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Is Pakistan next after Iran ?

US don't have to send their forces or use its nukes.

All they have to do is impose sanctions. With Pakistan's economy in shambles, Pakistan will collapse under its own weight unless it gives up its support to Taliban.

Look what they did in case of Iran with economic sanction. Iran survived because it has oil which Pakistan doesn't. Nor does Iran suffered from so much internal conflicts.

As they say, Being enemy of US is better than being its Friend.
People should realised that Pakistan and Iran are different ball game .
one is Nuclear power with hundreds of Bombs and delivery system.
Iran is in just a country that sign NTP and in research stage .
No sane person or country wants nuclear power country enemy and that also with big say in islamic country by putting ecomonic sanction and isolating this country can become a nuclear weapon supermarket with no influence of any super power .
thats lost lost to every body.
Western provide aid to pakistan is just to influence their decision and not for helping pakistan.
they are just saving their A$$e$:agree:
I get four tiny pieces of onions with Biryani's, thalli's and other side dishes - gone are the days when salads and onion cuchumbers were free.

Wow, never happened in my lifetime - guess you are talking of the good old days about half a century back ;)

Oh yeah; the days of Antiquity.
In prehistoric times, Lol.
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