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ISI under fire for failure to prevent Quetta bombing.

two cents here or correct me if i am wrong. dont you think intelligence agencies have their hands tied up on this? LeJ or who ever, they have had enjoyed the support of wise guys or might be benefiting now as well, have too much stuff to spill out? or more precisely, both have each other's dirty secrets? or these banned outfits have become loose canons?
two cents here or correct me if i am wrong. dont you think intelligence agencies have their hands tied up on this? LeJ or who ever, they have had enjoyed the support of wise guys or might be benefiting now as well, have too much stuff to spill out? or more precisely, both have each other's dirty secrets? or these banned outfits have become loose canons?

40,000 killed in ten years and people expect not to blame the most power agencies in Pakistan. No sane mind would fall for this.
This sunni groups are not anti state and are hence ok. They neutralize successionists. Wherever you have successionist movements you would have such groups who are looked upon favourably by the military establishment. In this case, they are mostly the local Bruhis.

It is impossible to think that these groups operate out of their own. They have friends in the establishment. Our establishments supports the Afghan taliban and does not really take action against any group associated with them as well.

The day the corps commander of Quetta decided to take them out, no one can interfere.
ISI's primary objective is to handle threats emanating from 'other' countries. It's not ISI's job to find solutions to internal problems of Pakistan, there are a plethora of other agencies tasked to that. Does CIA have active ops inside the US, does RAW? No!

In recent times ISI has become a favorite scapegoat of Pakistanis as well. Instead of blaming themselves for not standing up against hatred and cleansing themselves of bigotry, they all find it convenient to go blame the the evil ISI bogeyman.

Furthermore, @Sher Malang, you are a paid pimp of the US, it's way too obvious from your posts. It would serve you better if you go plan for your future post 2014, as I don't see you surviving the aftermath of Uncle Sam's withdrawal. No. No. India won't be coming to save your hiney when that happens.

And all people thanking this fool, get a life. Try to be reasonable, it doesn't suit your credentials to be agreeing with a bigoted-troll all the time.

ISI should windup it's fatal external activities in other countries and concentrate on it's national obligations!
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ISI is not responsible for any internal threat , when will you idiots understand ?

ISI should windup it's fatal external activities in other countries and concentrate on it's national obligations!

Its is already doing it. Assigned thousands of LeT, LeJ etc. terrorists into Baluchistan to deal with baluch separatists. Using rental Terrorists against tribal Terrorists. But It should stop Shia Killings at all and it should be an answerable and responsible institution.
LeJ and other terrorist outfits are supported from foreign powers and ISI has to failed the curb these sources.

Yes - beacause the primary source of funding for the LeJ terrorists is the Salafi establishment in Saudi Arabia. Every one know everytime Malik Ishaq makes a trip to Saudi, he comes back with lots of cash as reward for his 'good work'.
ISI's primary objective is to handle threats emanating from 'other' countries. It's not ISI's job to find solutions to internal problems of Pakistan, there are a plethora of other agencies tasked to that. Does CIA have active ops inside the US, does RAW? No!

In recent times ISI has become a favorite scapegoat of Pakistanis as well. Instead of blaming themselves for not standing up against hatred and cleansing themselves of bigotry, they all find it convenient to go blame the the evil ISI bogeyman.

Furthermore, @Sher Malang, you are a paid pimp of the US, it's way too obvious from your posts. It would serve you better if you go plan for your future post 2014, as I don't see you surviving the aftermath of Uncle Sam's withdrawal. No. No. India won't be coming to save your hiney when that happens.

And all people thanking this fool, get a life. Try to be reasonable, it doesn't suit your credentials to be agreeing with a bigoted-troll all the time.

You have been a pimp to Punjab government since 65 years no one actually counts you!

Why to have fatal objectives outside your country when the beast is living and spreading within the country? use your nut sized brain!
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Yes - beacause the primary source of funding for the LeJ terrorists is the Salafi establishment in Saudi Arabia. Every one know everytime Malik Ishaq makes a trip to Saudi, he comes back with lots of cash as reward for his 'good work'.

So how does he get that cash into the country? Are the airport/customs/FIA/other agencies sleeping?
My nut-sized-brain has more processing power than your pumpkin sized empty skull! :woot:

You have been a pimp to Punjab government since 65 years no one actually counts you!

Why to have fatal objectives outside your country when the beast is living and spreading within the country? use your nut sized brain!
They are not running after me..... however.... this is true that in the very near future I might be the one running after you in Kabul.... :woot:

Keep it safe, bombers are running all the Pakistani streets :D but hey you have already left the country :woot:
They are not running after me..... however.... this is true that in the very near future I might be the one running after you in Kabul.... :woot:

"They" are after each one of you, fortunately you escaped safely :D and sure in very near future the situation will be as bad as you could never thought of in Pakistan so you and your brethren will need space in Kabul :woot:
Seriously, didn't expect you to be that naive. How? Push of a button and a thing called swift rerouting / multi channel masking etc etc. Piece of cake! Or do it the old way, bring it by hand and give 1% (going rate in Pakistan - normal is 20 - 30% for washing) as commission. You can land a whole god damn C-130 full of cash and no one will check.

So how does he get that cash into the country? Are the airport/customs/FIA/other agencies sleeping?

Dude, Kabul also belongs to Pashtuns of Pakistan! I foresee a day, within my lifetime, when we will have an Afghanistan (read renamed Pakistani Pashtun Sooba) where only Pashtuns will thrive. We will decide later what we have to do with Amreeki *** lickers! :rofl:

"They" are after each one of you, fortunately you escaped safely :D and sure in very near future the situation will be as bad as you could never thought of in Pakistan so you and your brethren will need space in Kabul :woot:
Seriously, didn't expect you to be that naive. How? Push of a button and a thing called swift rerouting / multi channel masking etc etc. Piece of cake! Or do it the old way, bring it by hand and give 1% (going rate in Pakistan - normal is 20 - 30% for washing) as commission. You can land a whole god damn C-130 full of cash and no one will check. ................:

So if the people whose job it is to follow terror financing, manning the airport checkpoints, and check landing C-130s are so incompetent/bought/sleeping, then we are indeed in deep trouble.

We need to shape up or die out. It looks like we will die out before we shape up. Sad, sad, sad.

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