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Is possible army rule good or bad for Bangladesh?

1. Military's involvement in politics ruins this institution. But BD's situation is such that the military may find it difficult not to intervene to save the country from Indian aggression from within.

2. The best option for all S Asian countries is for the arrival of revolutionary regimes to take over, scrap all British colonial laws and systems and adopt laws emanating from own heritage, culture and history.
I believe there's a revolution in the making. We might see the full wrath of it within a few months. The rawami thugs are convinced that their shahbagi drama is a revolution but they will be totally blown away by the real revolution. Of course, india might send its forces to save its puppies but that will only make things worse for the indian puppies.
Unlike political parties the military doesn't have a manifesto. It doesn't have a well-defined ideology to secure allegiance of a group of people who can act as a support base. A political party has followers in different professional groups. Members of a political party know each other and can work as a group unlike the silent supporters of a military govt and can educate people about policies taken by the political government. When needed they can come out in the street in their support.

Political parties don't co-operate with a military govt. Failing to convince and organize people military government makes harmful alliances which further adds to their rejection by people.
Its weird, there are many Sylheti in PDF.

(te ami kita kortam re bhai) So?

1. Military's involvement in politics ruins this institution. But BD's situation is such that the military may find it difficult not to intervene to save the country from Indian aggression from within.

2. The best option for all S Asian countries is for the arrival of revolutionary regimes to take over, scrap all British colonial laws and systems and adopt laws emanating from own heritage, culture and history.

So, you want to see Islamic Republic of Bangladesh?
Revolution is impossible in Bangladesh.

1 . geography. unlike syria, we are far away from brotherly countries.

2. we are all under govt. control.for example: a student from dhaka university cant do a sh*t because he is monitored by chatraleague. arab countries didnt have this situation.

3. Arabs can get motivation from Islam to fight against tyranny. most of the revolution in arab world were inspired by the slogun Allahu Akbar. but for us i.slam is just friday and eid ritual.
Revolution is impossible in Bangladesh.

1 . geography. unlike syria, we are far away from brotherly countries.

2. we are all under govt. control.for example: a student from dhaka university cant do a sh*t because he is monitored by chatraleague. arab countries didnt have this situation.

3. Arabs can get motivation from Islam to fight against tyranny. most of the revolution in arab world were inspired by the slogun Allahu Akbar. but for us i.slam is just friday and eid ritual.

Revolution takes place in an adverse situation where peoples are deprived of basic rights, it doesn't follow any specific law to develop. Many revolutions at many places developed based on different situations. If people are losing their very basic rights, there could be a revolution. Why British people would stage revolution against the govt. when they are not deprived from any rights?

We, the Bangladeshi needn't learn revolution from Arab, they can learn it from us. We've been protesting on streets since long ago right after British occupied us. Arabian including the Maghreb people are naive to us.
Revolution takes place in an adverse situation where peoples are deprived of basic rights, it doesn't follow any specific law to develop. Many revolutions at many places developed based on different situations. If people are losing their very basic rights, there could be a revolution. Why British people would stage revolution against the govt. when they are not deprived from any rights?

We, the Bangladeshi needn't learn revolution from Arab, they can learn it from us. We've been protesting on streets since long ago right after British occupied us. Arabian including the Maghreb people are naive to us.

Well, parts of post-revolution Egypt are in total anarchy!

I agree though, this government's rule reminds me of the ways of the Pakistan-era!
I believe there's a revolution in the making. We might see the full wrath of it within a few months. The rawami thugs are convinced that their shahbagi drama is a revolution but they will be totally blown away by the real revolution. Of course, india might send its forces to save its puppies but that will only make things worse for the indian puppies.

dammn why u draging india too this thread :disagree:
Well, parts of post-revolution Egypt are in total anarchy!

I agree though, this government's rule reminds me of the ways of the Pakistan-era!

the fight in egypt is islamist + conservatives ( with huge support in rural egypt ) vs seculars who hate political islam ( bloggers, their followers, urban university areas are their stronghold strengthened by copt christians who are extremely anti islamists )

seems familiar?
People are forgetting that BD is a democracy so there is an outlet every five years to change the government.
Well, parts of post-revolution Egypt are in total anarchy!

I agree though, this government's rule reminds me of the ways of the Pakistan-era!

Actually whole post-revolution Arab and Maghreb zones are or will be in anarchy. Gaddafi was bad guy but his established system was one of the best, keeping that system intact will be harder for them. As revolution doesn't take place on a planned way and there are foreign hands almost in every case, it's harder to control post-revolution situation. Foreign hands come with their own interests. Hope, with time everything will settle in.

From 1947 to pre-25th March, 1971 we lost hardly 50-60 people protesting against the govt. Now it's your decision how current govt. rule is killing 60 people in a single day.
the fight in egypt is islamist + conservatives ( with huge support in rural egypt ) vs seculars who hate political islam ( bloggers, their followers, urban university areas are their stronghold strengthened by copt christians who are extremely anti islamists )

seems familiar?

I don't mean that bro. I mean there is actually anarchy in parts of that country!

Look here:
Lynch mob kills man in Egypt's Nile Delta - Politics - Egypt - Ahram Online

My point being that after revolution, and the scoundrels gone, someone MUST take that crown to ensure control and order over the nation.

We mustn't fall into the same hole as Egypt, and our economy being run over by an M1 Abrams tank!

From 1947 to pre-25th March, 1971 we lost hardly 50-60 people protesting against the govt. Now it's your decision how current govt. rule is killing 60 people in a single day.

It's much more than that during the Pakistan-era. What's ironic is that we are seeing the exact same process right now!

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