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Is Turkey the role model?

no i have never said that. what i tried to say is, a lot of people will not follow islam to it's true potential. and i tryed to show this with communism, because communism is also a good way to run a state on, if followed correct!

no i don't. what i said was what is he going to use as examples then... bush?

of course not, with x i meant religion and with y i meant people belonging to that religion. in this case islam! they will use bad examples of someones religion for their advantage. and thats what is used here by the west.

my point is, if you say that the islamic world doesnt follow it to it's true potential, go become a politician and win some elections and spread this to the whole world. what i said is i would rather have the ottoman empire instead of modern day turkey but it aint gonna happen, just like the muslims in kuwait and saudi will have different views of islam, and not the way you see it

Here how it should be.

Secularism is not suppose to be a savior for Muslims who are suppose to be the follower of Islam and nothing else comes before it. If Muslims say Secularism is the best solution and a role model for Muslim world because it gives worldly pleasures then People have just earned whole bunch of sins from Allah and we should fear from him. I am not saying we must live in agony to avoid Worldly Pleasures but should live a balance life. What ever is wrong according to Islam must be openly addressed and what ever is allowed should be enjoyed.
In Islam if you have nothing else to eat but food which is forbidden then it should be consumed in grief not enjoyed like in the case of Secularism.
WHAT? since when was it forbidden to eat, according to islam?

Yes if you eat food you get punishment from allah! :lol:

I mean forbidden food like Pork which is not allowed to consume in normal condition but if its a survival situation only then you can eat it.
Then why the Israeli state is stuck to zionism or its developingly good to distance state from the religion for turkey only.
Its developingly good to distance state from the religion.
Then why the Israeli state is stuck to zionism or its developingly good to distance state from the religion for turkey only.
for that we have to judge the Turkish empire in light of the passage of time. It began as just a minor Seljuk Ghazi emirate and then had it's growth period during and around time of Sulaiman the Magnificent. but almost for 200 years it went into decline. during this they tried failed miserably to embrace the modernization and technical superiority of western European nations and ultimately led itself to it's dissolution.

by the time of dissolution it has lost it's eastern European territories much before that. Greek won their independence and Balkan nations did the same in Balkan war. Arab revolted during the 1st world war and they succeeded as well.

this shows that the Ottoman rulers could not create a pan-Islamic environment throughout the empire.

Yes they could not create a pan-islamic environment but if it is created than is it ok with the remaining system of Ottoman Caliphat. And we should know that if a government is failed to follow its rules and theory it does not mean that those rules, guidelines and theory is obsolete.
Then why the Israeli state is stuck to zionism or its developingly good to distance state from the religion for turkey only.
From what I understand from 500's previous messages on this board, 500 is against religion interference in Israeli politics. Maybe he/she can clarify better.
Well Turkey is not particularly "succesful" if one counts that we have been reduced from an empire to state in WW1. Turkey is the last 20 years again in rise economically and technologically but far far away from past glories.

But if you consider that Turkey came into being almost from complete annihilation and break-up post-WWI, you can see Turkey's success. To have come into such a position, to have come so far, would have been unthinkable in post-War Europe, and even a couple of decades ago.
Yes they could not create a pan-islamic environment but if it is created than is it ok with the remaining system of Ottoman Caliphat. And we should know that if a government is failed to follow its rules and theory it does not mean that those rules, guidelines and theory is obsolete.

Exactly... the only thing that was preventing such pan islamic environment was brutality by Nationalists against the very people they claimed to represent... This wall of fear is now crumbling... The cruel regime inside Turkey shall also fall very soon along with the rest of the Arab regimes... better days are coming close...
Exactly... the only thing that was preventing such pan islamic environment was brutality by Nationalists against the very people they claimed to represent... This wall of fear is now crumbling... The cruel regime inside Turkey shall also fall very soon along with the rest of the Arab regimes... better days are coming close...
Lol'd at "cruel regime". Can't. Stop. It. Hurts.
Lol'd at "cruel regime". Can't. Stop. It. Hurts.

It is cruel for me... It jails people who talk about the Caliphate... it allows idiots to deny giving prize to a little girl who is wearing the Khimr at school... Tell you what yeah... The regime in Turkey is downright sick just like the rest of the Arab world... its a different thing Gul and Erdogan are good at making a fool out of many people in the name of Islam... such antics wont last long though...
This evil regime inside Turkey can be a role model for sick and evil people... not for decent human beings...

We wont be listening to Adnan the Hodja I guess for telling us how Turkey is in the leadership role for Muslims... not yet they are not
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It is cruel for me... It jails people who talk about the Caliphate... it allows idiots to deny giving prize to a little girl who is wearing the Khimr at school... Tell you what yeah... The regime in Turkey is downright sick just like the rest of the Arab world... its a different thing Gul and Erdogan are good at making a fool out of many people in the name of Islam... such antics wont last long though...
You know so little, yet you write a lot about Turkey and its politics. Interestingly enough, those who you claim to use Islam and so many others in Turkey who identify themselves with Kemalist ideology may agree with you, still tries to join EU for the sake of its democratic and humanistic approaches to individuals. Now, if you think Caliphate is the best way to govern people, fine, you can want all you want, for your country. I don't go on to preach you about how Pakistan should be governed or how it shouldn't. You probably know better than I do. But lets be clear about one universal right; if you don't put prosperity and freedom of individual, that system is on the brink of failure.

Turkey is pregnant to all those individualistic approaches to its civilians. Denial of the past is not very useful and not logical. But, you can't judge a country by mistakes of its past actions.

Also, Adnan Hoca is a crook, nothing more.
Forget the qasim guy. If you read his posts, you can see a pattern. All he does is keep talking about the end of every other idealogy and creation of an islamic world. Its weird, every topic somehow ends up with the ressurection of the caliphate with this guy.

On topic- i think turkey is a great role model. The secular form of governence ensures sanity prevails while protecting the sanctity of islam and other faiths.
Exactly... the only thing that was preventing such pan ............blah blah blah...............etc etc etc............ The cruel regime inside Turkey shall also fall very soon along with the rest of the Arab regimes... better days are coming close...

Oooooooh......the winds of "change".......

Bite me.

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