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ISI’s eavesdropping on Indian Navy in Sri Lanka rattles RAW

Good to see ISI doing what it was meant to do-
dont know what making indinas so irked up- its suppose to be natural-
:rofl: That doesn't even make any remote sense considering India sent troops to combat LTTE (IPKF) ,

In other words defeat of LTTE by Sri Lanka with help from Pakistan and China is a suceess for India with a trade-off of closer ties of Sri Lanka with Pakistan and China.

Indian writers have written books about how LTTE was raised and supported by India. Please also check up from some very famous Indian Tamil political leaders.

Baghal mein churi mun mein ram ram.

Even after withdrawal of IPKF which was openly and publicly sought by Sri Lankan President, RAW had contacts with LTTE and some reports indicated that RAW even was running some training camps in India.

Proper Human rights investigation and justice is a must if the LTTE problem has to end.

Let Sri Lankans deal with their internal problems - it is none of India's business to interfere in any other country's internal affairs.

This can't get anymore stupider than this :rofl:

Sri Lanka doesn't even view India as a military threat let alone a nuclear threat to allow placing nuclear missile pointed at India on its soil.

Sri Lanka may not, but reports of Indian ballistic missiles targeting Sri Lankan strategic targets speaks volumes about the threat India feels from Sri Lanka - or is it a coercive strategy. If it is then Sri Lanka has every right to protect itself from Indian military threat.

Besides placing nuclear missiles on Sri Lanka soil has zero benefit and is pointless as both Pakistan and China Border India.

Finally, placing additional missiles would mean to producing additional nuclear warheads and missile plus, maintenance costs of those.
Something so expensive not even wealthy nations like China will undertake. :laugh:

Of course maybe Pakistanis will eat grass if they have to to accomplish such an expensive plan :rofl:

All that is a big "IF" the day comes when Sri Lankan navy openly threatens Indian navy in the region.

Until then its all just a Zaid zombie's wet dream and Indo-phobic fantasies :lol:

Which even if possible will have limited significance with the current rate of expansion of the Indian navy.

Let China and Pakistan be worried about spending their own money wherever they want - whats your problem with it.
hey guys, my pen just gone from my desk,

i wonder the how strong ISI hands , any idea???

Indian writers have written books about how LTTE was raised and supported by India. Please also check up from some very famous Indian Tamil political leaders.

Baghal mein churi mun mein ram ram.

All of a sudden "Indian writers" become credible when you perceive they say something you wished to hear :lol:

I want concrete evidence, something like an official statement or Intelligence report.

Mu meh Allah, par aslie meh Gora ka *****!

Even after withdrawal of IPKF which was openly and publicly sought by Sri Lankan President, RAW had contacts with LTTE and some reports indicated that RAW even was running some training camps in India.

Source for those reports?

Let Sri Lankans deal with their internal problems - it is none of India's business to interfere in any other country's internal affairs.

With Lankan refugees in India, it is India's business. :)

Sri Lanka may not, but reports of Indian ballistic missiles targeting Sri Lankan strategic targets speaks volumes about the threat India feels from Sri Lanka - or is it a coercive strategy. If it is then Sri Lanka has every right to protect itself from Indian military threat.

That report was a figment of a Indophobic delusions same as those of Zaid zombie breed, with not even slightest amount of logic let alone truth in it.
Not surprising you beleive all that :laugh:

Let China and Pakistan be worried about spending their own money wherever they want - whats your problem with it.

Money spent by an nation with intentions of causing trouble to India, will be of India's concern.
Looks like it's time to send one or two of our Su-30mki's over Sri Lankan air space :D :devil:
It's worth reminding some here that Pakistan has been assisting Sri Lanka in both equipment and training for over a decade now, hence as in the past, the Indians will just have to grin and bare it.

The four Pakistan Air Force instructor pilots who were assisting in the training of SLAF students commenced their work on July 27, 2001, just two days after the attack. As they taxied out on their first mission that day, they went past three burnt out K-8 hulks. The PAF instructors had been seconded to the SLAF for 18 months, but due to an increased threat from India and the build up of their troops on Pakistan’s border the pilots were subsequently posted back to their units by mid-2002. Unfortunately, one of them, Sqn Ldr Niswan, was subsequently killed in a Mirage crash in 2003. A Pakistan flag flies along with Chinese and Sri Lankan flags outside the CO’s office as a tribute to those countries that assisted in the creation of the unit.
From the same article.

When the Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF)*tried to disarm all the various military groups*as a prelude to peace, it soon got dragged*into a battle with the LTTE. *The Indian Army*found out to its cost – around 1200 lives during*1987-1990 – just how vicious the war was. *In*one battle, the heads of Indian soldiers were*severed and stuck on poles along the road to*Jaffna. *While the Indian Air Force may have*flown around 70,000 sorties mainly with Mi-8*Hips, Mi-25 Hinds and An 32 Clines during*the 32 month period, with no losses, it is*generally agreed that Operation Pawana was*ill-conceived and that the Indian Army was*ill-prepared for such a conflict and it became*India’s own ‘Vietnam’. Once the Indians left,*the SLAF realised it would have to play a*bigger role in the fight against the LTTE, in*providing Close Air Support to the Army.*

http://www.airforce.lk/pdf/news paper/slaf/srilanka_ariforce.pdf

And just to add icing to the cake, Sri Lankan army chief was recently in Pakistan shopping for more Pakistan made products. :D



Srilankans gets training in india and still using the military equipments from india..

so u r just flattering ur self

Suggest you go through some of the posts and see how some tails are on fire.....thinking about teaching Sri Lanka a lesson is how you people flatter your self.
I agree..if indeed its true it shows the incompetence of GoI & its agencies.

Do not worry man. RAW have pretty heavy presence in Sri Lanka, we have enough cards to play there though LTTE is past for ever ---that too with our help.

Be sure that Lankans wont go to Pakistan or China....at lost they try to get some benefit from India out of it..thats all.
Suggest you go through some of the posts and see how some tails are on fire.....thinking about teaching Sri Lanka a lesson is how you people flatter your self.

Manage your tail first which in under fire and dont know for how much time it will under fire :lol:
obviously many of your posters blabbering about stocking missiles in lanka against india and u want flowers from us?

Srilankans gets training in india and still using the military equipments from india..

so u r just flattering ur self
You are sadly mistaken my dear friend. Ask the same question to the dead Tamil tigers!
Lankans must count their cards thoroughly, if they want to take anti-India posture, it might get tough for them.
Really ? Haven't you done enough in the past by starting a civil war there by arming LTTE ? :azn:

First,if india wanted it could easily back LTTE and same LTTE killed indian PM.

So , India didn't back LTTE as per you ? :azn:

I see Colombo hasn't forgotten Pakistan's massive help in defeating those scum bags called LTTE , both in military training and equipment , hence the present attitude !

About time , the Indians must understand that it is not wise to bully small countries !

Do not worry man. RAW have pretty heavy presence in Sri Lanka, we have enough cards to play there though LTTE is past for ever ---that too with our help

Yeah and still they cant do anything about ISI eavesdropping on the Indian installations ? :woot: ... What help did you provide in defeating LTTE ? :azn:
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