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Is there really a Saudi – Turkish divide?

There isn't much think changed on the view of people againts Arabs, at least my experience is in that way(that dislike is not just about history btw, but the general behaviour of the Arabs)
Welcome to Aselsan ME institute conference. New High tech Jordan KADDB -Turkey Aselsan joint venture !!!

The good news is that the TURKS who love AL-ISLAM and want Muslims united are the ones in POWER right now and that is what counts.

Muslims will never be united, everybody working for their own interests.

I'm actually a moderate person tolerate everybody as much as I can, but I hate kind of posts about sharia, muslim unity, inshallah, mashallah etc. may be its a result of eye witnessing the irritating actions of radical muslims constantly, sorry for that.
There isn't much think changed on the view of people againts Arabs, at least my experience is in that way(that dislike is not just about history btw, but the general behaviour of the Arabs)

Well, the ones who love Arabs are welcome, but those who don't to hell man with their love, who cares anyway, look at Erdogan who has been trying to get Arab respect and trust. As for us, I noticed most Arabs love Turkey very much, and look at them as brothers. As for Arab betrayal, I prefer not to discuss this here, just forget it plz because both of us see it from very different corners. Don't ever expect from us to beg others for anything, it's you first who is keen to have improve our relations not us man.
Personally i don't hate Arabs, however i do hate Turks who are confusing Arab culture with the religion of Islam thus they accept Arab culture as a holy one as a whole and dispising own culture because it suppose to be cursed and sinful.
Muslims will never be united, everybody working for their own interests.

I'm actually a moderate person tolerate everybody as much as I can, but I hate kind of posts about sharia, muslim unity, inshallah, mashallah etc. may be its a result of eye witnessing the irritating actions of radical muslims constantly, sorry for that.

I understand what you are saying but you must understand that the kind of Muslim unity I am talking about is not the unity with the Ignorant ( JAAHIL ) Taliban. The kind of Muslims I speak of are highly educated Doctors, Engineers and scientist type Muslims who are Islamic moderates but whose Identity remains Islamic. I teach at a university in New York and I am not an Islamic radical or extremist. I am a moderate and my self identity remains that of a Muslim.

Question is who do you identify with. There are Turks who think they are Europeans and the Europeans laugh at them. This is the main reason why Europe never allowed Turkey to be part of European Union after 40 years of attempts by Turkey. Today Turkey's Economy is better than European countries, thanks to the ISLAMIST AKP party of Turkey.

So make your choice who you want to be ?
Economy is not better because of islamist policy of Akp, actually their islamist policy gradually makes that place worse, we are talking about a bunch of people that openly discriminates Atheists and Alevis and thinks its normal.

Question is who do you identify with. There are Turks who think they are Europeans and the Europeans laugh at them. This is the main reason why Europe never allowed Turkey to be part of European Union after 40 years of attempts by Turkey. Today Turkey's Economy is better than European countries, thanks to the ISLAMIST AKP party of Turkey.

So make your choice who you want to be ?

i've never met any Turk in my life who sees himself as European instead of Turk.. only heard this for several times from some Pakistanis in this forum, really such Turks does not exist. :lol:
Economy is not better because of islamist policy of Akp, actually their islamist policy gradually makes that place worse, we are talking about a bunch of people that openly discriminates Atheists and Alevis and thinks its normal.

Some Turks with this type of mentality truelly make me sick. Ofcourse its because AKP we have an outstanding economie, No co-instedence that after decades of Poverty and Crappy Economie, Wealth and Booming Economie occured just when the AKP is in power. Dont fool yourself with these nonsense honestly...

i've never met any Turk in my life who sees himself as European instead of Turk.. only heard this for several times from some Pakistanis in this forum, really such Turks does not exist. :lol:

This is very common that only Pakistan talks about Muslim ummah vigorously and identifies themselves due to choice of their own...In my interaction with several developed modern nationality like Indonesia, Malaysia,Turkey,Iran and SA...They consider their identity through their nationality and then talk about their religious nationalism....and that to in the social and cultural context....
Personally i don't hate Arabs, however i do hate Turks who are confusing Arab culture with the religion of Islam thus they accept Arab culture as a holy one as a whole and dispising own culture because it suppose to be cursed and sinful.

Turkey has its own distinct culture, traditions, heritage, and identity all together, unique and different from all of the other nations surrounding it. I have never met a Turk who wants to become European. The only reason i believe that Turkey would aspire to become a part of the E.U. would be for economic reasons, but Turkey no longer needs E.U. membership since it is doing very well on its own.

From my personal interaction with Turks i can say that they are very Patriotic and Nationalistic people who take pride in their own distinct and unique identity, and it is this spirit which has driven them to become a very successful, prosperous and stable nation.
Some Turks with this type of mentality truelly make me sick. Ofcourse its because AKP we have an outstanding economie, No co-instedence that after decades of Poverty and Crappy Economie, Wealth and Booming Economie occured just when the AKP is in power. Dont fool yourself with these nonsense honestly...

You don't have to accept it just respect it.. Freedom of speech don't start to act like some Tyrants you know?
Well..All in all...Turkey-Turkish People and GCC-Arab bros/sisters are doing so well now..We have good relations in EVERY ASPECT and we have full co-operation..Thats THE important thing..Haters can suck popsicle made of tainted milk
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