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Is Pakistan next after Iran ?

Iran is just a bogyman being used to scare the Arabs, one just have to look deep and see that the americans and iranains are basically on the same page when it comes to the chaos in the Muslims world.


Is this comedy central?
It is a possiblity that in future israel and USA will threaten nuclear strikes on Pakistan ,if Taliban seizes power in Pakistan. Looking the condition that pakistan is in,taliban can seize power or at least some nuclear weapons.In such scenario ,USA will threaten attack on Pakistan if pakistan does not disarm.

Likely the future is lose lose for pakistan.

If that happens, Pakistan will threaten to Nuke India & Israel an whatever bases the US has within its range.
Pakistan will strike hard and destroy israel .But in turn ,israel will activate the samson option and decimate pakistani and arab ummah and destroy mecca and medina in the process.

Be careful what you wish for.

Surah Al-Fil

  1. 'O beloved! Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with the men of the Elephant?
  2. Did He not cause their device to be ruined.
  3. And He sent against them flocks of birds.
  4. Striking them against stones of baked clay.
  5. And thus made them like broken straw eaten up.
Just read above the lines carefully, if you don't have any clue, read its historical context also. And think twice before before you bark on this forum.
Well you can but then pakistan will be invaded and dismembered or turned into a glass sheet for sure.

That will be the final move by Pakistan anyway, that will only happen once we have accepted our fate. Kind of like a suicide mission :). However, the very viable threat will work wonders, as can be expected.
  1. 'O beloved! Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with the men of the Elephant?
  2. Did He not cause their device to be ruined.
  3. And He sent against them flocks of birds.
  4. Striking them against stones of baked clay.
  5. And thus made them like broken straw eaten up.

Surah Al-Fil

  1. 'O beloved! Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with the men of the Elephant?
  2. Did He not cause their device to be ruined.
  3. And He sent against them flocks of birds.
  4. Striking them against stones of baked clay.
  5. And thus made them like broken straw eaten up.
Just read above the lines carefully, if you don't have any clue, read its historical context also. And think twice before before you bark on this forum.

Is this your answer. Muhammed also prophecized that ummah will exist for 1400-1500 years and after that it will be destroyed.
Then USA will surely nuke mecca and medina in response. Then where will muslims go for hajj?

Well, we don't care about the defence of Mecca, according to our belief it is the house of God and God Himself will protect it......like He did with the aba beels, but what would you know!
That will be the final move by Pakistan anyway, that will only happen once we have accepted our fate. Kind of like a suicide mission :). However, the very viable threat will work wonders, as can be expected.
Well, we don't care about the defence of Mecca, according to our belief it is the house of God and God Himself will protect it......like He did with the aba beels, but what would you know!

The Qarmaṭians instigated what one scholar termed a "century of terrorism" in Kufa.[3] They considered the pilgrimage to Mecca a superstition and once in control of the Bahraini state they launched raids along the pilgrim routes crossing Arabia: in 906 they ambushed the pilgrim caravan returning from Mecca and massacred 20,000 pilgrims.[4] Under Abu Tahir Al-Jannabi (ruled 923–944) the Qarmaṭians came close to raiding Baghdad in 927 and sacked Mecca and Medina in 930. The assault on Islam's holiest sites saw the Qarmatians desecrate the Well of Zamzam with corpses of Hajj pilgrims and take the Black Stonefrom Mecca to Al-Hasa.[5][6] Holding the Black Stone to ransom they forced the Abbasids to pay a huge sum for its return in 952


Then how did qarmatians take the black stone of mecca with themselves?
Nothing wrong,


Pakistan is a counter force for India, and India is a counter force for china.

But the way China is challenging India, Japan, Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan etc. on territorial matters it is quite evident that China is stronger then the world imagines and that China believe that it can take on these multiple irritants simultaneously.
1. Taliban cannot seize power in Islamabad, they tried but they were sent back towards there caves after they were thoroughly beate into the tribal areas, due to which they are using shameful terror tactics.

2. You need to learn a lot about the security of our nuclear weapons, before foolishly undermining the safety of our assets. Just read the below link
Pakistan's Nuclear Weapons: Safety and Security

3. About the last couple of sentences of yours.......... i just don't wanna reply to them...

Taliban may not but Taliban Khan can. He along with his beloved bigot Munawwar Hassan cried his heart out at the killing of Haqqani group Afghan foreigners but not even a word at the murder of innocent Pakistanis in Ancholi which TTP has boldly claimed.

Similar to their ideological JI allies; PTI has turned into a Fundoo extremist loving party.
The Qarmaṭians instigated what one scholar termed a "century of terrorism" in Kufa.[3] They considered the pilgrimage to Mecca a superstition and once in control of the Bahraini state they launched raids along the pilgrim routes crossing Arabia: in 906 they ambushed the pilgrim caravan returning from Mecca and massacred 20,000 pilgrims.[4] Under Abu Tahir Al-Jannabi (ruled 923–944) the Qarmaṭians came close to raiding Baghdad in 927 and sacked Mecca and Medina in 930. The assault on Islam's holiest sites saw the Qarmatians desecrate the Well of Zamzam with corpses of Hajj pilgrims and take the Black Stonefrom Mecca to Al-Hasa.[5][6] Holding the Black Stone to ransom they forced the Abbasids to pay a huge sum for its return in 952


Then how did qarmatians take the black stone of mecca with themselves?

Where are they now, the stone was returned. And above all also do post that what was the end of the man who ordered this raid, how did he die.
The Qarmaṭians instigated what one scholar termed a "century of terrorism" in Kufa.[3] They considered the pilgrimage to Mecca a superstition and once in control of the Bahraini state they launched raids along the pilgrim routes crossing Arabia: in 906 they ambushed the pilgrim caravan returning from Mecca and massacred 20,000 pilgrims.[4] Under Abu Tahir Al-Jannabi (ruled 923–944) the Qarmaṭians came close to raiding Baghdad in 927 and sacked Mecca and Medina in 930. The assault on Islam's holiest sites saw the Qarmatians desecrate the Well of Zamzam with corpses of Hajj pilgrims and take the Black Stonefrom Mecca to Al-Hasa.[5][6] Holding the Black Stone to ransom they forced the Abbasids to pay a huge sum for its return in 952


Then how did qarmatians take the black stone of mecca with themselves?

I don't know how accurate that is, however, did any one of them intend to destroy Kaaba or Mecca?

Pakistan will strike hard and destroy israel .But in turn ,israel will activate the samson option and decimate pakistani and arab ummah and destroy mecca and medina in the process.

Be careful what you wish for.

You, most likely, have this notion of Israel as some invincible super power because it took on rag tag Arabs (extremely poorly trained with no will to fight) and defeated them. You most likely forgot the simple example of 'otherwise' which is quite evident. PAF pilots who volunteered to fight against Israel always came out victors because they had the will to fight and the training to do it.

Against any competent Army, Israel would be crushed. Not that I doubt their ability, but it is because they is so little of them.
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Is this your answer. Muhammed also prophecized that ummah will exist for 1400-1500 years and after that it will be destroyed.

WTF dude, make things up is not cool!

Islam is here to stay till the end of time, and there is an end to this world.

Taliban may not but Taliban Khan can. He along with his beloved bigot Munawwar Hassan cried his heart out at the killing of Haqqani group Afghan foreigners but not even a word at the murder of innocent Pakistanis in Ancholi which TTP has boldly claimed.

Similar to their ideological JI allies; PTI has turned into a Fundoo extremist loving party.

I wonder why PTI supporters cannot see that.
But the way China is challenging India, Japan, Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan etc. on territorial matters it is quite evident that China is stronger then the world imagines and that China believe that it can take on these multiple irritants simultaneously.

Hitler also thought that and we know what happened to him and Germany.

For West, Asia's rise must be constrained and China as a bully is aiding to this cause. Chinese behavior in SCS and with other neighboring countries is nothing short of madness.
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