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Islamabad Marriot Terrorist Bombing

Maybe a barrier is not enough... Maybe they should even ake a fort where no big trucks are allowed to enter... And then atleast security trained to eliminate terrorist and certainly not seaching for a single anti fire equipment

Looking at the movie I am amazed how pathetic the security is. It would have been fast killing of the driver. Pulling away of the truck. Not walking around for 4 minutes.
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Maybe a barrier is not enough... Maybe they should even ake a fort where no big trucks are allowed to enter... And then atleast security trained to eliminate terrorist and certainly not seaching for a single anti fire equipment

Sir, barrier atleast stoped the truck. It was unfortunately at the gate. I would suggest that it should have been at the main road far away from the hotel like they have for the protection of US Counslate General in Karachi.
Why wasting bandwith with these guys ike Ngold?

Agreed Sir, they are just here for the purpose of Pakistan bashing. Low mental thinking is reflected from their posts but to my amazment they are being ignored.

Simply they shouldn't be responded.
All of Lakshya's Flame bait BS has been deleted, as well as most responses to those posts, other responses have had his quoted text edited out.

3 day ban for Lakshya.

Everyone elses off topic posts have been deleted as well.

Stick to the topic everyone.
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AM, Its to early to point fingers at India, Believe me India has very less influence or contacts with Jehadi organizations, There are lots of whistle blowers who would come out and makes cash out of it.
Narayanan'd response was out of frustration as even US had agreed to India Intelligence.

Even if you believe India had a hand then why would it target hotel frequented by US and foreigners ? Just to scuttle nuke deal ? And go back to mediaval age by spoil relations with other countries ?

Sure this was well planned and coordinated attack Evidence will arise Pakistan will get support from other countries intelligences.

Once the culprits is identified please revisit your post.

I agree it is too early to point the finger, and we should wait for the GoP investigation to be over, but my points about Indian commentators and the NSA adviser arguing 'tit for tat' are valid, and they do point the finger of suspicion in India's direction.

The rest of my comments (sophisticated and well planned attack) were a jab at the Indian media and Indian commentators who were using similar reasoning to allege that Pakistan was responsible for the Embassy bombing, that too before any evidence was available.

P.S (not directed at you GP): Unless some one has any credible evidence to accuse the ISI or PA, all references, (as Lakshya and others did) will be treated as flames - trying to continue the same old ISI blame game at a moment of tragedy for Pakistan will not be looked kindly upon, and really illustrates the 'gutter mentality' of some.
Al; of Lakshya's Flame bait BS has been deleted, as well as most responses to those posts, other responses have had his quoted text edited out.

3 day ban for Lakshya.

Everyone else's off topic posts have been deleted as well.

Stick to the topic everyone.

Thanks and apply this rule in to Delhi Blast thread also..
taliban scum everytime we catch them we should execute them in public to send them a message it annoys me so much we release them all the time
taliban scum everytime we catch them we should execute them in public to send them a message it annoys me so much we release them all the time
We haven't released anyone in a while.

Pleas do not confuse the necessary, if pointless, excercise of trying 'peace deals' with this situation.

The 'peace deals' had to be attempted, by Musharraf and then by this government - there was no way around it. In fact the reason we have local support in Swat is because a documented peace deal was broken by the militants.
Sir, barrier atleast stoped the truck. It was unfortunately at the gate. I would suggest that it should have been at the main road far away from the hotel like they have for the protection of US Counslate General in Karachi.

Actualy umer the problem is barrier or no barrier once a vehilce full of explosive or man with suicide belt enters, it is very much to avoid killing as whoever tries to stop these, they suddenly explod so you have no choice.

If you have seen in FIA office Lahore building blast. The vehicle just rammed into the guard and others standing in front of the gate and it entered and blown everyone.

All we need to plug the loopholes and try to rootout the origion of these explosive transportation.

Keep an eye on high profile international offices in Islamabad as well who can be potential facilitaters of explosive transportation and provision.
All we need to plug the loopholes and try to rootout the origion of these explosive transportation.

There have been several weapons and explosives interdiction on the Afghan border - there was the truck with a ton of explosives caught by Quetta just a couple of days ago.

Reading the articles in the Western media, that highlight the weapons and drugs trade in the North of Afghanistan, I would suggest that perhaps that is the source.
There have been several weapons and explosives interdiction on the Afghan border - there was the truck with a ton of explosives caught by Quetta just a couple of days ago.

Reading the articles in the Western media, that highlight the weapons and drugs trade in the North of Afghanistan, I would suggest that perhaps that is the source.

Yes dear that is the problem on Western border it is much difficult to transport that due to strict checking on the legal entry point while transporting it via porous routes take many days and it can be intercepted and bombed. Hence they try Chaman route and due to the reason that BLA people are in government in Balochistan it is easy for them to transport that.

I tell you an insight, when the FC and army people cuaght that explosive in Quetta, army was warned by BLA governement people over that operation.
Sometime back there was an article posted here that Pakistan will buy equipment from CHina that can detect sueside belt. What happened to that? Also around sensitive installations, there should be some sort of equipment placed in distance which could detect any kind of explosive which might be passing around to hit the senstive target area. Only then can these suecide trucks could be detected and netrualized before they can ever hit the target.

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