishment for those who give shelter to militants.

The Jirga, the council of elders, at Wari in the Dir district of North West Frontier Province agreed to counter activities of militants who are bent upon damaging public and private properties, government installations and killing of innocent people, according to the private NNI news agency.

The decisions were taken during a grand peace jirga of Sulthankhel and Payandakhel tribes attended by chieftains and a large number of local people.

The jirga came 10 days after militants kidnapped two Chinese engineers who had gone to the Dir district to repair a mobile tower.

Taliban said they are holding the Chinese engineers and will release them if their colleagues are freed.

Two militants blew themselves up in Dir after the locals foiled their attempt to seize a school.

The elders urged the people to immediately inform Jirga members about any suspicious activity in order for quick disposal of the matter. The Jirga also asked people to take close vigil on the movement of suspected persons to avoid any untoward happening in wake of deadly suicide bombing in the Pakistani capital of Islamabad.

The Jirga announced to help out the government in eliminating anti-state and unwanted elements. It was decided that a "laskhar (militia)" will be raised to make armed patrolling in restive spots to counter illegal activities besides helping law enforcing agencies in maintaining law and order in the district.

The Jirga unanimously decided to continue cooperation with the government in their efforts against militant activities and tribal "laskar" would continue to take action against perpetrators who give shelters to militants.

ISLAMABAD, Sept. 21 (Xinhua) -- Elders in a remote city in northwestern Pakistan Sunday vowed to resist local Taliban and decided punishment for those who give shelter to militants.

The Jirga, the council of elders, at Wari in the Dir district of North West Frontier Province agreed to counter activities of militants who are bent upon damaging public and private properties, government installations and killing of innocent people, according to the private NNI news agency.

The decisions were taken during a grand peace jirga of Sulthankhel and Payandakhel tribes attended by chieftains and a large number of local people.

The jirga came 10 days after militants kidnapped two Chinese engineers who had gone to the Dir district to repair a mobile tower.

Taliban said they are holding the Chinese engineers and will release them if their colleagues are freed.

Two militants blew themselves up in Dir after the locals foiled their attempt to seize a school.

The elders urged the people to immediately inform Jirga members about any suspicious activity in order for quick disposal of the matter. The Jirga also asked people to take close vigil on the movement of suspected persons to avoid any untoward happening in wake of deadly suicide bombing in the Pakistani capital of Islamabad.

The Jirga announced to help out the government in eliminating anti-state and unwanted elements. It was decided that a "laskhar (militia)" will be raised to make armed patrolling in restive spots to counter illegal activities besides helping law enforcing agencies in maintaining law and order in the district.

The Jirga unanimously decided to continue cooperation with the government in their efforts against militant activities and tribal "laskar" would continue to take action against perpetrators who give shelters to militants.

Swat people are very moderate since decades even before joining Pakistan.

Sometimes back they had killed militants as well :)

Great Pakistan Army is now doing right thing by taking locals onboard.
Inshallah Allah Karim.
india has already helped us enough thanks:angel:

:woot: Don't need to be so shy... after all we are here to help our neighbours.. else what is the benefit of being neighbour if we can not help each other in bad times..
To add to Jana's point about the support from the local people against the TTP and potential foreign militants:

Battle to be won or lost in Bajaur

By Ismail Khan

THE battle in the Bajaur Agency has not only become a tipping-point for Pakistan’s internal security, it can also have a deep impact on the country’s status as a key US ally in the war against terrorism. In the second week of August, the operation started haltingly to prevent what looked like the imminent fall of Bajaur’s regional headquarters, Khaar, to the militants.

Having suffered initial reversals, the operation is now on at full throttle. It has created a surrender-or-die situation for the militants and a now-or-never moment for the country’s security forces.

Predictably, the militants are using everything they have to hold their ground. Government and security officials say that they are baffled by the resilience and stiff resistance offered by the battle-hardened fighters, by their tactics and the sophistication of their weapons and communications systems.

“They have good weaponry and a better communication system (than ours),” said a senior official. “Even the sniper rifles they use are better than some of ours. Their tactics are mind-boggling and they have defences that would take us days to build. It does not look as though we are fighting a rag-tag militia; they are fighting like an organised force.”

More worryingly, the Bajaur battleground has attracted militants from other tribal regions and from across the border, from Afghanistan’s eastern Kunar province. It has long been known that there are foreign militants in Bajaur, but their numbers have always been thought to be small. Now, their ranks are swelling, catching by surprise many veterans in the civil-military establishment. This supply line from Kunar to Bajaur has, however, eased the pressure in Afghanistan. Western diplomatic sources acknowledge that the level of violence in Kunar has dropped appreciably since the launch of the operation in Bajaur, indicating a planning and operational linkage that overlaps the Durand Line.

Realising how crucial and critical the Bajaur operation is — and the massive impact it can have on restive neighbouring tribal regions — the army has lined up tremendous resources to make quick headway.

Concern for backlash

Government and security sources say that so far the operation is going well. However, there are concerns that rising numbers of civilian casualties in a lengthening conflict may cause public and political backlash, and undermine the national support needed to succeed in Bajaur. The Jamaat-i-Islami, for one — which has a strong political base in Bajaur and has had close ties with Gulbadin Hekmatyar’s Hizb-i-Islami (which operates in Kunar) — has already launched a campaign against the operation.

For now, government and security officials are staying put and are determined to take the battle to what they call “its logical conclusion”.

To gauge the seriousness of this operation a brigade of the Pakistan Army has, for perhaps the first time, been placed under the command of the recently-posted Inspector General of Frontier Corps, Maj-Gen Tariq Khan, to ensure the unity of command and effectiveness.

The security forces are relieved by much-needed words of praise from an otherwise sceptical and suspicious American administration regarding the action in Bajaur. On Thursday, US Defence Secretary Robert Gates told reporters in Kabul that the US was “encouraged” by the security forces’ operation in Bajaur.

At home, meanwhile, important members of the political leadership have stopped expressing misgivings about the establishment’s intentions in terms of dealing with militancy; they acknowledge that this operation is for real.

“There is a change in their approach,” said a senior politician from the NWFP. “They seem serious. As to what caused this change of mind, we really have no idea.”

One view being expressed among political circles is that the gravity of the security threat to national integrity, crucial support from the current leadership and growing public mobilisation in Buner, Dir and Bajaur have together served as a shot in the arm for the military, enabling it to decisively take on the militants.

An additional fillip has been provided by the American administration’s upping of the ante. President George W. Bush’s July authorisation to permit operations in Pakistan’s tribal areas forced the army high command to come up with a strong reaction.

More importantly, the US commando raid in Angoor Adda made the top brass reiterate the commitment that they alone will take action on Pakistani soil, and Bajaur is the litmus test of this commitment. This has helped the government ‘own’ the operation as being driven by internal security concerns and has changed the perception that action was being taken under external pressure.

More aggressive approach

Bajaur, thus, may constitute the beginning of a more aggressive approach and strategy by Pakistan’s armed forces, backed equally by the political leadership.

The success of this approach may not only initiate the unravelling of the militants’ insurgency in the tribal region — though total elimination would take much longer and would require a host of other measures such as political, administrative and economic reforms — it may also restore to the state and its security forces much-needed credibility at home and abroad.

Equally crucial, however, would be the extent of the collateral damage, for that may tip the balance either way and cause the loss of local support to the government. Tribal support, therefore, would be of critical importance. The Salarzai and Utmankhel tribes have already risen against the militants, albeit for reasons of their own. But it would be the Mamonds, which constitute a stronghold of the militants, which could really tilt the balance in the government’s favour.

Analysts say that any failure, or the abandonment of the operation midway as occurred, for a variety of reasons, in South Waziristan, Darra Adamkhel and Swat, could potentially not only undermine the gains made so far in Bajaur, but could also cast a negative spell on the ongoing operations in Swat and elsewhere.

“Needless to say, such a situation would not only embolden the militants on the one hand, on the other it would give the cynics in Washington and Kabul an excuse to point to Pakistan’s lack of ability and political will to fight this war,” commented a seasoned observer.

Clearly, therefore, the Bajaur operation is being watched closely by policy-makers in the US, and may shape that country’s strategy vis-à-vis Pakistan and the tribal areas, Bush’s July authorisation notwithstanding.

The stakes are equally high for the militants in Bajaur which, after Waziristan, is perhaps the second most significant stronghold of the militants.

Militant leader Maulvi Faqir Muhammad is the deputy to Baitullah Mehsud’s Tehreek-Taliban Pakistan, whose fighters are not only waging a war against Pakistani security forces but are also involved actively in the ‘jihad’ in Afghanistan, particularly in the bordering eastern province of Kunar. Faqir Muhammad is known to wield a lot of influence over militants operating in Swat under Maulana Fazlullah, who draws strength and support in large measure from Bajaur.

Militants in the Mohmand tribal region would also be watching the operation in neighbouring Bajaur with a great deal of anxiety, since the triumphs and losses of their comrades in arms and ideology may also decide their own fate.

Having said this, however, much would depend on the strategy the government adopts in the post-operation scenario, to consolidate its grip over Bajaur in order to prevent the resurgence of the militants, and to introduce a rehabilitation package for hundreds of thousands of Bajauris.

Officials say that a one-time package of $7.2 million is ready for such an intervention, based mostly on commitments made by international donors. But the full success of the entire operation will also be determined by how quickly, efficiently and transparently this rehabilitation process is carried out and implemented.

Victory for either side may not be soon in the coming, but one thing is certain: it may largely determine the future course of events in Pakistan.

RIP to all those who have died.. sad loss of life.. whether .. its Pakistani or Indian .. its eventually.. human blood that's get spilled.. on the road.. god knows when this is going to stop... if its Al-Qaeda... then I am not sure.. whether India has the ability to penetrate Al-Qaeda... someone has got any connection between ..last week's blast in Yemen... and this one? I am wishing Pakistani Govt. all the best on the investigation... looks like now we all are embroiled in this deadly fire ... we in India had been on the receiving end for a long long time.. we know the pain...
Thanks and apply this rule in to Delhi Blast thread also..

Please do not go about telling us how to moderate this forum. Our forum's high retention of members, even from India speaks volumes of our even handed approach. If you feel there is a prejudice against Indians, you're free to leave on your own.

The management and all senior members of this board overwhelmingly condemned the Delhi blasts, sympathized as such blasts are reminiscent of what's going on with us... But in response some members of this board have shown some really disappointing behavior, with a show of almost glee that such a large scale attack has happened on Pakistani soil.

It seems like with each blast, the terrorists have blown away our humanity as well.
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