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ISIS: "We will raise our flag in Tehran"

What a nice army :lol:.Virtually handing over all this weapons to enemy even before the fighting,at least they could be destroy all these assets before the terrorists got his hand own that assets .I think top commanders in Iraqi military may betray their own military.

It is sure these fightings will remain as stalemate just like Syria in coming years.
ISIL is not attacking Turkey. They are attacking Shia puppets and soon Iran for the massacres Iran facilitated through Assad and Malaki. Iran should have never gotten involved in these countries. Iran should follow the policy of the Swiss and be Neutral country. Supporting sectarian policy is probably going to cost you a lot.

I've always been against that war. It was a HUGE, un-nessicary mistake. I wouldn't say it was 'peaceful' there but Sadaam did keep the kooks under control.
Not only did US destabilized Iraq, you also played it in the hands of Iranian nutjobs. The sectarian agenda of Iran in the region is probably going to start regional war.
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Time for everyone to become Ibadi. :lol: The final solution. :P

@mahatir wtf you mean Pakistanized Iran?

Btw Iran does not need to worry about Afghanistan that is Pakistani turf unless they meddle there like they did before they will not be bothered.

Have all of your security forces and army focused on fighting insurgents and countering terrorism in border regions and perhaps internally.

Now most of iranian intellegence and elite forces are strained in fighting sunnis in syria and now iraq opened up it extend to their borders with afghanistan where isil elements might use it to launch terrorist attacks against iranian soldiers . Baloch separatists might start their work to .

Everything is possible today , who would have imagined 6 years ago a terrorist organisation like isil would control 5 governates in syria and iraq.
About Pakistan and Arab countries, You are right. About Indonesia/Malaysia, i don't have any idea.

Pakistan as for now does not have tensions between Shia & Sunnis. We live together...even marriage between Shia & Sunni is common all over Pakistan. I myself come from a family that have equal number of Shias & Sunnis(We being Sunnis).
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Some idiots in Middle East are direct threat to Shia Sunni unity...Pakistan must act to protect itself from this curse & if possible help Middle Eastern countries to stop this hatred...otherwise i' am afraid soon Shia & Sunni will become different religions. Look at Christianity that have several sects but they are united.

Evolution/Education/Development is the key. All these religions are the same in one way or another.
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I've always been against that war. It was a HUGE, un-nessicary mistake. I wouldn't say it was 'peaceful' there but Sadaam did keep the kooks under control.

Well only advantage extremists have started immigrating from europe to that part of the world for good .
Pakistan as for now does not have tensions between Shia & Sunnis. We live together...even marriage between Shia & Sunni is common all over Pakistan. I myself come from a family that have equal number of Shias & Sunnis(We being Sunnis).

True if Pakistani Sunnis considered Shias non Muslim they would not marry their children with shias on a normal basis. Half my family is shia as well one Uncle Zaidi others are Twelver. Lej needs to be slaughtered though.
So when will they reach Tehran? I'm so eager to be liberated by ISIL. lol

this is only propaganda for animals following them , like your mullahs when they promised to liberate jerusalem during iran/iraq wars.
Pakistan as for now does not have tensions between Shia & Sunnis. We live together...even marriage between Shia & Sunni is common all over Pakistan. I myself come from a family that have equal number of Shias & Sunnis(We being Sunnis).

Right we inter marry, their are many even in my family, husband Shia, wife Sunni and vice versa, in fact about half of my extended family is Shia, and the other half Sunni. We even have non-Muslim foreign born gals married into our family.
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Pakistan as for now does not have tensions between Shia & Sunnis. We live together...even marriage between Shia & Sunni is common all over Pakistan. I myself come from a family that have equal number of Shias & Sunnis(We being Sunnis).

Yup, but the situation is getting worse each day in your home country. I repeatedly hear the news that shia pilgrims or hazara pakistanis are slaughtered by bunch of terrorists.
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