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Is the India growth story over?

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Look around a bit?
Pakistan:Lets not discuss..the Pakistani growth story never started!
China's growth model can't last | The Columbia Daily Tribune - Columbia, Missouri
Mitt Romney warns China economy could falter 'at any point' - Economic Times
gulfnews : China
China's economy faltering
Superkaif,you should have focussed on China too..after all you read news so often!You missed this?
Btw,it was not to bash China,it is the scenario all over the world,US improved for 2 months and is now down again,look at europe!..
I hope you get off your high horse soon!
what latest polls ? thats only in two states and in those two states regional parties are ruling from last 30 years.

India's nation-wide opinion polls. From this thread:


For the BJP, the dip of 8% in the Congress vote share is not a complete gain. The BJP is gaining only a marginal 1%. The remaining 7% dip in Congress vote share among these respondents is a gain for regional parties that tends to confirm the view that these parties will be crucial in the formation of the next government.
As long as CONgress stays in power India will NEVER develop, farmers will contine to commit suicide, lakhs will continue to die of hunger, billions (that could transform India) will continue to be looted!

I have said this before, there is only one thing left to do > change India's name to LOOTISTAN, cos for centuries now India has only served one purpose to be looted.

JAI CONgress
No country's growth story is over. America is the biggest economy and it still manages to grow at 2-3% rate. Developing countries still have lots to catch up on so no growth story will be over till there is balance in world power order.

I wouldn't say India's growth story is over, but it's definitely not all that what some Indian posters on here claim. India would have to say good bye to their 2010s 'double digit' growth dream for upcoming 2-3 years.

I agree with your comment ....

All Indian knows that we are in trouble right now........ only we are saying...it is not for long term and our govt has to do something for it......
regional parties only able to form government in only two states rest is all bjp and congress..

The point is that neither Congress or BJP can get a majority on their own, because the regional parties are so strong. Which means that another "coalition government" will surely form after 2014.

Strong regional parties, with players like Mamata, leads to policy paralysis. They've already been blocking all the reforms.
The point is that neither Congress or BJP can get a majority on their own, because the regional parties are so strong. Which means that another "coalition government" will surely form after 2014.

Strong regional parties, with players like Mamata, leads to policy paralysis. They've already been blocking all the reforms.

coalition government is from 1991, as per your theory we should have not developed....
Regional Parties are more worried about petrol price and inflation...they dont interfere in most of the economic policies etc...
The point is that neither Congress or BJP can get a majority on their own, because the regional parties are so strong. Which means that another "coalition government" will surely form after 2014.

Strong regional parties, with players like Mamata, leads to policy paralysis. They've already been blocking all the reforms.

yes thr will be another coalition govt. in 2014... but thr is also a workaround for that .. if a capable leader some into power...
Indian states will likely to be given more rights who wants to go for liberalization or be in the same state of socialistic environment ... i can see. states like Bengal .. UP pulling thr feet away but ... other states ... rich states of north .. and west and south ... going for all in ...
policy paralysis can be worked around .. but it depends on the center .. in case of Modi even Bengal and UP will get the liberalization pushed into thr throat and in case of softer center /// we can always see states becoming more independent on economic decisions...
Regional Parties are more worried about petrol price and inflation...they dont interfere in most of the economic policies etc...

Is that why even a mid-level regional politician like Mamata, was able to shut down nation-wide economic reforms like retail FDI?
coalition government is from 1991, as per your theory we should have not developed....
Regional Parties are more worried about petrol price and inflation...they dont interfere in most of the economic policies etc...

That is not correct Trinamool and NCP have stopped congress for taking any decision, but MMS did not had courage to call the bluff.
Don't worry, we got 3 trillion reserve to tide us over.. India got what? :lol:

3 trillion reserves put into unproductive economic activities like china does and doing ... can pull 9 trillion $ from your gdp when these unproductive stimulus produces no revenues .. so better luck on that ...
putting 3 trillion also means lots of work available ... more choice for workers ... manufacturing jobs will be the last jobs ppl will prefer seeing chinese manufacturing work ethos ... so manufacturing moving elsewhere ... good luck with that ...
how longer chinese can fly with stimulus is to be seen ... a decade or more after that what ???
Is that why even a mid-level regional politician like Mamata, was able to shut down nation-wide economic reforms like retail FDI?

It was not Mamta alone...everybody except Congress was against it including BJP.....Alone Mamata is nothing
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