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ISI success against CIA Secret War by Zaheerul Hassan

Why do Indians get so worked up about the success of our ISI?
ISI unsuccessfully against Zardari (Kennedy styles), Haqqanis/Ijaz Memogate, Osama bin ladin**, Mehran Attack, death of Benazir Bhutto and other events in some sort of intelligence failures.

**Everyone celebrated the biggest success OBL raid in 2011 humilating Pakistan in recent New Year Eve.

And fall of the Roman Empire, holocaust, tsunami and ...... well ISI is a big failure indeed!!
No, give credit where its due. Major failures by the Army make the ISI successes look miniatue. I strongly believe had raymond davis not been released for at least a year, OBL raid wouldnt have taken place. Releasing Davis was a major blunder by the Kayani n co n punjab govn't, not ISI. Credit goes to low-mid level officiers who do the work but hardly ever make it to the top.

Can you name any other secret service in the world that has made an American Chief of Army like Gen Mike Mullen n CIA chief Panetta lose their pants before a senate hearing?

Somehow I fail to believe that the Army was not aware of OBL raid. Why are ground realities so different? We have multiple accounts of residents who all state the same thing that they were ordered indoors by their own military and to switch off lights and to stay away from windows and balcony's. And all this was to prepare for the operation so it is quite evident that Army was indeed aware of such a false flag operation.....the question is, what were they to gain from an operation that devastated our reputation.
u didn't get my point, Davis was captured after he killed two policemen, had he not done so, he wouldn't have been arrested, moreover, when pakistan knew that the guy in custody was a spy, what was the need of making his custody public, spies are caught everywhere and no one comes to know about it, so it was the failure of ISI......

OBL raid was definitely ISI failure as they couldn't find him out sitting so deep inside pakistan......

i don't about which senate hearing u are talking about kindly elaborate......

OBL raid and it's dimensions have been discussed and role of ISI in that matter have been defended publicly on other threads especially how it was ISI that provided intel to CIA about some high value target living there. Furthermore, what makes you think that the 2 civilians, not policemen, weren't ISI assets tailing Davis? I mean what kind of a secret agent would blow his cover over a mobile phone snatching?
Somehow I fail to believe that the Army was not aware of OBL raid. Why are ground realities so different? We have multiple accounts of residents who all state the same thing that they were ordered indoors by their own military and to switch off lights and to stay away from windows and balcony's. And all this was to prepare for the operation so it is quite evident that Army was indeed aware of such a false flag operation.....the question is, what were they to gain from an operation that devastated our reputation.

U answered the question yourself. They were not involved in it at all. The common notion within Pakistan army is that interior ministry with its civilian intelligence branch was involved in obl operation, that's why army wants to unearth memo gate to find out who was involved internally in obl raid. Based on memo gate, evidence point to civilian govt of Pakistan
NO credible evidence?? Is that why Lashkar e toiba was banned?? It is well known ISI sponsored organization now operating as Jamat ul dawa. How can a few 10 men leave Pakistani coast with bomb and guns so easily and any one can enter in your territory like a NATO chopper. This is NO ARGUMENT buddy!! IF ISI is not responsible what is it doing then? wearing bangles???

Is it not the responsibility of your coast guard/RAW/Navy/Military/Police etc. to defend India against intrusions? I guess we all know who really wears bangles now.....and blindfolds too! Mumbai was a false flag operation of RAW. What was ISI or Pakistan set to gain from a terrorist act? On the other hand India was all set to gain as she did. Blindfolds and Bangles!

Americans are fighting 10thousand miles away from their territory and there is little assistance provided by anyone, only dependent on Pakistan and their own technology. Try that with Indians you will be shown who outnumbers whom. Of course ISI is a good in operation with guns and bombs but really bad in securing interest. ISI duty is not just to get adored in Pakistan but also to make good strategic relations with other country which no where to be seen apart from China.

Well we tried to show you in 1999 but you started crying and ran away to uncle Sam, that wasn't too fair was it? Next time uncle Sam won't be there to save your *** & Inshallah we will finish the job!
Is it not the responsibility of your coast guard/RAW/Navy/Military/Police etc. to defend India against intrusions? I guess we all know who really wears bangles now.....and blindfolds too! Mumbai was a false flag operation of RAW. What was ISI or Pakistan set to gain from a terrorist act? On the other hand India was all set to gain as she did. Blindfolds and Bangles!

in a court of law, accused doesn't say that, since your window was open I entered your house and stole the things.
The intention is observed. To terrorise financial capital of India was the goal.

Well we tried to show you in 1999 but you started crying and ran away to uncle Sam, that wasn't too fair was it? Next time uncle Sam won't be there to save your *** & Inshallah we will finish the job!

Off topic
India went to americans ?? It was your side who tried to sought American help. India had taken Tololing, Batalik, Tiger hill point 5100 and securing drass sector from Pakistan, why would India go to Americans?? Your side was so scared that nuclear tipped missiles were thought to be forwarded. Musharraf was then in China seeking Chinese help too.
Well we tried to show you in 1999 but you started crying and ran away to uncle Sam, that wasn't too fair was it? Next time uncle Sam won't be there to save your *** & Inshallah we will finish the job!

no sir it was pak who sought help from US

Next time uncle Sam won't be there to save your *** & Inshallah we will finish the job!

Groveling wont help Growling might?
Mr. Zaheerul Hassan.

Do you know that you are violating the laws by posting classified stuff?
Do not be surprised if you land yourself in trouble by posting this online.

There is no classifies information or something special we don't know. This all stuff you can find in defence.pk various threads and newspapers. So take it easy.
in a court of law, accused doesn't say that, since your window was open I entered your house and stole the things.
The intention is observed. To terrorise financial capital of India was the goal.

In the court of law the landlord or a criminal is not accused or made the primary suspect especially when the origin of that criminal is in serious doubt. And is it not the responsibility of the dog in the yard to prevent a thief from entering or the owner to secure the windows?

Pretty lame arguments from you, actually.
In the court of law the landlord or a criminal is not accused or made the primary suspect especially when the origin of that criminal is in serious doubt. And is it not the responsibility of the dog in the yard to prevent a thief from entering or the owner to secure the windows?

Pretty lame arguments from you, actually.

Are you really serious?? SO a thief is not to be blamed because the watchdog did not prevent him from entering the house.. Does that mean, it was the Pakistani air force and not NATO who are to be blamed for the recent incident at the afpak border since Pakistani air defences could not stop the helis from entering and opening fire on Pakistani posts..

ISI has much more experience than RAW. RAW's job is just to see how many poor people are lined up at the streets of India.

---------- Post added at 09:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:59 PM ----------

Are you really serious?? SO a thief is not to be blamed because the watchdog did not prevent him from entering the house.. Does that mean, it was the Pakistani air force and not NATO who are to be blamed for the recent incident at the afpak border since Pakistani air defences could not stop the helis from entering and opening fire on Pakistani posts..


Same with 26/11, huh? Coincedence?
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